The Healing Codes 11.13.2008 27

Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of The Healing Codes family I welcome you to this call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is November 13, 2008. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available from our website:

We support The Healing Codes clients in several different ways. This call is one of them. The recording is another. The personal coaching that is included with The Healing Codes package, in my opinion, is the most valuable support that we provide. We have will get you some sort of e-mail response or it will be delivered to someone who can specifically respond to you.

Tonight we ask anybody who is uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process to ask questions. Those questions serve not only you but perhaps other people on this call or people listening to the recording. We like to hear success stories. That’s encouraging all the way around. Those are nice. We like to validate those people.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental conditions or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. Further, the opinions I express are my opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not, just let them go flying by.

I’m going to open the floor for any questions. Let me point out that I would gladly create a Custom Code for you. This is for The Healing Codes clients, so if you’d like a Custom Code for something you are dealing with I would be glad to do that. When you indicate that you want to talk about an issue or you want a Custom Code, I seek to expand that so it applies to more people. I try to go the very specific to more general or more global. If you would prefer not to have that done, feel free to speak up and say “Nothing, but a Code, please, nothing but a Code.” I’ll recognize the Joe Friday implications to that and give you nothing but a Code.

With that thought in mind, you come in muted, so hit *6. That will un-mute you. If you’d like to make a point, make a comment, ask a question or deal with a given situation that would be great. Then *6 will put you back on mute.

I’m ready if you are.

Participant: (Pat, IN) I’ve been doing Codes and have been getting really good results in terms of just overall wonderful things happening. I was wondering, how would I do a Code or which Code would I do for getting a lawsuit settled. From my end, my attorney wants to settle it, but the other side has been reluctant.

Tom Costello: That’s a great topic actually. I think what you would want to do is go into the Peace code, or depending on the circumstances related to it, go into Unforgiveness.

Participant: Yeah, I started doing Unforgiveness today just out of intuition.

Tom Costello: And some people think that money comes from credit cards. Some people money comes from lawsuits. But in fact I happen to be a fan of the Abraham-Hicks material. In the last couple of days they had e-mails about lawsuits and how that can be real disruptive to somebody’s energy. From a global standpoint this is an interesting thing based on some other stuff I’m studying – the life and teachings of the Masters of the Far East – talking about the idea that people who focus on money coming from another person or from a lawsuit. It doesn’t really come from that direction. It comes from our consciousness, this place within us; this place of peace, this place of love, this place of forgiveness, this place of trust, joy, on and on, is the doorway to the Source of Everything.

The Source of Everything is like the Ft. Knox of everything. I’d say I’d go for Unforgiveness. I’d go for Peace about that. I happen to subscribe to this idea. “It is all good.” Now it’s just a question of time before I personally recognize that it is all good. You bump into a wall, you bump into a wall. You discover a lot of things by bumping into walls actually. Instead of taking a hammer and hitting the wall, “you know what, there is good in this. I’m going to seek to discover it. It may require me to change my point of view.” You can get into that case. Depending on the specifics of your situation…

This thought occurred to me. I was driving my wife to Miami International Airport. I had money in my pocket. Then when I was approaching the tolls on the way back I realized the money had fallen out of my shallow pocket. It would have been by the outside baggage checking area. No chance for it to be there if I turned around and went back. I thought, “I contributed that money to somebody who was attracting it. Somebody is going to benefit from that. I’ll consider the fact that I gave a gift, unknowingly. I’m going to accept it that I gave them a gift as compared to I lost something.” I didn’t lose anything. Then I was at peace with it.

Maybe something like that can work with this. If you can work with the other people and see – we look at other people and go, “I know what they look like, or I don’t know what they look like, but I know what their attitude is like.” If you could visualize them in one way or another and recognize that just like you and me, in their heart is a spark of love, generosity, fairness, kindness and every other virtue that you can think of. That’s in there. In fear, though, when somebody is in fear, they can’t access that as well. As you think of them in this, all good can come to them as well. That doesn’t deplete your good. Then maybe they’ll awaken to that light within and go, “You know what, we need to be fair about this. Let’s just settle.” Those are the possibilities there.

Participant: Okay. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Somebody else have something, anything?

Participant: (Monica) Something just dawned on me. For four to six months I’ve had extremely tight muscles in the shoulders. It’s just tremendously tight. I’ve gone to massage in August and they couldn’t even massage it out. It was like it’s inflamed. I began going to cranial sacral therapy about 8 weeks ago, once a week. It loosened it up a little bit, but they are still getting inflamed if I sit up for half an hour or so. Then I went for acupuncture. They are still working on it.

Today it dawned on me, I feel I have issues about supporting myself financially. I feel like I’m carrying the weight of the world. I just feel what is going on all over the world on my shoulders. Then there’s this issue of “spineless”. In my life I’ve had times when I didn’t speak up for myself or I was shy. I think all three do apply to me. It just dawned on me now. I’m glad it popped into my head. How can I approach the Codes, or you can do me a Custom Code perhaps. How can I approach the issues to help my weak spine and muscles?

Tom Costello: Those are three different things. I’ll be glad to give you a Custom Code, but let’s just talk about it. I can recall years ago having seen a picture of starvation in Africa. My then wife looked it and gasped. Somebody said to us, “Don’t go into sympathy.” You can be constructive, but don’t go into sympathy. Everybody is choosing to participate. Be constructive. If you want to do something about it or any other situation you see, that’s great, but don’t take in the energy thinking it’s going to lessen their difficulty. It actually just multiplies it. Don’t go into sympathy, that’s a low vibration of pity. Empathy, compassion, those are two very high vibrations. Recognize that everybody is creating their own experience based upon their level of awareness and you can be constructive. I recommend that. Don’t go, “I’m going to go watch TV. They’re doing their own thing dying and starving.” That’s not the point. The point is don’t take in that energy that you can’t process and weigh yourself down.

The second thing is this idea of support, not being able to support yourself. Support is a consciousness thing; to be able to open this awareness within you. I’m looking at technologies right around me; iPods and video cameras and computers and stuff. All of this stuff is a result of people’s imaginations. They took a thought that they imagined and they did a whole bunch of steps, and people like me are surrounded by electronic stuff. And, people have made millions and millions of dollars about that. Money, imagination, support, that energy form is abundant. The only thing that separates or distinguishes us from it is consciousness. We have the door closed. If there’s a lull later on in the call I’m going to talk about what I referred to last week as relational statements. That has to do with the state of our relationships with things to include money, our bodies, and health.

To jump to the third thing, the idea that if you don’t speak up for yourself, the interpretation is that sometimes it is politic. It’s wise not to speak up. If you were to interpret it as being spineless, you have constructed, you have commanded, you have blueprinted yourself with a harsh and disempowering interpretation.

Previously on calls and I was noticing it in my notes earlier in the last couple of days, I want to write a formula. Conditions = Images + Suggestions.

Another one: Conditions = perceptions + interpretations.

Perceptions plus interpretations equal a condition. Hmmm… You don’t work on changing the condition – you can, and that’s how most people do it, but really if you look at that, perceptions are so variable, interpretations are so variable; choose a new viewpoint. You weren’t hurtful. You didn’t hurt anybody by not speaking up.

Participant: I hurt myself.

Tom Costello: You think you hurt yourself, but that is also a point of view, an interpretation. Maybe you needed to not speak up then in order to reap the harvest now, many years, months or days later. “Ah, I had that experience and now I’m gaining the benefit. It felt like I was being restricted or limited or holding myself back. I’ve been kicking myself and kicking myself. But now I realize that it has led me to this awareness 40 minutes ago, which is a “Ah, this is fantastic.”

In The Healing Codes, really what we are doing as we relax is we’re allowing ourselves to choose another viewpoint for events that we’ve had. Now I would say, “I want to choose another point of view.” You are strong. You are wise. You can support yourself. The consciousness that you are looking for is available to you. It is ever expanding. Here you are talking about it. Now you’ll bring this in.

You’ll let go of that “Oh, I did something wrong. I was spineless.” Those things are very commanding. “I am.” “You are.” “He/she/it is.” “We are.” “He was.” Those are very, very powerful commands. You don’t want to say “I was spineless or I am spineless.” First of all it’s not true. If you were a jellyfish that may be true, but it’s not true of you. It’s not true of a human being. And it’s not true in the sense that spineless means you didn’t stand up for yourself.

The fact is if I don’t stand up for myself this: I don’t stand up for myself. That’s all. It doesn’t mean anything more. If I didn’t stand up for myself = I didn’t stand up for myself. We make up this amazing interpretive story, “I couldn’t have. I shouldn’t have. I could have. I would have…” You turn it into War and Peace, but it’s all interpretation.

Participant: I see my symptoms and I have logically come to those conclusions. At the time I didn’t coin myself as spineless in the past, but now I’m looking at myself and now I’m thinking I might have been. With the support it’s been an ongoing thing. I’m drawing those conclusions on an intellectual level based on the fact that my spine is very weak like a jellyfish. I’m still collapsed in bed all the time, even though I’m strong.

Tom Costello: I’m a fan of this and have made reference to this website. It has to do with physical therapy and they have a lot of good exercises on there. He’s got exercises. Recognize that when we get out of bed we’ve got muscles that hurt. It is that our muscles have gotten into a certain position and certain length and when you start moving around you are asking those muscles very quickly to loosen up, turn into rubber and also support you at the same time. You don’t have a backache, you just have muscles that became tight if you were sleeping in a certain position. We’re looking for flexibility in muscles which support the joints, support the hips, support the shoulders, support the elbows, support the spine, support the knees. As we recognize that and do exercises we go, “Ah, that’s what it is.” Stretching, becoming more flexible, get it, more flexible in terms of point of view as well. You know what? Here’s a thought. You are a pianist. If you were to sit down with no music in front of you I suppose you would not be able to play. You go, “No, of course not. I could play.” Well, how could you play? Are those notes in your fingertips and you put your fingertips on the keys and the notes pop out and hit? “No, I’ve practiced so much I have this reservoir of notes and when I sit down they will come right out of my fingers and I’ll hit the appropriate keys in the appropriate sequence.”

This that you are looking for is in a reservoir that belongs to you. It wants you to access it the same way you would access notes if you were to sit down and improvise, the same way somebody else on this call would write in an inspired fashion. It’s not in the pen. “Oh, that’s my favorite pen. There’s a novel inside this pen.” That’s not where the novel is. It’s not in the pen. It’s somewhere else and flows to us and through us. The same with money. The same with support, the same with health, the same with love, the same with everything.

(Tom tests for and delivers the Code.) Really settle down. Let go of all the stuff that doesn’t belong to you and allow this stuff to flow to you. Typically I diagram things like that. It’s not really out there. It’s right in the center of us. It’s in our chest, our heart area, from belly button to Adam’s apple. Maybe I’ll say from knees to Adam’s apple. Or maybe it’s from the bottom of our feet to the top of our heads. That is where you’re going to open to Light. That Light of awareness, support, connection; that’s where the consciousness of all the wonderful things that have been foretold as belonging to us in Bibles and other holy books are.