The Healing Codes07.02.20091

Thursday Q&ATom Costello

Tom Costello: It was my mistake that you could not get in to this phone number readily.

This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is July 2, 2009. Everything on the call is being recorded. That recording is available as a download from our website:

We like to provide support in a couple of different ways. One is the call. Another is the recording. Another is the free download. We’ve got . We’ve got . That one comes directly to me. We provide coaching either one-on-one that you get with specific packages of Healing Codes products or you can buy from our website by selecting the practitioner you want to deal with. Or you can end up getting group coaching that comes included with other packages. All that support is designed to encourage and make it easier for your implement this action of what I would describe as playing with vibrations in order to create new conditions in your life.

This call is geared to various people who might have questions about The Healing Codes. That’s the first order of business. The second is for people who want to tell us about their successes or what they are experiencing. Let me just add another group: people who are dealing with challenges and want to talk about that or get a Custom Code.

Anything goes related to healing, Healing Codes. I would encourage you take advantage of this. Your questions and participation benefit other people on the call and people listening to the recordings as well as, I hope, you.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental conditions or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual or energetic issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not just let them go flying by. If they don’t resonate with you don’t even bother with them. Just let them go by.

What I’d like to do immediately is open the call to any kind of question or comments that you folks may have. We’ll take it from there. If you have something you’d like to say or ask, if you hit *6 I’ll be able to recognize you and we can begin the call.

If you don’t, I’m going to jibber-jabber. I’m going to fill in some stuff; frankly this is filler. I think the most important part of the call is you, not me jibber-jabbering. However, I encourage you to interrupt related to what I’m saying or not related to what I’m saying. I hear somebody in the background.

Participant: (Candy) I want to say I appreciate the call you did last week, especially talking about the importance of eating a meal and incorporating joy. That was something that for me – I was taught that way at home, but when you get out in the world and with friends, you get in the habit of eating fast and not even thinking what you are doing. I’ve been really trying to implement – it’s been hard – slowing down, taking a bite, putting the silverware down, chewing the food. Then picking up the utensil and taking another bite. That was very helpful and enlightening.

Tom Costello: Good. I’m pleased. Last night on a different call the subject of breathing came up. I think I’ve mentioned this a couple of times. I think the conception that we are breathing in blessings, we’re taking in blessings, blessings are coming to us every time we inhale because the plants on Mother Earth have produced this oxygen by combining with sunlight and water and warmth. We’re breathing in the exhalation of plants. What they exhale we inhale. We’re taking in a blessing.

The next point is when we exhale we are letting go of blessings. We are actually blessing the world by providing carbon dioxide which is what plants need to breathe in. They give us oxygen. We breathe it in. We give them carbon dioxide. They breathe it in. They breath out oxygen. We’ve got this nice circle of blessing.

I like the idea that we’re taking in blessings not only when we drink water or eat food as Candy reminded me, but when we’re breathing. We’re breathing in blessings and we’re giving out blessings. That idea that we are this energetic focal point, we are this point of consciousness where energy is flowing to us. It is a blessing. It flows through us. In our unique way we’re going to translate this, add value to it and then express it in the form of exhalation. That’s a blessing to a plant. We have other creative expressions; what we think, what we say, what we write, how we smile, a touch to a loved one, or a consideration shown to a stranger or any other action that is higher vibration; joy, peace, patience, love, kindness, enthusiasm, courageousness, acceptance, compassion, generosity and on and on. Those are blessings that come to us, if we recognize it, and through us.

As we’re expressing that, if we’ve got blessings coming to us and we’re expressing them I’m thinking our bodies have to notice the difference of that energetic diet. Those are a couple ways to turn fundamental activities that are very easy to loose sight of and turn them into spiritual experiences and treat them in a more reverential, a holier frame of reference. I think that benefits us individually in a very practical way.

I heard a couple of people join us. If you’ve got a question or an answer or a comment, all you have to do is hit *6 to un-mute your telephone and jump right in.

We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm here in southwest Florida. That’s nice. We have been a little bit down on rain. Every time it rains that pleases us now. Having said that, if the thunder and lightening knock us off the line we’ll be right back on.

As I’ve mentioned many times on these calls, and again I encourage you to interrupt, I mentioned that I journal every morning. In the last couple of days the subject of separateness came up. This idea that we’re separate. I’m kind of a free thinker. I’m willing to interpret stuff the way I want. I’m not that good at accepting other people’s interpretations. But I’m getting better. I was thinking about the idea in Genesis – and I’m not Biblical scholar, that’s for sure – the serpent is talking to Adam and Eve. I kind of think of it as being mislead in a couple of different ways. One of those is this sales presentation, “You know what? What you want is outside of yourself. You’re going to get a real lot of stuff if you recognize that what you want is over there.” In this case in a tree. In this case an apple. We hear this, if you turn on television after this phone call is over and you hear the advertisements for pharmaceuticals. “What you want is in this vial, in this capsule, in this pill.” Or, I see a lot of car dealerships, “You want this car. You could be really cool. This is the happiness you're looking for. It is a 4-wheeled vehicle.” I think that’s the first challenge – falling into the trap of believing that what we want is outside of ourselves.

There’s no question about it that cars and conveniences and I’m looking at computers on my desk, are interesting and fun objects to play with. But, for us to believe that they are the source of happiness, that’s a slippery slope. That’s going to get us into a place we don’t want to be.

The next idea that I’d like to play with about that Genesis paragraph is the idea that the serpent suggested that a doingness, an action, was required. You’ve got to go do something. The thing that you want is over there. In order to get it you’ve got to do this. When the consequence turned out not to be ideal, there’s “Uh-oh, we need to do more.” Now doing more. The consequences are not what we had in mind. We’ve got to do more. (repeatedly) Here we are July 2, 2009 and there are lots of us who are doing, “I can’t do more. There are only 24 hours in a day. There are only 7 days in a week. I’m working here and there and everywhere. I’m doing this and doing that. I’m trying to do, doing, doing, doing, doing, doing.” That’s a trap.

It connects to this idea that I started with of separation, or separateness. What we want is not separate from us. It is not over there. Those are toys over there and that’s okay. We can play with them. But what we really want is the vibration, not the object. We want the feelings, not the object. We are not separate. If this has any validity, and I’ll let you decide for yourself. I’m not selling this idea. It makes sense to me and I’m playing with it and I like it. But, I believe that individuals, you and me and everyone of us on this call, what we benefit from is making our own decisions, becoming aware. “I’ll do it your way. I’ll accept what you say.” No, I don’t want you to accept what I say. I’d like you to consider it and go, “Let me prove it to myself.” That’s really the way to do it. Here’s an idea. I feel like trying it or I don’t feel like trying it. That’s great. That decision is yours.

“I want to try it out. Let me see if it’s true for me. If it’s not true for me I’ll discard it.” “I may discard it anyway, at least I will play with it.” Ultimately you have the full control over that process of determining the value of this idea.

If we’re not separate from what we want, it’s right here already, how do we access it? I would suggest the way we access it is not to do so much, not to have so much, although doing and having is fun, but being is really the – “Let me just be in this.” I frankly think that’s one of the great values, and we don’t speak of it that often, with The Healing Codes. If you’re going to do The Healing Codes, and I’ll say “effectively”. If you’ve been on these calls before I’ve talked about there being no perfect way to do it. If you do it in a relaxed fashion you are doing it correctly. But, if you just “be” here, although there is a bit of doing by pointing here and there, the real factor is “I already sent my intention with my prayer request. I’m focusing my attention in a gentle, peaceful, relaxed way,” not stressful, not concentrating, not working real hard at it “on the ideal condition.” “I’m doing these Codes. I’m directing energy back into my healing centers and I’m being.” “I’m not forcing the issue. I’m not causing anything. I’m not working at it. I’m just basically being here in this space.”

The intention, I believe, gets delivered to us, our hearts. Imagine that. All of a sudden there is relaxation. We stop chasing our shadow and reverse that. “I want health. I’ve got to run like crazy to try to catch health. It seems so illusive. I can’t find it.” “I want money. I’m working like crazy and I’m running, running, running. I just think I’ve got money in my arms and money steps out of the way and I miss it.” Or love or career or whatever.

I believe I’m separate from it. That’s why I have to run so hard to catch it. It’s kind of like that story of the reverse of the shadow. “I run like crazy to outrun my shadow.” In this case it’s “I tried like crazy to catch my good. I couldn’t do it.” Running is not the way to catch your good. Being is the way to catch your good. It’s right there where you are. Becoming aware of it is all the doingness that you need.

On other calls I’ve made reference to Walter Russell. He was regarded by a lot of people as a modern Leonardo DiVinci when he was alive. Walter Russell was world famous in about half a dozen areas. He used to go to God, that’s his phrase of going within, meditating, getting into this quiet space. Going with an intention; seeing the unfoldment of his intention or something even better. He’d come back to a regular normal working state. If the image that he saw was complete he would then take action. He would then do. It was as if his blueprint had been finalized and now he could implement it. If it wasn’t clear to him, or wasn’t complete, he didn’t yet take action.

It would be like “I want to build a house.” There’s nothing on my blueprint. “I’m going to work like crazy trying to build a house with no sense of what it is I’m building.” For a lot of us I think that’s what we can be doing. “I was working really hard.” Were you productive? “No.” Did you know exactly what you were trying to accomplish? “No.” Would you have invested some time in that conceptualization? “I was too anxious. I needed to get doing.” As a release of energy. We’ve been trained “don’t sit down. Don’t be not busy. Don’t be lazy.” These labels we’ve been terrorized with over the course of our lives drive us into being “human doings” as opposed to human Being (capital “B”).

Some of us get tricked into this. The first time I saw it was on a bus in JohnF.KennedyAirport going from one terminal to another. I watched a person talk about her jewelry to another younger woman. It was so scary to me. She was her jewelry. She was a beautiful, attractive woman, but she was her jewelry. She had a “have” identity. If you took those jewels away, “Where did that woman go? Did she disappear?” I think a lot of us have a “I do identity.” I’m doing, doing, doing, doing. I can fall into that trap pretty easily.

Then there’s the “I-dentity” which is really connected to who I am; not what I do, not my title, not how busy I can be, but how I can connect to Source, to God, to the thing, the power, the force that keeps us alive.

I want to make sure there is opportunity for somebody to ask a question or make a comment. I would really like you to do that.

Okay, so here I am standing in a room. It’s a large room with high ceilings. I’m looking around: ceiling fans, lights. A lot of people would suggest there is a lot of empty space. In reality physicists, scientists, philosophers would say that space is not empty. It is hugely filled with gigantic amounts of information and energy. It is anything but empty. It is not empty space. It is filled.

All of us know – I’m looking at two wireless computers on my desk. They’re plugged in, but they are connected to the network wirelessly. There are TVs and radios in other rooms. Those signals are being transmitted even if radios and TVs are not on. I’ve got a cell phone sitting there. It is picking up information and sending information even though I’m not talking on a cell phone. I’m talking on a portable phone with a headset. Lots of stuff is flying around in the air here – lots of energy, lots of information.

What if, where we stand in this invisible world is everything we could possibly want? The image of an invisible super-store with invisible shelves with everything we could possibly want is on those invisible shelves in invisible form. We can’t see it with the naked eye. This, to me, is how good our God has been to us. If you think of God as a store keeper is offensive, think of the abundance that has been promised. If as we grow we know we can have what we want, we will start to upgrade what it is we want. “I want candy. I want candy.” As kids maybe that was a common cry. But once we realize we can have it any time we want, we think, “Okay, let me upgrade my desires.”

When we have provided the fundamental needs we’re going to be looking for self-actualization, for the fulfillment of our potentials, our connection to God. This raw material that is in the super-store that is shaped by our intention, our attention, our desires, our belief system will start to go higher and higher. We may start out saying “I want all the money in the world.” It won’t be very long before we go, “You know what, I would much rather see the eradication of hunger or world peace or clean drinking water for ever person on the planet.” We would become more sensitized to human needs because we would recognize the connectedness of a human need in Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, Australia and in this hemisphere in the northern part of this hemisphere as being connected. They’re not separate. Their problems are not separate from us. Our problems are not separate from them because of this energetic connection. That’s what we would tend to think about.

Here we are in this store. We want to practice attracting – let me say it this way as well – becoming aware of the blessings that are being showered upon us. “I’ve got to go get those blessings.” You can actually stand still and become aware of them. “You’ve got to do, do, do, do, do!” “We did it the old fashioned, hard work.” Yes. Okay. You can do it that way. You can do it elegantly. You can do it spiritually. Then mentally and emotionally and physically. Do it in those phases: from the invisible to mental to emotional and then physical. If you create that way it’s a lot easier than “I’m just going to create. I don’t have a clue what. I’m going to start doing, doing, doing, doing.” “Ouch, I just bumped into a wall. I crashed. I hit my thumb with that tool.” Do you know what you’re doing? “Not actually.” Back up a few steps, emotional, mental, spiritual – decide what is important to you and hopefully (this is what I say. You make your own decisions) hopefully that’s a connection to the Spirit, that connection to God that keeps you alive. That relationship is the purpose. It is the fire. It is the beat of your heart. That makes more sense to me. You go through that relationship and you come out with expressing the joy, the gratitude, the connection that you established in that spiritual “work room”, “play room”, “fun room”, “laboratory”, however you want to think of it.