2017 – 2018 Season
Welcome to another exciting wrestling season! We hope you are excited as we are to begin! We will be having our first practice on December 4th!
Parents in the Loft
As we have done in previous years, we would like to try not having parents/guardians in the wrestling loft unless they are helping coach. The first two weeks of practice the parents/guardians are welcome to watch the practices. Parents are asked to either come back and pick up their wrestler or are welcome to stay in the commons area.
Registration Fee:
Kids must be at least 4 years old at the time of registration to register. Registration fees will be increased a bit this year to
$40/ wrestler or $60/family. We ask for a $40.00 deposit per singlet(prefer check but will take cash). You will get your deposit back when the uniform is turned in, which his usually at the end of the year banquet. Deposits for the singlets will not be cashed.
Volunteer Fee:
Families of wrestlers are encouraged to get involved for the fun and partnership of the sport. This also helps subsidize our operating costs and also the sharing of the workload within the club also helps us from “over-using” and “burning-out” active members. There will be a separate deposit of $50.00 for a parent/guardian volunteer fee (which will be cashed). We will be requiring parents to donate at least two hours of their time (per family) to help out at club sponsored events, like coaching or working tournaments. We are able to accomplish this through concession sales, admission to our youth tournament and our fundraiser for the year. The JV Tournament will be held on January 27th, and our own youth tournament will be Sunday, January 28th. This deposit will be returned to you at the end of the season if you were able to help out in any way. You will need to keep track of your own hours and turn into a board member. We again will be using the sign-ups app. More information to follow on this.
Practice Times:
Pre-K thru K to 5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
1st thru 2nd 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
3rd thru 8th graders, 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Hopefully this will eliminate the amount of time spent in the hallways for the older group and get the younger kids home earlier also. If practice is cancelled due to weather they will not be rescheduled. Also, if school is cancelled due to weather there will be no practice.
Website and Facebook:
We have a website address for our club, and also Facebook page for Tomah Youth Wrestling. Our website address Please check this website for tournament information, monthly calendars, forms etc…
Remind App Practice/Tournament Cancellation Hotline:
We will primarily be using the Reminder App again, but will also have our Hotline number (608) 427-6600 in case of cancellations due to weather, or if there is a change in practice due to scheduling conflicts. We will also try to update it on the website and Facebook as quickly as we can, but be sure to check the Reminder App and Hotline first. Emails are not always going through correctly so hopefully this will improve communication.
Code of Conduct
Just a reminder of what information is on the Code of Conduct form that you and your wrestler signed during registration. One change this year is that if a wrestler needs to be disciplined, it may be necessary for them to be suspended from practice, tournaments, or even the season. This will be left up to the discretion of the coach and/or board members. Please also remember that it is not always possible to have a coach at your wrestler’s matches, but that they will continue to do their best to be available.
Code of Conduct
A wrestler and parent(s) must follow the club’s code of conduct, training and rules.
A child who violates the code of conduct at practice, or a wrestling tournament, or any function associated with the Tomah Youth Wrestling Club during the youth wrestling season, by using derogatory words, fighting, disrespecting another child, coach, or referee, drugs, alcohol, or having a weapon of any time, will have discipline action taken that will fit the action of the child, which could be suspension from practice, tournaments or even the season.
Your $40/$60 registration fee will go towards your wrestler’s cost for attending approximately five or six tournaments throughout the year. The average cost for your wrestler to attend each tournament is $10 to $15 so the club will pay for any additional tournaments that exceeds the cost of registration. Tournament information will be decided on by the coaches and the board as the information becomes more available of the different events offered.
Clothing Orders
Clothing items need to be turned in by December 4thandsecond order will be January 3rd.
Board Members
This year’s board members are: President: Bob Bemis; Vice President: Travis Champlin; Co-Treasurers: Kristi Betthauser and Gina Downey; Secretary: Amber Squires; Board Members: Willie Bowie, Stew Walters, Jeff Von Haden, Jodi Pierce, Brant Steen, Tony Finch and Tyler Laudon. Please feel free to give them any input, positive or negative, throughout the season.
Wrestling Shoes
Wrestling shoes are not required to practice; however, wrestlers are expected to wear a t-shirt, shorts/sweat pants and soft-soled shoes to practice. Wrestling in socks is not safe and puts your child at a disadvantage. If anyone has wrestling shoes their child has outgrown, bring them to the first week of practice. We will set up a table for a sale/swap. You may be able to sell/buy a pair of shoes very reasonable compared to in-store prices. We can also post this information on our website.
Thank you for all of your help in making this wrestling season a success!