THS Mighty Viking Band
Board Meeting Minutes
March 25, 2014
Todd Peak welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
Old Business
a. Secretary – Taisa Duncan – Minutes from the February 25th meeting were presented and approved.
Committee Reports
a. 1st VP – Kyle Blevins – no report
b. 2nd VP – Dave Evans – no report
c. Credits Secretary – Kena Kappleman- There are still a few things that she needs to enter into Charms and then it will be current.
d. Treasurer – Lynette Thomas – Treasurers report was given out. March staff has been paid. The charger cord sale did very well. We have extended the sale to April 4th. Still cutting it very close on the budget.
e. Volunteer Coordinator – Teresa Martin – No current volunteer needs. We had wonderful volunteers for both the Orlando trip and the concert festival.
f. Public Relations – Lorri Looney – A news release was sent out regarding the band's upcoming performances at the Nascar race and Disney parade. WJHL ran a news story and Bristol Herald Courier ran two briefs on the same day.
g. House and Grounds – Doris Evans – no report
There were no questions. A motion was made to accept committee reports; it was seconded. Committee reports were approved.
New Business
a. Winterguard fees need to be collected immediately. Only 7 of the 27 participants have paid in full.
b. The credit card machine has not been utilized properly. We have already incurred a large expense to pay for the machine therefore it would be to our advantage to use it when we can.
c. Nominating committee – must be composed of 5 members. One from Executive Board and one to represent each class. The nominees must be a current voting member of the boosters. These nominees must be set ASAP so there can be elections at the April booster meeting. Taisa Duncan volunteered to be the Executive board rep and Julie Harlan volunteered to be the freshman representative.
Mr. Peak thanked all those who worked on the Disney trip, chaperoned, or spent countless hours planning the trip. Because of your efforts the trip was a tremendous success! Our tour company Kaleidoscope Adventures was phenomenal!
Mr. Semones also wanted to thank all those who went on the trip. He also thanked Lynette Thomas for her many hours of planning the trip. It has been a rough year on the operations side of the band but the band itself has produced awesome performances all year throughout both marching and concert season. Thanks for a great year!
Meeting adjourned by President Todd Peak.
Respectfully Submitted,
Taisa Duncan, Secretary