Accounting andAudit Department

Subject: Financial Control

Academic Year: 2017-2018


Topic 1. General aspects regarding financial control

1.1. Defining control

1.2. The typology of control

1.3. Procedures of financial control

1.3.1. Documentary control

1.3.2. Factual control

1.4. The internal control elements according COSO system

Topic 2. Organizing and conducting fiscal control in Romania

2.1. General overview on fiscal system in Romania

2.2. The object and functions of fiscal control

2.3. Control fiscal forms and procedures

2.4. Preparation, implementation and completion of fiscal control

2.5. Contesting the acts issued by tax inspectors

2.6. Collection and settlement of tax receivables

Topic 3. Fiscal control of tax on profit and tax on income of micro entities

3.1. Fiscal control of tax on profit

3.1.1. General aspects regarding tax on profit

3.1.2. Computing tax on profit

3.1.3. Checking and correction of tax on profit

3.1.4. Conciliation between accounting and taxation regarding tax on profit

3.1.5. The system of fiscal statements used to declare/to correcttax on profit

3.2. Fiscal control of tax on income of micro entities

3.2.1. General aspects regarding tax on income of micro entities

3.2.2. Computing tax on income of micro entities

3.2.3. Checking and correction of tax on income of micro entities

3.2.4. Conciliation between accounting and taxation regarding tax on income of micro entities

3.2.5. The system of fiscal statements used to declare/to correcttax on income of micro entities

Topic 4. Fiscal control of compulsory social contributions and income tax from salaries

4.1. General aspects regarding compulsory social contributions and income tax from salaries

4.2. Computing compulsory social contributions and income tax from salaries

4.3. Checking and correction of compulsory social contributions and income tax from salaries

4.4. Conciliation between accounting and taxation regarding compulsory social contributions and income tax from salaries

4.5. The system of fiscal statements used to declare/to correctcompulsory social contributions and income tax from salaries

Topic 5. Fiscal control of VAT

5.1. General aspects regarding VAT

5.2. Computing VAT in different circumstances

5.3. Checking and correction of VAT

5.4. Conciliation between accounting and taxation regarding VAT

5.5. The system of fiscal statements used to declare/to correctVAT

Topic 6. Fiscal control of other taxes

6.1. Fiscal control of investment income tax

6.2. Fiscal control of tax on income from independent activities performed by authorized individuals 6.3. Fiscal control of local taxes and other taxes

6.4. Conciliation between accounting and taxation regarding other taxes

6.5. The system of fiscal statements used to declare/to correctother taxes


  1. Bragg, S.M., Accounting Control Best Practices, Second Edition, published by Jon Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2009
  1. Groșanu A., Financial control. Course notes, Cluj-Napoca, 2017
  1. Hightower, R., Internal Controls Policies and Procedures, published by Jon Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2009
  1. COSO, Internal Control – Integrated Framework, 2009, e-book,
  1. Romanian Law no 227/ 2015 regarding Fiscal Code, with subsequent amendments
  1. Government ordinance no. 207/2015 regarding Fiscal Procedure Code with subsequent amendments
  1. Order of the Public Minister of Finance no. 2861/2009 for the approval of the Norms regarding the organization and conducting inventory of assets, liabilities and equity
  1. Order of the Public Minister of Finance no. 1802/2014for approval of accounting regulations on the individual and consolidated annual financial statements, with subsequent amendments

Head of DepartmentResponsible of Subject

Associate Professor Alexandra Ileana MUȚIU, Phd.Associate Professor Adrian GROȘANU, Phd.


NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty member