Procurement Desktop on the Web

Topic 7 – Working with Awards

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The purpose of this topic is to familiarize you with the steps and processes involved in creating awards in Procurement Desktop on the Web (PD Web).

Upon completion of this topic, you will be able to:

  • Complete an Award document, and
  • Route an Award document for Approval.

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Procurement Process

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Procurement Process

There are two types of award documents used in Procurement Desktop:

  • Contracts, which are used for the general purchase of items from external vendors, and
  • Purchase Orders, which are generally used for the purchase of items from internal vendors,

The two Award documents are identical in layout and contain the same fields. Both may only be created in PD Web as standalone documents.

Let’s define the meaning of Internal Vendor.

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Internal Vendors

An Internal Vendor is a Commonwealth agency that acts as a vendor to another Commonwealth agency. The Commonwealth generally creates Purchase Order documents in this situation. For example, the Department of Transportation wants to purchase a conference room table. They know that Correctional Industries supplies conference room tables. Rather than creating a Contract document for a conference room table with an external vendor, the Department of Transportation would create a Purchase Order for the table with Correctional Industries as the vendor.

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The focus for this topic will be the creation of Purchase Orders and Contracts.

We will do a walkthrough to learn how to create a Purchase Order. The steps involved are exactly the same as those involved in creating a Contract.

Let’s look at the Purchase Order document in PD Web.

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Purchase Order Document



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Purchase Order Document

The Purchase Order document is divided into four tabs:

  • MAIN tab,
  • LINES tab,
  • PAYMENT tab, and
  • RETAINAGE tab.

To move between tabs, click on the tab names at the top of the Purchase Order. Let’s review each of the tabs and its main function.

  • MAIN Tab - contains general information about the Purchase Order. This information includes the vendor’s name and address, the creation user’s buying entity, the system generated purchase order number, and the cited authority.
  • LINES Tab - contains summary line item data. This summary data includes information about the order, including quantity, description, unit price, and any special delivery instructions. Additional fields on this tab include address fields, payment information, accounting fiscal year and month, and budget fiscal year. Each line on the LINES tab of the Purchase Order has detailed information that can be viewed by double-clicking on the line item.

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Purchase Order Document


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Purchase Order Document

  • PAYMENT Tab Contains the vendor’s payment terms, including both discount and penalty terms.
  • RETAINAGE Tab Contains retainage information for the Purchase Order.

Now, let’s walk through the creation of a Purchase Order document. In our walkthrough we are only going to discuss and fill in the required fields for the Purchase Order document.

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Creating a Purchase Order

We will use the following scenario to create the Purchase Order:

The requesting Commonwealth Agency is the Kentucky Historical Museum. The Internal Commonwealth vendor agency is the Creative Services Division of the Governor’s Office. The Creative Services Division provides photography and video recording services for public relations events for the Governor’s Office and also provides photographic services to Commonwealth agencies. There is going to be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the Kentucky Historical Museum. As the buyer for the Kentucky Historical Museum, you must create a purchase order for the photography and video services at the ribbon cutting ceremony. A Master Agreement doesn’t exist with Creative Services. A Purchase Request was not created, so the Purchase Order will be created as a standalone.

Let’s begin by creating a new Purchase Orderdocument in PD Web.

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PD Web Main Screen

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To Create a New Purchase Order Document:

Step 1Click on the “Create Order” link on the PD Web Main page.

The Award Sub-type Selection window opens.

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Award Sub-type Selection Window

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Award Sub-Type Selection Window

When creating a Purchase Order it is necessary to select a sub-type. This is the type of Purchase Order you are creating.

To Complete the Award Sub-type Selection Window:

Step 1Highlight “Internal Purchase Order” by clicking on it once.

Step 2Click on the <OK> button.

The Purchase Order document opens.

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Purchase Order Document

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Purchase Order Document

As mentioned earlier in this topic, the Purchase Order is divided into four tabs:

  • MAIN tab,
  • LINES tab
  • PAYMENT tab, and
  • RETAINAGE tab.

On each tab, you will enter specific information related to the Purchase Order by clicking in the appropriate field and entering text or selecting existing data from the drop-down list boxes.

We will begin by completing the MAIN tab.

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Purchase Order – MAIN Tab

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The MAIN tab specifies general information about the Purchase Order, such as:

  • The office issuing the request,
  • The name and address of the internal vendor providing the service or goods, and

As mentioned before, the fields on the Contract MAIN tab are identical to fields on the Purchase Order MAIN tab. The Contract document has the same required fields as the Purchase Order document.

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Purchase Order – MAIN Tab

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To Complete the MAIN Tab:

Step 1Complete the following fields with the corresponding information:

PURCHASE ORDER NO.. Display only. The document number is generated by Procurement Desktop. A Purchase Order document number always begins with a “P”.

BUYING ENTITY. Required. Indicates the group of users for whom the purchase will be made. It is used in the auto approval process. The default is blank. Select “General Procurement” from the drop-down list box.

EFFECTIVE DATE. Required. Indicates the start date for the Purchase Order. The default is today’s date. Leave as is.

EXPIRATION DATE. Required. Indicates the end date for the Purchase Order. The default is blank. Type “05/31/2001”.

DESCRIPTION. Required. This is a brief description of the Purchase Order. The default is blank It is helpful to specify what you are buying in this field. Type “ - Creative Services.”

AGENCY CD. Required. Enter the agency code to be associated with this award document. This agency code represents the agency responsible for making the payment to the vendor. This agency code may be different than the agency or agencies referenced on the FUNDING CODE SUMMARY tab. The default is blank. Type “1”.

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Purchase Order – MAIN Tab

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B/S ACCT. Conditional. Enter the balance sheet account code for this award document. This code represents the inventory asset account which is required for “consumption basis”
warehouses. This balance sheet account code should be left blank for “purchases basis” warehouses. Leave as is.

AWARD SUBTYPE Required. Indicates the type of award and is pulled forward from the Award Sub-type Selection window. Leave as is.

STOCK REPLENISHMENT. Optional. Indicates whether or not the purchase is being made to replenish stock. The default is "Not Applicable”. Leave as is.

CITED AUTHORITY. Required. Indicates the authority type for the document. It ensures that users have the appropriate authority to create awards and make payments to vendors. The Authority Type is created and maintained by your System Administrator. The default is blank. Select “Contractual Services where no competition exists” from the drop-down list box.

ISSUED BY. Required. Indicates the name and address of the office requesting the Purchase Order. The default is blank.

Let’s select an issuing office.

To Select the Issuing Office:

Step 1Click on the <UPDATE> button.

The Organization Search screen opens.

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Organization Search Screen

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Organization Search Screen

The Organization Search screen is used to select the ISSUED BY name and address as well as the ADMINISTERED BY name and address on the MAIN tab.

To Search for the Organization:

Step 1In the ORGANIZATION NAME field, type “Kentucky Historical Museum”.

Step 2Click on the <SEARCH> button.

The Organization Search screen returns the organization which matches the search criteria specified.

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Organization Search Screen

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To Select an Organization:

Step 1Select the organization “Kentucky Historical Museum” by clicking on the Contact Name, Mark Smith, once.

Step 2Click on the <SELECT> button.

The ISSUED BY field is populated with the Kentucky Historical Museum’s name and address.

Let’s continue completing the rest of the required fields on the MAIN tab.

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Purchase Order – MAIN Tab

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ADMINISTERED BY. Required. Indicates the name and address of the person administering the Purchase Order. The default is blank.

In our scenario, the ISSUED BY organization is the same as the ADMINISTERED BY organization. Repeat the same steps that were used to complete the ISSUED BY field. Click on the <UPDATE> button in the ADMINISTERED BY field. Select the sameorganization, “Kentucky Historical Museum,” and contact name, “Mark Smith”.

SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Optional. Describes additional information relevant to the order that may not be included in the existing fields. The default is blank. Leave as is.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF VENDOR. Required. Indicates the name and address of the selected internal vendor. The default is blank.

Let’s select a vendor.

To Select an Internal Vendor:

Step 1Click on the <UPDATE> button in the NAME AND ADDRESS OF VENDOR field.

The Vendor Search screen opens.

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Vendor Search Screen

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To Search for a Vendor:

Step 1In the VENDOR NAME field, type “Creative Services”.

Step 2Click on the <SEARCH> button.

The Vendor Search screen returns a list of vendors.

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Vendor Search Screen

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To Select a Vendor:

Step 1Select “Creative Services Division” by clicking on it once.

Step 2Click on the <SELECT> button.

If the vendor’s defined payment terms are different from the information currently in the PAYMENT tab, a dialog box will open. It is a confirmation dialog box asking whether or not you want to override the current payment terms value with the payment terms associated with the selected vendor. Click on the <YES> button to close the dialog box and select the vendor.

The NAME AND ADDRESS OF VENDOR field is filled in with the vendor’s name and address.

Now that we have completed the required fields on the MAIN tab of the Purchase Order, let’s move on to the LINES tab.

To Open the LINES Tab:

Step 1Click on the LINEStab.

The LINES tab opens.

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The LINES tab is divided into seven parts:

  • Summary tab,
  • Detail tab,
  • Funding tab,
  • Description tab,
  • Pricing tab,
  • Acceptance tab, and
  • Address tab.

When you first access the LINES tab, the SUMMARY tab appears as shown on the opposite page. You can look at various views of each line by:

  • Selecting the line you wish to look at and clicking on Detail, Funding, Description, Pricing, Acceptance, or Address.

Note: Double-clicking on the line from the SUMMARY tab will open the DETAIL tab for that specific line.

We will discuss each part of the LINES tab in turn.

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Lines Summary Tab

The Lines Summary tab shows basic descriptive information for the line items.

Line item information is displayed in the box on the bottom half of this tab. Since we have not yet entered any line information, there is no line information currently displayed. Once determined, the total funding and total cost for the purchase is calculated at the bottom of the window.

Before we enter the line items, let’s complete the required fields on the Lines Summary tab.

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To Complete the Lines Summary Tab:

Step 1Complete the following fields with the corresponding information:

ACCOUNTING FISCAL YEAR. Required. Indicates the accounting fiscal year the Purchase Order is referencing. The default is blank. Type “1999”.

ACCOUNTING FISCAL MONTH. Required. Indicates the accounting fiscal month the Puchase Order is referencing. The default is the current accounting fiscal month. Leave as is.

BUDGET FISCAL YEAR. Required. Indicates the budget fiscal year the Purchase Order is referencing. The default is blank. Type “1999”.

Now let’s look at the LINES Detail tab.

To Access the Lines Detail Tab:

Step 1Click the <DETAIL> button.

The Lines Detail tab opens, but is inactive.

Step 2Click the <ADD> button.

The Lines Detail tab becomes active.

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The DETAIL tab contains information about the line item, including a description, unit price per item, and commodity information. It defines the item you are ordering. You can also add, insert, or delete line items from the Purchase Order, using the buttons on the right side of the tab. Let’s look at each of the fields on the tab and continue with our scenario by completing the line item information.

To Complete the DETAIL Tab:

Step 1Complete the following fields with the corresponding information:

Line Number Display only. The number of the line on the document assigned by Procurement Desktop. It is generated when you add a line to the document.

Description Required. Short description of the line item. The default is blank. The information entered here is carried to the DESCRIPTION field on each Detail tab in the Line Item tab. Type “Photography Services for Ribbon Cutting Ceremony”.

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Detail Tab

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Quantity Conditional. If the Miscellaneous field is incomplete, then QUANTITY is required. This field is used to enter the number of items to be purchased. The default is blank. Leave as is.

Unit of issue Conditional. If the Miscellaneous field is incomplete, then the UNIT is required. This field indicates the unit of measure of the item to be purchased. You must select one of the available units from the drop-down list box. The default is “EA”. Leave as is.

Unit Price Conditional. If the Miscellaneous field is incomplete, then UNIT PRICE is required. This field is used to define the price of one unit of the line item. The default is blank. Leave as is.

Miscellaneous Conditional. If the QUANTITY, UNIT, and UNIT PRICE fields are incomplete, then the MISCELLANEOUS field is required. This field is used to define a dollar amount for a line item without a specific quantity or unit cost. The default is blank. Type “250.00”.

Line TOTAL Cost Display only. This field is calculated by Procurement Desktop. It contains a value equal to the Quantity value multiplied by the Unit Price value or equal to the Miscellaneous value.

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Detail Tab