tool d: data collection training agenda template

This is an example training agenda for assessments’ data collectors. The agenda assumes that one tool and mobile data collection will be utilized in the assessment. It is recommended that users adapt this tool to their assessment design, extending or condensing the timeframe as appropriate; however, LIFT recommends that each of the agenda items reflected in Day One of this agenda be included in all data collector trainings.

Training Objectives:

List out the primary objective or learning outcomes of the training here

Time / Agenda Item / Objective / Materials
9:00am / Introductions & Overview of the Assessment / Understand each person’s role and review the purpose and timeframe of assessment activities / ·  Introduction Slides
9:30am / Project Overview / Understand the project history and activities / ·  Project Overview Slides
10:30am / BREAK
10:45am / Ethics Review / Understand the rights of participants and best practices for data collection / ·  Ethics Slides
11:30am / Overview of Data Collection and Role of Data Collectors / Understand the purpose of each tool. Discuss roles and responsibilities of data collectors / ·  Paper copies of Tools
·  Assessment Process Slides
1:00pm / BREAK
2:00pm / Review Tool A[1] [2] / Review each question on the English version of Tool A / ·  Paper copy of Tool A
·  Excel projection
3:00pm / Tool A Practice / Work in pairs to practice using Tool A / ·  Paper copy of Tool A
3:30pm / Tool A Discussion / Discuss questions about Tool A that arose during practice / ·  Paper copy of Tool A
4:00pm / Review / Review topics discussed over the course of the day and provide agenda for Day Two of training / ·  Summary Slides
Time / Agenda Item / Objective / Materials
9:00am / Day One Review / Review topics discussed during training Day One / ·  Summary Slides
9:30am / Introduction to Tablets and Mobile Data Collection [3] / Gain basic familiarity with devices and mobile data collection app / ·  Data collection devices, loaded with appropriate app
10:30am / BREAK
10:45am / Introduction to Tablets and Mobile Data Collection (cont’d) / Gain basic familiarity with devices and mobile data collection app / ·  Data collection devices, loaded with appropriate app
12:30pm / BREAK
1:30pm / Review Tool A on data collection devices / Review the English version of Tool A using data collection app, including how to select/type responses / ·  Devices loaded with Tool A
2:30pm / Practice Tool A on data collection devices / Work in pairs to practice using Tool A on data collection app / ·  Devices loaded with Tool A
4:00pm / Tool A Discussion / Discuss questions that arose during practice using Tool A in data collection app / ·  Devices loaded with Tool A
4:30pm / Next Steps / Discuss when data collection will begin, review processes and provide information on how to obtain support for trouble-shooting. / ·  Summary Slides

[1] If mobile data collection is going to be conducted, LIFT recommends that data collectors are first trained to use the tools in paper form. This allows data collectors to become comfortable with the tool itself, before addressing the additional skills require to use mobile devices and mobile data collection apps.

[2] This agenda assumes that only one tool is utilized throughout the assessment. If a project plans to conduct an assessment with multiple different tools, the training timeframe and agenda should be expanded accordingly.

[3] This assumes data collectors are new to mobile data collection. If more experienced data collectors have been recruited, this component may be condensed so that Day Two of the training is completed in half a day.