Tomball Independent School District
Pre-Calculus Course Syllabus
Mrs. Morris
Course Prerequisite: Algebra II
Course Objectives: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
· The student defines functions, describes characteristics of functions, and translates among verbal, numerical, graphical, and symbolic representations of functions, including polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and piecewise-defined functions
· The student interprets the meaning of the symbolic representation of functions and operations on functions within a context.
· The student uses functions and their properties to model and solve real-life problems.
· The student uses sequences and series to represent, analyze and solve real-life problems.
· The student uses conic sections, their properties and parametric representations to model physical situations.
· The student uses vectors to model physical situations.
Course Content: First Semester: Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Triangle Trigonometry,
Trigonometric Equations and Applications, Trig Identities,
Second Semester: Trigonometric Addition Formulas, Polar Equations,
Complex Numbers, Conics, Vectors and Determinants, Parametric Equations, Sequences and Series, Logarithms, Rational Functions and Limits
Course Textbook: Larson (Cengage Learning); Pre-Calculus with Limits A Graphing Approach – Sixth
Edition (Textbooks are not mandatory. A student may request a book and check one out from the library).
Course Materials/Supplies: Paper, pencils, grading pens
**A graphing calculator is STRONGLY recommended for use in this course. We will use a TI-84 in class.
Grading Procedures:
Daily: 30% Assignments
Quizzes (count as 2 daily grades)
Major: 70% Tests and Projects (at least 3 per 9 weeks). You will have a 9 weeks exam
that will count as a test grade and replace the lowest test grade.
Exam Exemptions are in accordance with district policy.
Make-up Work:
· Make-up work is in accordance with the district policy. It is the student’s responsibility to complete make-up assignments and get notes from days they are not able to attend class.
I will use google classroom to post videos of the lessons and assignments.
Classroom code ljph3u
Calculator Use:
Students will be assigned a calculator to use in class, which must be used on all tests. Calculators may not be allowed on some quizzes/tests.
**The TI-89 calculator will NOT BE ALLOWED on any quiz or test.
Weekly schedule will be posted in my classroom. I will post the entire nine week schedule on my web page.
Tutoring will be Tuesday and Thursday after school until 3:15. Mr. Patterson will also tutor on Wednesday mornings and afternoons.
All tardies will be counted and the school policy will be enforced.
Contact Information:
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have:
Amy Morris
(281) 357 – 3220 x 2421