DURATION: / 1 Hour
  1. TOPIC: ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS: Algebraic language(Lesson 1)

By the end of the lesson learners should know and be able to:
  • recognize and interpret rules or relationships represented in symbolic form
  • recognize and identify conventions for writing algebraic expressions

/ DBE Book 1, Sasol-InzaloBook1,textbook
  • flow diagrams
  • number patterns
  • algebraic terminology

  1. REVIEW AND CORRECTION OF HOMEWORK (suggested time: 10 minutes)
Homework provides an opportunity for teachers to track learners’ progress in the mastery of mathematics concepts and to identify the problematic areas which require immediate attention. Therefore, it is recommended that you place more focus on addressing errors from learner responses that may later become misconceptions.
  1. INTRODUCTION (Suggested time: 10 Minutes)
Activity 1
Discuss different symbols used in everyday life and the meaning of these symbols with learners, e.g. a stop sign, no smoking sign, the danger symbol etc.
Activity 2
Divide the class in groups (not more than four) and let learners complete the following table by matching the concept to the correct mathematical symbol (draw a line to the matching symbol).
Concept / Symbol
increase /
more than
cubed /
product /
square root /
times /
less than /
squared /
cube root /
Mathematics is a language and, like any language, you have to know the vocabulary and symbols used in order to understand the language.
  1. LESSON PRESENTATION/DEVELOPMENT (Suggested time: 20 minutes)

Teaching activities / Learning activities
(Learners are expected to:)
Activity 1:
Discuss the following word problems with the learners and translate it into mathematical language:
a)The sum of a number and five is multiplied by two.
b)The product of a number and 7 is increased by 12.
Let the learners complete the following and discuss the answers afterwards:
a)Add the sum of and to the product of and .
b)3 times
c)The product of a number and 34 added to 12.
d)The difference between two hundred and 137.
e)Divide a number by 2 and subtract 9 from the answer.
f)One third of b.
g)Add 2 to the product of double a number and seven.
h)The sum of a number squared and its square root.
i)Seven less than the cube root of a number.
j)The difference between the square of a number and three times the cube root of the number.
Activity 2:
  1. Discuss the following conventions used in mathematics:
  • when multiplying with variable, the multiplication sign is not always [DSk1]shown e.g. is the same as .
  • writing numbers infront of letters e.g. is instead of .
  • writing letters in alphabetical order is the same as .
  1. Let the learners use their answers in Activity 1 to identify and apply these conventions:
Activity 3:
Discuss and complete the following table with the learners:
Words / Flow diagram / Expression
Multiply a number by 4 and stract 5 from the answer / /
8 +
  • engage in discussions
  • complete the activity and record answers
  • take part in class discussion
  • complete the activity
  • follow teachers instructions and complete the activity

  1. CLASSWORK (Suggested time: 15 minutes)

Sasol-InzaloBook1, pg. 107,no. 1
  1. CONSOLIDATION/CONCLUSION & HOMEWORK (Suggested time: 5 minutes)

a)Emphasise that:
  • an algebraic expression indicates a sequence of calculations that can also be described in words or with a flow diagram.
  • the flow diagram indicates the order in which the calculations must be made.
  • in algebraic language
  • when multiplying with variables, the multiplication sign is not always shown.
  • in multiplication numbers are written infront of letters.
  • in multiplication we write letters in alphabetical order.
b)The primary purpose of Homework is to give each learner an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of mathematics skills taught in class.Therefore Homework should be purposeful and the principle of ‘Less is more’ is recommended, i.e. give learners few high quality activities that address variety of skills than many activities that do not enhance learners’ conceptual understanding.
Carefully select appropriate activities from the Sasol-InzaloBooks, DBE workbooks and/or textbooks for learners’ homework. The selected activities should address different cognitive levels.
Recommended Homework:
Activity 1:
Writing the following in conventional algebraic language:
a) ;
Activity 2:
Sasol-InzaloBook 1,pg. 107,no. 2

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[DSk1]Qualify this statement. Anyway whether 3xa or 3a multiplication sign is used.