Top Ten World Events Timeline Project

As we wrap up this school year, it is important to take some time to reflect back on what were some of the most important events studied this year. How did we get to the world we live in today? For this extra credit assignment, you will select what you think were the ten most important events to world history. You will then take those ten events and create a timeline that traces their development over time and write up your justification for why each item should be on the list.

Step One: Selecting Your Ten Events (50 points)

Take some time to think about what moments stand out to you as being really important moments in world history. You will want to select specific events that you can plot on a timeline. So for example, the Industrial Revolution would not be a good choice since that spans several decades, but a specific event from the Industrial Revolution, such as the creation date of a new invention, would work. You ultimately can pick any events you want, including ones we may not have discussed in class, but make sure you stay focused on thinking about events that had a worldwide or global impact. This means your timeline should not all be events from United States history for example. You want to think big-picture. Events can include political developments, military campaigns, economic changes, scientific inventions, social innovations, or anything else you can think of that you consider to have a major impact on world history. List your ten events in the charts below along with the date of the event, which you will need for your timeline, and your reasoning for including it. The more specific the date, the better, but you will at least need a year for the timeline. Your written explanation should show off why each event is such an important part of history. Think about impact and how it changed people’s lives or the course of history. The stronger your argument, the more extra credit you will earn.

Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?
Event / Date
Why should this event be considered one of the top ten events in world history?