Adding Time Entry Groups
Module: Payroll
Topic: Time Entry Groups
Adding Time Entry Groups Munis Version 11
This document provides a brief overview of adding Time Entry Groups as well as loading Time Entry Groups into a payroll. This document is intended for intermediate to advanced Munis users.
The Time Entry Groups program allowsyou to load a group of employee pay records based on several criteria. It can be used to save time on manually entering each employee individually. This is particularly advantageous if you have groups of employees who have set hours that are worked every pay period or if you have specific pay records to load.
In order to create Time Entry groups, it is necessary to have menu access to the Time Entry Groups program (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Time Entry Processing>Time Entry Groups). If you are a Time Entry user, you need to have menu access to the Time Entry program and applicable Time Entry role access. You need Payroll Run processing access in order to load groups into a payroll. This is found in the Role Maintenance program under the tab Payroll Run Processing.
When you add a Time Entry Group, there are options for the Auto-Load field.
Each Auto-Load selection has distinct functionality.
Employees:This selection loads the employees listed with the pays that are listed on the Pays tab, no work hours/days are loaded.
Regular Hours: This selection loads only employees and pay codes defined. The Sched Hours field on the Employee/Job Salary screen will load for each pay, such as 80 regular base pay hours.
Calendar Work Days: This option loads employees based on the Calendar field. Employees attached to a selected calendar will have time loaded based on the calendar days that coincide with the payroll date range. Calendars must be setup prior to using this option.
Scheduled Hours: This option loads scheduled hours from the Default Scheduled Hours program. This can be setup within the Employee Job/Salary program by clicking on the Menu group on the ribbon and selecting Sched Hours. Scheduled hours must be setup prior to loading this selection.
Time Entry Schedule: This option loads the hours that are setup within the Time Entry Schedule program. This option requires that schedules are setup within the Time Entry Schedule program and attached to the Employee Job/Salary records.
Verify that the inclusive check box has been selected. This means that each criteria within the Employees and Pays tab has to be met in order to pull in pay records for employees.
You can add a variety of pays depending upon what you are looking to bring in to the Time Entry batch.
The Time Entry Groups program openswhen starting a Time Entry batch. Once the Time Entry batch has been added, the program displays the Time Entry Auto-Load screen.At this point the Time Entry Group is available to select.
Upon selecting your newly created Time Entry Group, click Accept. This loads the defined criteria into your Time Entry batch. Note that the only pays that were loaded into this batch were the accrual pays defined in the Time Entry Groups program.
After Time Entry groups have been loaded, adjustments can be made to any record.
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