Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 18th November, 2014
at Oddfellows Hall, 7.30 pm
Present: Susan Endley, Arline Greenwood, Tony Greenwood, Margaret Gunton,
Roy Gunton, Andy Hollis, Brenda Hollows, Judith Marshall, Caroline Pinder.
Apologies were submitted from Sue Hogg and Christine Potter.
Arline Greenwood - acting Secretary in the absence of Sue Hogg.
1.Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 28th October, 2013.
The acting secretary read a copy of the minutes to those present.
Resolved: that the minutes be accepted as a true record.
2Matters arising from the Minutes
The monthly meeting time of 2.30 pm has now been abandoned and has reverted to 5.30 pm. Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday in every month and will alternate between formal and informal. The next meeting will be an informal one on 21 January.
The question of mobility vehicles for the park had been taken up by Judith, but to little avail. There appeared little interest from the Leisure Centre to provide accommodation for such vehicles. The only other place which could have been considered was the Fielden Centre, but this building is for sale.
Judith was thanked for her enquiries in this matter.
3Chairman's Report
The Chair welcomed new faces and read out the constitution.
Tony thanked the officers, especially Sue, Susan, Judith and Brenda for their work over the last year.
- We have a good attendance at PPG meetings
- The people present all want to help the Practice serve the patients better.
- The Doctors have withdrawn from attending each meeting and now only attend the formal one.
- The point was made that we are not on the PPG because we have nothing better to do. We do not organise and turn up at meetings to meet and make new friends! We are involved to improve OUTCOMES.
- The only point of a PPG is to change things for the better so lets look at the outcomes. What has improved over the last twelve months.
- One meeting organised on Depression. Badly attended. However, it is hoped to organise more in the future.
- Still acknowledged that access via ramp is unsatisfactory. Lift has been investigated but there has been little interest or support from the Practice. (Cost of lift approximately £20,000. Need to pursue with owners of the building)
- There has been an improvement in appointment times available, with one late evening alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
- Appointment problem is nationwide. The question seems to be - how is it that thousands of practices get it right yet so many do not.
- We would like a facility for accident treatment and would like some of the pre-med work being done in Todmorden.
- We would like weekend appointments.
- On the plus side, when patients get to see a practitioner they seem to be satisfied.
- Statistics published by National Patients Survey are not impressive. There is an Action Plan and three of the concerns have been dealt with. - extended hours/ New GP Rota/screen re appointment check in re-sited.
- How do we help to improve matters?
Resolved: that the Chair be thanked for his report. Arising out of the report mention was made of the fact that there is no holiday cover for doctors on leave. This needs to be discussed at a future meeting.
4Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer circulated copies of the accounts for 2013/2014. Cash in the bank in November, 2013 was £264.01. Expenditure for the year totalled £180.52 consisting of £40 Affiliation fee to National Association of Patients Participation Groups, £60 hire of Oddfellows Hall (2 meetings) £38.02 Public Notice, £32.50 Secretary's Expenses leaving £83.49 in the bank account.
Resolved: that the Treasurer's report be accepted and thanks to Susan for her work in this direction.
A letter was submitted from the Practice Manager informing the PPG that as from 1st December, 2014 medication can not be requested over the telephone. Difficulties can arise from telephone requests. The letter set down ways of obtaining prescriptions: Written requests, on line services, Pharmacy Managed repeat service. This information is being widely notified.
Resolved: that the letter and information be received.
6Election of Officers
Resolved: that the following officers be elected.
Chair:Tony Greenwood
Vice-Chair:Judith Marshall
Treasurer:Susan Endley
Secretary:Sue Hogg
Committee Members: Arline Greenwood, Margaret Gunton, Roy Gunton.
7Meeting of PPG re medical subjects.
It was reported again that one medical meeting had been held on the subject of Depression. No members of the public attended, but an interesting meeting was held between the presenters and the four members of the PPG present.
Resolved: that Judith pursue further open medical meetings, but it is suggested that these do not take place until the lighter weather.
8 Date and time of next Annual General Meeting.
The next AGM will be held on 18th November, 2015 at the Oddfellows Hall at 7.30 pm.