Curriculum Map
Too Good for ViolenceGrade: 8
Enduring Understandings:
Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.
Essential Questions:
- What choices should you make to act and grow responsibly?
- How can the choices you make today, influence your future health and happiness?
Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
/ 10.2.6.A, 10.2.6.D, 10.1.6.C, 10.1.6.D, 10.1.6.E, / Lesson 1
Communicating Makes Connections
Lesson 2
Giving criticism
Lesson 3
The ART of Taking Criticism
Lesson 4
Conflict Styles
Lesson 5
Real vs. Reel Violence
Lesson 6
That’s Entertainment?
Lesson 7
Redirecting Anger
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Mediation /
- Discuss the importance of communicating feelings verbally and non-verbally
- List feeling words
- Demonstrate the use if I-messages
- Demonstrate effective skills for expressing constructive criticism
- Demonstrate making clear requests
- Identify words and phrases that tend to provoke defensive reactions
- Recite a model for taking criticism
- Demonstrate effective responses to criticism
- Identify five conflict styles-competing, giving in, avoiding, compromising and going for win/win
- Discuss conflict style as a personal choice
- Discuss the importance of considering the issue and the relationship when choosing a conflict style
- Discuss the appropriateness of different conflict styles for different situations
- Define violence
- Differentiate between media presentations of violence and real violence
- Discuss the real consequences of violence
- Differentiate violence in real life from violence in the media
- Discuss facts about violence
- Distinguish between positive and negative responses to intense anger
- Discuss ways to deal with our anger positively, even in extremely negative situations
- Discuss the relationship between rumors and conflicts
- Identify ways that facts become distorted as rumors spread
- Demonstrate how distortion occurs even when people are not trying to distort the facts
- Discuss what to do when you hear a rumor
- Define “negotiation” and “mediation”
- Differentiate between negotiation and mediation
- Discuss mediation as an option when disputants are unable to solve their conflict on their own
- Perform a mediation role-play
Check workbook, page 2
Teacher observation of role play
Check workbook, pages 3 and 4 (Group work)
Check workbook, page 5
Teacher observation of group work
Homework-Analyzing Media Messages
Teacher observation of class activity
Check workbook, page 6
Teacher observation of group work
Check workbook, page 7
Share/Pair notes on questions
Check workbook, page 8
Teacher observation of role-play