ICT Strand / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3
Computing Curriculum
Unit Title
Unit summary
Computing Programme of Study focus
Suggested software/hardware
/ Unit 5.1
We are game developers
Developing an interactive game
/ Unit 5.4
We are web developers
Creating a web page about cyber safety or chocolate
Computational thinking
Google, Bing, Google Sites/learning platform/WordPress
/ Unit 5.3
We are artists
Fusing geometry
and art
Inkscape/Adobe Illustrator/ CorelDRAW, Scratch, Terragen Classic
/ Unit 5.2
We are
Cracking codes
Computational thinking
Scratch, The Black Chamber
/ Unit 5.5
We are bloggers
Sharing experiences and opinions
Blogger/learning platform, GIMP, Audacity, Movie Maker
/ Unit 5.6
We are architects
Creating a virtual space
Trimble SketchUp, Screencast-O-Matic
ICT use across the curriculum to enhance learning experiences
To ensure ICT is still being used to enhance and deepen children’s learning and understanding within all areas of the curriculum you will need to make sure that the children in your year group use the following areas within their learning. There is a table of age related expectations of skills below to support your planning and ensure progression across the school.
Area of ICT / Year 5 outcome
Multimedia and word processing / Plan a multi-layered presentation, combine from a range of sources, organise and refine to suit purpose and audience
Graphics / Create digital artwork by copying/ pasting within and between photographs
Digital video / Plan a storyboard for a video or animation. Create, edit and refine.
Communicating Collaborating and Publishing / Share ideas using a range of online methods.
Develop key skills and ideas about personal safety when using any form of electronic communication
Music and sound / Create radio programme or sonic postcard by combining sounds
Handling data / Search a large (pre-prepared?) database to research information, using a range of search techniques
Research / Search for, interpret, check and question information; use logical inference to identify implausible and irrelevant information; present in a suitable format for a chosen audience
Year 5: Multimedia This unit can be taught in association with the digital imagery, sound, music, communicating and publishing units
Level 3: They use editing and formatting techniques to develop and refine their work to improve its quality and presentation
Level 4: They create and combine different forms of information, refining and presenting it for a particular purpose, showing an awareness of audience and the need for quality / Level 5: They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences
Key Objectives / Key Skills / Outcomes
  • To create multi-layered texts, including use of hyperlinks and linked web pages on a MLE within a chosen topic
  • To use ICT, to obtain information related to a presentation
  • To show an awareness of the intended audience
  • Use a variety of DTP/word processing packages to present text
  • To design, create and evaluate their own and others presentations and DTP
  • Develop criteria for evaluating theirs and other presentations
  • Understand the potential of multimedia to inform or persuade
*See also the Communicating and Publishing unit on using the MLE. Many of the skills above can be achieved on the MLE as well. /
  • Develop and use criteria to evaluate the design and layout when evaluating a range of multilayered multimedia, web sites, pages on MLE, online resources and presentations
  • Understand how pages are linked together and recognise the need for clarity. Produce a diagram to show the links between pages. Create a range of hyperlinks to produce a non-linear presentation
  • Use a multimedia authoring program to organise, refine and present information in different forms for a specific audience
  • Select and import graphics from digital cameras, graphics packages and other sources and prepare it for processing using ICT
  • Select and import sounds from their own recording, create their own effects and music and import from other sources
  • Format and edit work to improve clarity and mood, use a range of tools e.g. cut and paste, justify, insert and replace and format text to indicate relative importance
  • develop consistency across a document, using the same styles of font, colour, size for headings, body text etc throughout a document or a set of web-pages
  • Selecting information to meet the needs of the audience
  • Through peer assessment and self-evaluation evaluate their design and make suitable improvements
In Order to Progress further:
  • Create a page of sounds which are activated by appropriately named and positioned action buttons
  • Plan a presentation, combine from a range of sources, organise and refine to suit purpose and audience

Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
  • On a local intranet children create a presentation about their school for the community justifying their choice of medium and content
  • Create a narrated big book for a younger audience including sound (literacy)
  • Creating a photo-story or play
  • Use had held digital cameras to video a news report based on a current event
  • Create a questionnaire and attach to an email to send to a partner school to obtain information about their locality.
  • Plan and create a presentation on any topic, aimed at any audience

Assessment Opportunities:
  • Create a presentation using a range of techniques
  • Evaluate one another’s presentations.

Suggested Resources: DTP Tools Purple Mash Creative Tools: 2Publish 2Publish Extra, 2Publish Projects, Word, Publisher,
Multimedia Authoring Tools: 2 Create a story, 2Create a Super Story, Clicker 4 or 5, Textease, Kar2ouche, PowerPoint
Other Resources: microphone and digital sound recorder, digital microscope,
Web and publishing MLE
Year 5Digital Imagery
Level 3: They use editing and formatting techniques to develop and refine their work to improve its quality and presentation
Level 4: They create and combine different forms of information, refining and presenting it for a particular purpose, showing an awareness of audience and the need for quality / Level 5:
They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences
They assess the use of ICT in their work and are able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in subsequent work. They use appropriate evaluation criteria to critically evaluate the fitness for purpose of their work as it progresses
Learning Objectives / Key Skills What the children will do / Outcomes
  • To generate, amend and combine digital images from different sources for a specific audience or task
  • To know that images from different sources (stills, video, graphics, animation) are used to enhance a presentation or communicate an idea
  • To recognise the concept of copyright
  • Routinely evaluate and improve as part of a design process
  • To understand the difference between object based graphic packages (CAD) and paint packages.
/ Graphics Packages
  • Enhance a presentation by acquiring, storing, retrieving and combining images from different sources
  • Through peer and self-evaluation, children refine and make appropriate changes
  • Use an object based graphics package to design and develop a plan to find a solution to a specific problem (e.g. design a child’s bedroom, garden, zoo, map, playground, crazy golf )
** Digital Video ( long Unit)
  • To use different filming techniques and camera angles e.g. zoom, panning, wide shot etc to create different mood/perspective
  • Plan a video or animation by drawing a storyboard
  • Use a range of sound effects, music and voice-overs to create mood/ atmosphere
  • Select and edit sounds, text, movie clips and other effects to suit purpose and audience
  • Evaluate and improve work with a view to purpose and audienceAs part of the ongoing creative process children discuss and evaluate their own and others’ movies and refine for given audience/task
  • Plan and create a short animated sequence to communicate a specific idea, using a storyboard and timeline
Sharing their work
  • Upload their work on the MLE for self and peer evaluation – show an awareness of file size and file type reduce if necessary.
In Order to Progress further:
  • To begin to identify opportunities to use a CAD package as opposed to a paint package
  • Plan a storyboard for a video or animation. Create, edit and refine.
  • Create digital artwork by copying/ pasting within and between photographs

Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
  • Design a new playground for the school
  • Children create their own silent film with music they have composed
  • Create a news report based on a current event
  • Create an advert for healthy food, using either live action or animation
  • Create a copy of a TV program to fit with other work (eg. Weakest Link Henry VIII's wives; historical Through the Keyhole or cookery programme)
  • Use animation to illustrate water cycle

Assessment opportunities:
  • Use an object based graphics package to create a plan of a room layout or map.
  • Follow specific guidance and rules set by the task.

Suggested Resources:Graphics software Dazzle, 2Paint a Picture, Purple Mash: 2Paint, 2Animate, 2design and Make, 2 Publish Extra, CAD packages: 2design and makeGoogle sketch Up 2Draw, Image editing Photo simple, Picassa, Microsoft Picture Manager, , Microscope Animation: 2Animate, Pivot stick animator, Powerpoint, Publishing : present their graphics through desktop publishing, multimedia and movie editing software: Microsoft PhotostoryVideo Manipulation and Editing Microsoft Movie Maker
Year 5 Communicating Collaborating and Publishing
Level 4
Use editing and formatting techniques to develop and refine work
Communicate and exchange information and ideas with others collaborating to develop and improve work
Understand benefits of online communication
Manage some of the risks associated with digital environment / Level 5
Exchange information and ideas with others in a variety of ways, including using digital communications
Use ICT safely and responsibly
Learning Objectives / Key Skills – what the children will do / Outcomes
  • To understand and abide by schools e-safety policy
  • Understand passwords are used to log in to access some web content and why these should be kept private
  • To have an awareness of copyright of images age appropriate and relevant to their use
Using the MLE:
  • To share and exchange their ideas using email and electronic communications through class communities and blogs
  • To use collaboration tools to work together to produce a joint piece of work
  • To use web 2.0 tools to solve problems and answer questions, present information in different forms and show awareness of intended audience.
  • To understand the need for formal language and refine the quality of their work to suit the purpose
/ E- safety
  • Show an understanding of personal safety when using electronic communications and possible implications of misuse and abide by acceptable use policy
  • Understand that a password can keep information private and secure
  • Understand that the MLE allows access and communication to wider communities be aware of implications when communicating and publishing beyond school
  • Ensure they understand the need to keep to copyright rules when publishing their work
  • Create opportunities on the MLE to for pupils to share and contribute ideas, respond to peers/ guests using forum or messaging tools They consider audience learning outcomes using appropriate language and respecting personal safety
  • Produce formal or informal messages appropriate to the task, project or to solve problems (request information, share data) Discuss the different styles of language layout and format of different electronic communications and the audience of blogs, wikis, forums, twitter etc
Publishing: ( Refer to Multimedia Unit)
  • Develop e-portfolio to include a range of work and an appealing linked front page, considering the audience. Through self and peer assessment tools discuss ways of editing and improve their work
  • Author their own pages in their e-portfolio and hyperlinks to custom pages and other resources. Add text images and sound appropriately. Use tables to develop layout appropriate for intended audience. Embed files on their pages e.g. video, photo story, flash
  • Collaborate on a project using a range of web 2.0 tools to support their work
  • Contribute/edit/refine from self and peer evaluation WIKI entries understand that all changes are visible
  • Talk about the different forms of electronic communication and web 2.0 tools, discuss appropriateness of using different tools in different contexts and the advantages and disadvantages as well as safety issues
/ Share ideas using a range of online tools
Develop key skills and ideas about personal safety when using any form of electronic communication
Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
  • Children create a quiz or survey and invite a partner school to take part to obtain information about their locality
  • Set up a Wiki on a school visit to plan, prepare and add to on return
  • Children create pages on their WW2 topic they use forums to gather evacuation memories from grandparents and families
  • Children use a forum to hot-seat a character from a book, children in role consider most appropriate response
  • Children gather information from other schools using forum tools on a sports project

Assessment Opportunities:
  • Collaborate on a project with others on a particular topic adding consider layout and intended audience
  • Create their own pages combining text , sound and images consider intended audience and improve their work in light of peer review
  • Talk about security of the MLE and the importance of keeping information secure

Suggested Resources -Becta e-safety website, MLE blog, Wiki , forum tools, Podcast, Other Free web apps to try and some to embed: Web 2.0 Primary Pad Wallwisher, Dappleboard, Prezi, Doodle, Glogster.Edu
Year 5Music and Sound
Level 3: They use editing and formatting techniques to develop and refine their work to improve its quality and presentation.
Level 4: They create and combine different forms of information, refining and presenting it for a particular purpose, showing an awareness of audience and the need for quality. / Level 5
They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences.
Learning Objectives: / Key Skills: What the children will do / Outcomes
  • To use ICT to compose music or sounds considering specific audience and purpose
  • To select and use suitable software and hardware to produce a multimedia soundtrack
  • Begin to recognise the different layers of sound in a professional broadcast
  • To begin to manipulate music and sound and refine for a given audience or project
  • To use the podcasting tools on the MLE to share their work with a wider audience
  • Copy sound files from CD ROMs/Internet sources
  • Use a variety of appropriate devices to record musical and non-musical sounds
** Creating and publishing a broadcast( Long Unit)
  • Listen to radio broadcasts and identify different sound elements
  • Begin to use a software with a timeline to layer sound, adding voice, music and sound effects to create a radio broadcast
  • Manipulate existing sound files using computer software – e.g. take sound and reverse it or layer a series of sounds
  • Use ICT to perform sounds or music that would otherwise not be possible live – e.g. playing a multi-part piece or a very fast piece
Sharing their work
  • Upload their work on the MLE for self and peer evaluation
  • Embed sound onto a page on the MLE consider the suitability of the embedded sounds
  • Show awareness of copyright when sharing files
In order to progress further
  • Create their own sounds and compositions to add to their presentations/films/images/photos
  • Select and use music and sounds to enhance presentations/films/images/photos in a given context

Example Cross Curricular links and outcomes
  • Live performance with ostinato or drone as an accompaniment
  • Composition to accompany a story, multimedia presentation or digital movie
  • Use of Art as a stimulus for composition
  • Use Digital Blue to select music and sound effect files appropriate to action and films produced in other subject areas

Assessment Opportunities
  • Multimedia presentations/films etc. contain evidence of soundtracks produced by the children and reflect the use of editing and manipulation
  • Create a performance of sounds or music using ICT

Suggested Resources: Music composition software e.g. Black Cat Compose, Compose World, Notate, 2simple music toolkit, Online tools: Purple Mash 2Sequence, BBC Making tracks web site, Aviary Music creator ROC
Sound Manipulation: Audacity ( free) Podium, Myna from Aviary.com online audio editor
Sound CaptureMicrophone and digital sound recorder; electronic
Multimedia software to record sound straight into (eg. 2Create a super Story, Kar2ouche, PowerPoint, Photostory
Sound resources , Espresso,
Year 5 Finding Things Out: Research Analyse information and ask questions using complex searches
Level 3: Pupils search for and use information from a range of sources and make judgements about its usefulness when following straightforward lines of enquiry
Level 4: Pupils refine searches to find, select and use information, questioning its reliability
Level 4: They interpret their findings, question plausibility and recognise that poor-quality information leads to unreliable results
Level 5: They use ICT to organise, store and retrieve information using logical and appropriate structures
Learning objectives / Key Skills: what the children will do / Outcomes
  • Recognise that information must be read before it can be understood and interpreted for others
  • To understand and interpret information
  • To recognise the issues of copyright and importance of acknowledging sources.
  • Use a range of sources to check validity and recognise different viewpoints and the impact of incorrect data
  • To save and use pictures, text and sound and be able to import into a document for presentation (ref. multimedia presentation)
  • Recognise that the Internet may contain material that is irrelevant, bias, implausible and inappropriate
  • To be able to describe how they found information and the choices they made in its presentation
  • To talk about personal safety when using the Internet and know how to keep safe and what to do if they find inappropriate materials
  • Select an appropriate search engine to find information related to their topic
  • To modify searches further to find relevant information for a report
  • To be able to discuss the different search engines and their features
  • Discuss different strategies for finding relevant information e.g. using different keywords to find information on a given enquiry
  • Use a range of keywords to find different sources of information and enter them into a chosen search engine
  • To select and combine information from a range of different sources, present their findings using a word processing or multimedia/publishing package for a specific audience
  • To be aware that web sites are not always accurate and that information should be checked before it is used.
  • Discuss issues of copyright and downloading material e.g. mp3s, images, videos etc
In Order to Progress further: