15th February 2015

Today is the Sunday next before Lent ( Transfiguration Sunday )

Hymns at Eucharist : 646 , 70 , 32, (540 , 67 , 47 ) , 419

Psalm 81:1-10 BCP p. 557

TODAY 10.00 am Parish Eucharist with Sunday School

11.30 am Baptism

6.00 pm Evensong

MONDAY 9.30 am Parent and Toddler group

TUESDAY 2.00 pm NO Mother’s Union

7.00 pm SHROVE TUESDAY social evening

ASH 10.30 am Holy Eucharist with ashing


THURSDAY 10.30 am Holy Eucharist followed by tea /coffee

6.00 pm Clergy Surgery for booking of baptisms, banns and

weddings etc. No appointments necessary.

FRIDAY 4.20 pm Mother;s Union Wave of Prayer Service

( all welcome to come along )


Gen 9:8-17 , 1 Pet. 3:18-22, Mk. 1:9-15

10.00 am Parish Eucharist with Sunday School

6.00 pm LENT TALK : The Gospel of John


Lent Talks : Details of this years Lent and Easter Services are on the form now available. This year’s Lent course Starts NEXT SUNDAY EVENING - Do try and join us.

Passion Play : On Sunday 22nd March the Clydach Catholic Church will be performing the PASSION PLAY here in St. David’s at 7 p.m. Please put this date in your diary. Tickets are now available at £5 ( for Charity ) PLEASE HELP TO SELL. TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FROM JOHN RICHARDSON. Can you please help to put up posters around the community.

Lent Collection : throughout Lent we will again be supporting the Bishop’s Lent appeal for various charities. A collection plate for donations will be placed at the back of church and remain there until our Easter Services. Details of the charities will be given soon.

Open Church : once again this year we are hoping to be able to open the church each weekday morning from 10 a.m. to midday for people to come in for quietness and prayer. We usually open from April to September. If you can help opening the church on a rota can you please let John Richardson know who is co-ordinating the list.

Electoral Roll : every five years our Parish Electoral Roll ( membership list ) needs to be completely renewed under Church in Wales rules. The renewal is due this year. Please take, complete and return your form TODAY All persons over 18 who are communicants and either living in the Parish ( or regular worshippers in St. David’s ) are entitled to have their names on this list.

Men’s Society : our next meeting with be in the Eagle on Tuesday 3rd March. The speaker will be Mr. Geoff Brookes ( a local teacher and author ). www.geoffbrookes.co.uk . All men are welcome to join us. Please see Bob Lloyd if you would like to come along.

Mothering Sunday ( 15th March ) : we will be holding a cream tea and songs of Praise at 4 p.m. in the crypt. All are welcome to join us. Please add numbers attending to the list at the back of church - family / friends are all welcome to join us.

Charity Coffee Morning : in aid of the Mother’s Union safe houses for Vulnerable Women and children will take place on Thursday 19th March. Tickets averrable soon. Please give your support.

I went to the doctor and he said, "You've got hypochondria."

I said, "Not that as well!"