1.______is the capacity of the earth’s natural systems and human cultural systems to survive, flourish, and adapt to changing environmental conditions indefinitely.



TOP:1-0 Core Case Study - Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability

2.Our lives and economies depend on energy from ______and natural resources and natural services provided by the earth.

ANS:the sun

PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

3.Natural Capital equals ______plus ______.

ANS:natural resources, natural services


TOP:Figure 1-14 | 1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

4.The circulation of chemicals necessary for life, from the environment through organisms and back to the environment, is called ______.

ANS:nutrient cycling

PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

5.Changes in a country's economic growth per person are measured by ______.

ANS:per capita GDP

PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

6.Some of the world’s countries are called low-income, ______-______countries, and include Congo, Haiti, Nigeria, and Nicaragua.


PTS:1DIF:DifficultTOP:1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

7.A resource such as solar energy, that is constantly available, is called a(n) ______.

ANS:perpetual resource

PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

8.Fish, fresh air, forests, and fertile soil are examples of ______.

ANS:renewable resources

PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

9.Old drink bottles that are collected, washed, and refilled are an example of ______.


PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:1-1 What Are Three Principles of Sustainability?

10.______is the amount of biologically productive land and water needed to supply the people in a particular country or area with an indefinite supply of renewable resources and to absorb and recycle the wastes and pollution produced by such resource use.

ANS:Ecological footprint


TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

11.Approximately one-third of all land in the US is jointly owned by all US citizens and managed for them by the government. This type of property is called ______and is often degraded.

ANS:common property


TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

12.Environmental degradation, also known as ______is the process of wasting, depleting, and degrading the earth’s natural capital at an accelerating rate.

ANS:natural capital degradation


TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

13.The exhaust pipe of an automobile or the smokestack of a coal-burning powerplant are examples of ______sources.



TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

14.One way of dealing with pollution is to clean up pollutants after we have produced them, which is called ______.

ANS:output pollution control


TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

15.If everyone consumed as much as the average American does today, the earth could indefinitely support only about ______of the currently 6.9 billion people.

ANS:1.3 billion


TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

16.IPAT is a simple way of looking at how three factors influence the impact humans have on the environment. The formula is Impact = Population (P) x ______x Technology (T).



TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

17.______is the world's leading consumer of wheat, rice, meat, coal, fertilizers, steel, and cement.



TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

18.An often irreversible shift in the behavior of a natural system is caused when an environmental problem builds slowly until it reaches an ______.

ANS:ecological tipping point


TOP:1-2 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

19.Your ______is a set of assumptions and values reflecting how you think the world works and what you think your role in the world should be.

ANS:environmental worldview

PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:1-3 Why Do We Have Environmental Problems?


1.Poverty is defined as having an income of less than $2.25 per day, while extreme poverty is having to live on less than $______per day.



TOP:23-0 Core Case Study Muhammad Yunus and Microloans for the Poor

2.Three types of capital are used to produce goods and services, including: ______capital; ______capital; and ______capital.

ANS:natural, human, manufactured


TOP:23-1 How Are Economic Systems Related to the Biosphere?

3.In a truly free-market economic system, all economic decisions are governed solely by the competitive interaction of ______, ______, and ______.

ANS:demand; supply; price


TOP:23-1 How Are Economic Systems Related to the Biosphere?

4.Experience shows markets cannot be relied upon to provide adequate levels of ______.

ANS:public services


TOP:23-1 How Are Economic Systems Related to the Biosphere?

5.Ecological economists and ______view economic systems as subsystems of the biosphere.

ANS:environmental economists


TOP:23-1 How Are Economic Systems Related to the Biosphere?

6.______economists view the earth’s natural capital as a subset or part of a human economic system.



TOP:23-1 How Are Economic Systems Related to the Biosphere?

7.______is the inclusion of the harmful environmental and health effects of producing economic goods and services in the market prices.

ANS:Full-cost pricing


TOP:23-1 How Are Economic Systems Related to the Biosphere?

8.A ______is the willingness of people to pay to protect some forms of natural capital to be used by future generations.


bequest value

option value


TOP:23-2 How Can We Put Values on Natural Capital, Pollution Control, and Resource Use?

9.A monetary value placed on a forest, species, or part of nature because of its beauty is called a(n) ______.

ANS:aesthetic value


TOP:23-2 How Can We Put Values on Natural Capital, Pollution Control, and Resource Use?

10.Comparing estimated costs and benefits for actions such as implementing a pollution control regulation is called a(n) ______.

ANS:cost-benefit analysis


TOP:23-2 How Can We Put Values on Natural Capital, Pollution Control, and Resource Use?

11.The annual economic value of all goods and services produced within a country, regardless of whether they are beneficial or harmful, is the ______.


gross domestic product



TOP:23-3 How Can We Use Economic Tools to Deal with Environmental Problems?

12.One idea for reducing pollution and resource waste is to shift from the current material-flow economy to a(n) ______.

ANS:service-flow economy.


TOP:23-3 How Can We Use Economic Tools to Deal with Environmental Problems?

13.In order to implement ______, governments should reduce income or payroll taxes and enforce a safety net for poor and middle class citizens.

ANS:green taxes


TOP:23-3 How Can We Use Economic Tools to Deal with Environmental Problems?

14.The coal industry spent $45 million on an ad campaign to plant the phrase “clean coal” in the minds of Americans even though coal remains a dirty fossil fuel. This is an example of a practice known as ______.



TOP:23-3 How Can We Use Economic Tools to Deal with Environmental Problems?

15.Environmentalists think that ______can encourage companies to develop green products and processes that can create jobs and increase company profits.

ANS:innovation-friendly regulations


TOP:23-3 How Can We Use Economic Tools to Deal with Environmental Problems?

16.Japan, France, and Belgium have phased out all ______and Germany plans to do so by 2018..

ANS:coal subsidies


TOP:23-3 How Can We Use Economic Tools to Deal with Environmental Problems?

17.Since 1960, most of the benefits of global economic growth have been flooding up to the ______rather than trickling down to the ______.

ANS:rich, workers


TOP:23-4 How Can Reducing Poverty Help Us to Deal with Environmental Problems?

18.______has numerous harmful health and environmental effects and reducing it would benefit individuals, economies, and the environment.



TOP:23-4 How Can Reducing Poverty Help Us to Deal with Environmental Problems?

19.As more high-throughput economies develop, resource consumption will ______the capacity of the environment to provide sufficient renewable resources.



TOP:23-5 How Can We Make the Transition to More Environmentally Sustainable Economies?

20.For decades, the emphasis has been to ______economic production, often at the expense of local jobs.



TOP:23-5 How Can We Make the Transition to More Environmentally Sustainable Economies?

21.Donella Meadows contrasted the beliefs of neoclassical economists and ecological economists this way: "Economics discounts the futureThe earth says: Never ______in your generation than you ______to the next."

ANS:take more; give back


TOP:23-5 How Can We Make the Transition to More Environmentally Sustainable Economies?

22.We can live more sustainably by using and wasting less matter and energy; reusing, recycling, or composting most matter resources; and controlling ______.

ANS:human population growth


TOP:23-5 How Can We Make the Transition to More Environmentally Sustainable Economies?


1.According to Denis Hayes, “Democracy works when ______are paying attention to the ______.

ANS:people, facts

PTS:1DIF:moderateTOP:24-0 Core Case Study

2.The exact role played by a government is determined by its ______.



TOP:24-1 What Is the Role of Government in Making the Transition to More Sustainable Societies?

3.One of our greatest challenges is to place more emphasis on ______thinking.



TOP:24-1 What Is the Role of Government in Making the Transition to More Sustainable Societies?

4.Groups that advocate passing laws favorable to their causes and repealing laws unfavorable to their positions are called ______.

ANS:special-interest groups


TOP:24-1 What Is the Role of Government in Making the Transition to More Sustainable Societies?

5.Using government subsidies to pay for inefficient energy alternatives is a violation of the ______principle.

ANS:net energy


TOP:24-1 What Is the Role of Government in Making the Transition to More Sustainable Societies?

6.Decisions made by various courts make up a body of law known as ______.

ANS:case law

PTS:1DIF:ModerateTOP:24-2 How Is Environmental Policy Made?

7.______is an important process, in which individuals or groups use public pressure, personal contacts, and political action to persuade legislators to vote in their favor.


PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:24-2 How Is Environmental Policy Made?

8.Adopting a(n) ______is the most important and controversial activity of the executive and legislative branches of government.


PTS:1DIF:ModerateTOP:24-2 How Is Environmental Policy Made?

9.At a fundamental level, all politics is ______.


PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:24-2 How Is Environmental Policy Made?

10.The legal concept of ______occurs when people use their property in a way that causes annoyance or injury to others.



TOP:24-3 What Is the Role of Environmental Law in Dealing with Environmental Problems?

11.Common law cases may involve ______, in which a party causes damage by knowingly acting in an unlawful or unreasonable manner.



TOP:24-3 What Is the Role of Environmental Law in Dealing with Environmental Problems?

12.______is a formal effort, somewhat similar to a trial, to resolve a dispute.



TOP:24-3 What Is the Role of Environmental Law in Dealing with Environmental Problems?

13.Less than ______% of the U.S. public considers the environment to be one of the nation's most pressing problems.



TOP:24-3 What Is the Role of Environmental Law in Dealing with Environmental Problems?

14.More than ______% of the U.S. public strongly supports environment laws and regulations and does not want them weakened.



TOP:24-3 What Is the Role of Environmental Law in Dealing with Environmental Problems?

15.Recreation, hunting, and fishing in national forests add ten times ______money to the national economy than does extraction of timber and other resources.



TOP:Science Focus: Logging in U.S. National Forests Is Controversial

16.One of the most important trends influencing environmental decisions and policies is the growing influence of ______.


non-governmental organizations



TOP:24-4 What Are the Major Roles of Environmental Groups?

17.NGOs working together worldwide serve as an emerging citizen-based ______.

ANS:global sustainability movement


TOP:24-4 What Are the Major Roles of Environmental Groups?

18.Many environmental groups on college campuses have made ______of their campuses, gathering data on practices affecting the environment.

ANS:environmental audits


TOP:24-4 What Are the Major Roles of Environmental Groups?

19.Environmental security is as important as military and economic security because all ______are supported by the earth's natural capital.



TOP:24-5 How Can We Improve Global Environmental Security?

20.Scarcity of resources can be correlated to the spread of civil violence and dysfunction in government, which can cause countries to become ______.

ANS:failed states


TOP:24-5 How Can We Improve Global Environmental Security?

21.Many experts point out that ______security, ______security, and ______security are interrelated.

ANS:environmental, economic, national


TOP:24-5 How Can We Improve Global Environmental Security?

22.Protocols for protecting the ______are the most successful examples of the global community working together to solve environmental problems.

ANS:ozone layers


TOP:24-5 How Can We Improve Global Environmental Security?

23.Countries such as the Netherlands and New Zealand are involved in ______, the creation of long-term environmental strategies.

ANS:green planning


TOP:24-6 How Can We Implement More Sustainable and Just Environmental Policies?

24.A study of nature reveals that all parts of the ______are ecologically interdependent.



TOP:24-6 How Can We Implement More Sustainable and Just Environmental Policies?


1.The Biosphere 2 experiment failed to maintain ______for eight people for two years.

ANS:life-support systems

PTS:1DIF:ModerateTOP:25-0 Core Case Study

2.An ______is how people think the world works and what they believe their role in it should be.

ANS:environmental worldview


TOP:25-1 What Are Some Major Environmental Worldviews?

3.In the planetary management worldview, the potential for economic growth is ______.


PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:Figure 25-2 Environmental Worldviews

4.The stewardship worldview holds that as we use natural capital we are ______from future generations.



TOP:25-1 What Are Some Major Environmental Worldviews?

5.The ______worldview is devoted to preserving the earth's biodiversity and life systems for now and in the future.



TOP:25-1 What Are Some Major Environmental Worldviews?

6.The ______worldview suggests humans are separate from the rest of nature and can manage nature to meet our increasing needs and wants.

ANS:planetary management


TOP:25-1 What Are Some Major Environmental Worldviews?

7.The concept that we have an ethical responsibility to be caring and responsible managers of the earth is associated with the ______worldview.



TOP:25-1 What Are Some Major Environmental Worldviews?

8.Our ecological footprints ______the earth’s estimated ecological capacity.



TOP:25-2 What Is the Role of Education in Living More Sustainably?

9.Earth-focused philosophers say that to be rooted, each of us needs to find a(n) ______.

ANS:sense of place


TOP:25-2 What Is the Role of Education in Living More Sustainably?

10.Some affluent people in more-developed countries have adopted a lifestyle of ______, in which they seek to live with much less than they are accustomed to having.

ANS:voluntary simplicity

PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:25-3 How Can We Live More Sustainably?

11.Some analysts suggest that for some people acquiring more and more goods should be treated as an ______.


PTS:1DIF:EasyTOP:25-3 How Can We Live More Sustainably?

12.Environmental leaders say it is time for an ______to change the way we treat the earth.


environmental revolution

sustainability revolution

PTS:1DIF:ModerateTOP:25-3 How Can We Live More Sustainably?

13.Research suggests we need only convince ______% of the people in a country or in the world to bring about major social change.


PTS:1DIF:ModerateTOP:25-3 How Can We Live More Sustainably?