Top 10 Comments from User Survey and Solutions Proposed for the Music Library

Top 10 Comments from User Survey and Solutions Proposed for the Music Library

Top 10 comments from user survey and solutions proposed for the Music Library

(number in parentheses refers to number of comments on that subject) / Answers/Suggested Actions
  1. Opening hours (9)
- The music library should extend its opening hour for weekdays at least to 7:00pm to meet the needs of the readers, especially the alumni.
- It should open on saturday, sunday and public holidays' afternoon as well. / We cannot extend the opening hours of the Music Library without an addition of staff. Current stats of users entering the library and usage patterns do not warrant the extension of opening hours.
2.AV materials (8)
- return at other locations
- purchase more items and varieties especially on especially on music instruments of less public interests, more world music CD
- not updated and poor
- Some multi-volume works (both print and non-print) are not catalogued completely. Please include key details of individual volumes, videotapes, etc
- Shelves are packed like Sardine / According to library policy, all AV materials must be returned to the counter where it was borrowed due to the short loan/holding period and the fragility of the materials.
Music Library tries our best to build up a balanced collection with the limited budget and space available. While priority will be given to current curriculum and research interests, less popular materials will also be purchased to enrich the collection. Users are welcome to recommend titles for consideration via BRO.
We will ask the Cataloguing Dept. to provide content notes for AV materials.
New shelves have been installed to improve overcrowdedness of AV cabinets.
3.Scores (3)
- more vocal / choral scores
- increase the anthology collections
- Clear indication/index for score / We will continue to purchase more score anthologies and vocal and choral scores besides orchestral/instrumental scores.
Better shelving arrangement for scores is planned.
4. Electronic Resources (3)
- Musical Electronic Resource, more the better
- Not enough e-books & journals
- Need to click many buttons in order to get to the database. / We will continue to purchase more electronic materials.
We will work with the Systems Dept. to improve access to the databases.
5. Air-conditioning (3)
- Air-conditioning too cold / We will try to monitor the air temperature and adjust where necessary.
6. AV Equipment (2)
- Too few TV set
- audio device is always not dcay / Due to the low usage of the TV set, we think that one set should be enough to serve in-house viewing. We will closely monitor usage and purchase more if usage stats warrant it.
We will continue to closely monitor the performance of AV equipment and find immediate support and solution once problems are found.
7. Computer equipment (2)
- Wireless lan is unstable
- Computer are also not user friendly. It takes very long time to load everytime I need to check a book / We will continue to closely monitor the performance of computer equipment and the wireless LAN and find immediate support and solution once problems are found.
Some older PCs are scheduled for replacement in the near future.
8. Studying tables (1)
- Too few tables to study / Due to the restriction of space, we cannot add more reading tables. Through long-term close observation, we find that the occupancy rate of reading tables is very low, even during periods before and during exams. The current provision should be more than enough.
9. Photocopying (1)
- The photocopies are expensive than main lib or student union. / The cost of photocopying is the same throughout all the libraries.
10. Printing (1)
- should use printing quota, / We will check with our Systems Dept. and the Computer Centre to see if this is feabible. The current practice of free printing with own supply of paper is the cheapest and easiest way of printing service currently available.