Topic: Time (week2) Area of Development: Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Pre Nursery)
Objective / Methodology / Time70 min / Assessment / Resources
By the end of the lesson students will have:
identified the names of 4 seasons and associateddifferent things they observe duringeach season.
- Spring
- Autumn
- Autumn
- Spring
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
There are seasons, four in all
Weather changes, sun and rain and snow
Leaves fall down and flowers grow
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
There are seasons, four in all
Look outside and you will see
Just what season it will be!
-Judy Hall
- Encourage the children to talk about different things they see and feel during different seasons, like flowers and butterflies in thespring, sweaters and caps in thewinter, apples and brown leaves in the autumn etc.
- The teacher will play the sounds heard in four seasons and encourage them to predict the name of the season.
- Discussion based on the different sounds.
Drop some dead leaves and let the children explore their textures and colours. Discuss “why are they that way?”
Now show them some flowers and new leaves. Let them feel it and notice the difference. Encourage them to relate the season through season poster.
Follow up Activity:
Focus activity: Children will be given the choice to make the tree a spring or an autumn one. They will choose which colour leaves they have to paste on the tree to make it their season tree.
Activity 2: Have pots with barren twigs in them. Place cutouts of different things found in different seasons. Children can differentiate the material to make the season tree.
Activity 3: Place head bands and clothes related to different seasons in the home corner for children to choose a season and dress accordingly.
Children will be allowed to play in different learning areas and with different materials related to the theme under the supervision of the Teacher’s Aide.
Wrap Up:
Make the children sit and observe each other’s work. Do all the trees look the same? Why do you think trees turn brown and lose their leaves?Let the students make their own predictions and then explain to them how the seasons begin to change the appearance of a tree. Then let them illustrate what you have just explained in their book. / 10min
10min / Children will be assessed on their ability to:
Identify the names of the 4 seasons and associate the things with the seasons
- Spring
- Autumn
Observe the difference in the colour of the leaves and determine the reason for the change in colour of the leaves of seasons
- Autumn
- Spring
Real leaves
Season headbands
Evaluation of students learning
What did they learn?
What did they actually do?
What were they unable to understand? / Evaluation of the teaching
How the lesson went and what would you do differently?