"Tommy Thompson Sticks By Mitt Romney On '47 Percent' Comments"
-- Huffington Post, 9/19/2012

Dear Friend:
There's a video floating around the internet of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. If you haven't seen it, you need to:

Now, I don't make a habit of passing around videos from other campaigns. But this one is different -- because just this week Tommy Thompson actually defended Mitt Romney’s near total dismissal of almost half the country.
Mitt's comments in this video are so extreme that even Republicans have been distancing themselves. But not Tommy Thompson -- Thompson and Romney are cut from the same Washington cloth. Thompson is standing with Mitt and the special interests who’ve made it abundantly clear who they are fighting for -- themselves.
Tammy stands with the middle class. Tammy stands with Wisconsin. It's the fundamental contrast of this election -- and it's why we're going to win.
But we can’t do it without your help!
We're 8 days from the last full FEC quarter deadline of the election. And we only have $41,891 more to raise to hit our $300,000 goal. That's 4,189 supporters contributing $10 or more. Can you help us hit that goal?
With extreme views like this, it's no wonder that Romney-Thompson have no problem raising taxes on the middle class to give tax breaks to millionaires like themselves. It's no wonder they have their sights set on ending Medicare as we know it.
It just goes to show that these guys have no idea what this country really looks like. It's ignorance on a frightening scale -- not to mention completely disrespectful to the working families and elderly Americans and military veterans who fall into that 47%.
These aren't people who view themselves as “victims.” They are hardworking people. And every voice matters in this campaign.
Tammy knows that. And it's part of the vision for our country we're all fighting for in this election.
We're 4,189 supporters giving $10 away from hitting our $300,000 goal before the FEC deadline. Can you put us one supporter closer with a contribution?
Tammy is fighting for a country where opportunity exists for everyone -- not just the 7,000 millionaires who gamed the system to pay no income taxes on their fortunes (ironically enough, they fall into the 47%, too).
All the recent polls have us either tied or pulling ahead. It's almost October, and the momentum is ours. It's up to us to keep it.
Help us smash this FEC goal. Contribute $10 today.
Thank you for all of your support.
Karin Johanson
Campaign Manager
Tammy Baldwin for Senate

Paid for by Tammy Baldwin for Senate