Call to order
Review of minutes
Financial Report
Committee Reports
Old Business
Open Discussion
New Business
Open Discussion / Meeting called to order at 7:06 by Marla Moon, President
Minutes from the August 19, 2013 were reviewed, motion made and second to accept minutes as written.
Financial report was prepared and presented by Leta Johnson. Balance as of 9/16/13 around $6,000 after outstanding payments are subtracted.
Concession Stand – Angie Satterfield is recruiting volunteers for the volleyball concession stand and Sheila Mahar is recruiting volunteers for the football concession stand. There was a discussion about the possibility of using ipads/iphones and card reader to swipe credit/debit cards at concession stands. This is something in the future that may be tried out in the spring during track season.
Finance – There was a motion & 2nd to take David Briggs’name off Texar bank account and add Melinda Krueger, Leta Johnson, and Sheila Mahar to said account which would allow them to have access & a debit card for needed purchases for the booster club. Motion passed.
Leta Johnson will need a photo copy sent to her when purchases are made so account balance can stay current. It was also agreed to keep $100 in change during football/volleyball/basketball seasons for upstart money in concession stand.
Athletic Program-No new business. Melinda Krueger will still oversee for the upcoming year.
Fund Raising – A motion & 2nd was made to make Jeff Whitten chairman over the fund raising committee. Motion passed.
Watermelon Supper- Nothing reported.
Communication- Sheila Mahar will continue to oversee.
All Sports Banquet- Dian Lavoice will oversee this committee again this year. We will have 2 banquets. One in January and one in May.
Golf Tournament- Melinda will oversee this year.
Regina Latimer had talked to the booster club last meeting about purchasing items (for student athletes) through her summer ball team which is a fundraiser for them. A vote was taken. It was unanimous not to order items through the team.
A motion & 2nd was made to purchase pink items for the athletes for the “pink out” month of October (breast cancer awareness). Motion passed.
A motion & 2nd was made that the booster club will only purchase items to promote Hooks ISD athletic programs. Motion passed.
It was reported that ribbons for cheerleaders were ordered and they are selling them.
Incentives for concession stand volunteers was repeated.
The drawing for the monthly $100 gift card was done and Marc Reiter was the winner.
A motion & 2nd was made that no two officer positions can be held by members of the same household or immediate family. This was added to the by-laws. Motion passed.
Coach Jeanis gave a report on what purchases the booster club can expect during the upcoming year. Items mentioned were baseball scoreboard, Jr. High girls track uniforms, baseball uniforms, and volleyball uniforms.
Angie Satterfield brought up the possibility of having a concession stand at the fair in the future.
Motion & 2nd was made to adjourn. Motion passed.
Next Meeting October 21, 2013. / For information only.
For information only.
For information only.
Meeting ended @7:55.