TOPIC—Calling of the first disciples
Matt 4: 12-23 & Isaiah 9:1-4
STARTER (In pairs) Describe something you did on impulse recently. How did you feel about it afterwards?
PERSONAL FOCUS(Personal reflection on the passages / commentary & questions)
COMMENTARY ‘After John had been arrested….Jesus went to Galilee….Jesus began to preach (vv. 12-17). John’s arrest as a subversive is followed by Jesus demonstrating his solidarity and identity with him, by taking up his message. The assault on the old order has begun: ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near’, declares Jesus. The strategy opens by forming a discipleship small community; their distinctive task is to be ‘fishers of men’ (v.19). In the O.T. ‘hooking fish’ is a phrase used by the prophets to imply judgement on the rich and powerful (Amos 4:2; Ezekiel 29:4). The fishermen are to join in the struggle against the powerful and privileged who oppress the poor and the weak.
Most fishermen were small, independent, often family businessmen who could afford ‘hired men’ (Mark 1:20), to whom they could leave the work. The fishermen who ‘leave their nets and follow’ are also offered an invitation to repentance. Jesus challenges them to make a break with the social and economic security for a few, for the sake of all. To follow Jesus, then, is to break with ‘business as usual’ and grasp the opportunity to become disciples, learning to build a new social order. (Peter Price. Seeds of the Word)
(Initially just reflect on the question that chooses you. It may help to clarify your thinking to make notes in the spaces provided. This will also give you material to reflect on in the future)
- Which verse in these readings speaks to you? What is God saying to you?
- What clear, specific goals do you have that give direction to your life? What kind of things have you found help you to achieve your goals in life?
- Have you ever settled for less in your life only to find out that what you settled for wasn’t good enough?
- In what ways is your life conditioned by the society we live in? Are there any changes you need to make in you life?
PERSONAL FOCUS QUESTIONS Share your reflections in triplets /pray for each other)
LIFE FOCUS (Discuss in whole group)
1. What implications do these passages have for the work of your church?
2. What practical outcome is there from our reflection? Do we need to make any plans to make things happen?
GROUP MEMORY TIME Review the actions you agreed to carry out at previous meetings
PRAYER TIME A time of intercession for God’s kingdom to come and of dedication to work for it.
Matt 4 b A 2017For Sunday 22nd Jan 2017P.S.Ede