Position Description – All Teachers
NB: it is expected that in most cases teachers will be allocated to a Homegroup with attendant welfare responsibilities. Some exemptions will be made for staff with positions of responsibility or part time or specialist status.
To uphold the values and the ethos of the College.
To care for the academic and social welfare of students in their charge.
To accept duty of care for students in their charge.
To keep abreast of developments in education particularly in their subject areas and in the use of technology.
To be familiar with guidelines for teaching and learning in their subject areas
(VELS, VCAL and VCE guidelines particularly).
To build on student's prior learning experiences.
To explore new strategies for effective learning and teaching.
To encourage students to take responsibility for their learning.
To work with other staff members co-operatively in Learning Area and House Groups.
To implement policies regarding subject area matters and requirements of the schools in which the students are based.
To respect the rights of students and encourage collaborative work by students with each other and with staff.
To support colleagues in the performance of their duties.
To have high expectations of students regarding production of work, participation in activities and general behaviour consistent with the educational goals and objectives of the year level.
To provide an appropriate role model in personal presentation and attitudes.
To attend all Parent/Teacher interviews, Information Nights, and other relevant College functions.
Be well prepared for and to leave meaningful work for classes on days when absent.
To meet and adhere to deadlines for administrative tasks.
Be at Home Group meeting rooms in sufficient time for Home Group sessions to start promptly at 8.20 a.m.
To assist in the promotion of the College.
To attend all relevant staff meetings until the advertised closing time. Should the need arise unexpectedly to be absent from a scheduled meeting then an apology be recorded to the relevant Chairperson of the meeting.
To undertake all rostered and extra supervisory tasks as required.
To prepare unit outlines with detailed documentation, develop a schedule of topics, learning outcomes and work required each term or semester for each class being taught.
To notify the Home Group Teacher and/or Year Level Co-ordinator if a student has missed 3 – 4 lessons in a row, if any student is unexpectedly absent or for any other reason for concern.
As a result of acting within these guidelines, teachers will:
Be at classes and Home Group meetings on time
Dismiss students only at nominated times
Complete attendance recordings promptly
Adhere strictly to deadlines set for report writing and requests for information and maintain the scheduled educational programmes to their completion date
Support students and colleagues by being in attendance at Assemblies, meetings, Chapels and Forums
Regularly set homework as outlined in the Home Learning Policy. It is essential that all homework is recorded in the student diary and includes the due date. Teachers need to regularly check that these entries have been made
Not leave their classes unsupervised. In an emergency they will ensure that another teacher in the vicinity keeps an eye on the class
Ensure that rooms are left clean, neat and tidy
Ensure that students do not:
Eat or have drinks (except water) in class
Put feet on desks and chairs
Use bad language
Wear inappropriate items of clothing
Wear jewellery other than as outlined in the Dress Code
Arrive late to classes
Leave class without permission
Use mobile devices inappropriately (such as ipods, phones)
Come to classes without the relevant equipment including the student diary
Bring liquid paper or permanent textas to class
Provide an educational program which:
Ensures that all children develop the literacy and numeracy skills and understandings appropriate to their level of development
Includes an exciting and interesting integrated studies program which develops the age-level-appropriate basic skills and concepts in Science, SOSE and Technology, and develops research and thinking skills
These programs should:
Cater to the needs of each individual
Use the varying learning styles
Challenge and extend all students
Allow all children to succeed and feel successful and worthwhile
Be interesting and innovative
Be based on the Al Siraat College Junior School and Middle School Curriculum Documents & Curriculum Overview
Assessment and Reporting
Regularly monitor each child’s progress, modifying programs appropriately and responding to needs for special assistance
Maintain close contact with parents, informing them of any problems and providing appropriate professional advice and written reports at specified times
Attend Parent/Teacher Interviews and Education Support Group Meetings
Personal and Social Education: Provide a personal and social education program which helps each child to develop appropriate and effective social interaction skills with peers and adults, builds self confidence and self esteem, self discipline and responsibility and promotes strongly developed organisational skills
Behaviour Management
Be familiar with the Al Siraat College Discipline Policy and follow procedures as outlined
Ensure students are neatly and appropriately dressed, as outlined in the Parent Information Book, School Handbook, Student Diary and Staff Handbook
Subject Co-ordination
Work with the relevant School Curriculum Committee structures and other staff to develop a curriculum document which meets the needs of our school, conforming with relevant documents (eg. VELS) and the curriculum philosophy of the College
Organise the purchasing, processing, storage, usage, repair and stock take of subject curriculum resources for your class
Complete relevant Program Budgets
Attend relevant professional learning opportunities and report back on these to staff
Guide, help and direct staff in matters related to the subject
Camps and Excursions
Be actively involved in the planning and implementation of the camping and excursions program and participate in one major camp each year with class group
Be aware of camping and excursion procedures and expectations as outlined in the Staff Handbook, including the completion of relevant paperwork
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