To the committee:

I would like to nominate History and Politics Club on Clarkston for the Club of the Year 2016-2017. HaP was founded in Spring 2000 and has been a vibrant partner in the extra-curricular lives of Perimeter students ever since. Our membership has met consistently every Friday except for holidays or for special events. History and Politics Club on Clarkston has had a stellar year in 2016-2017 in particular. Not only did we have some of the best leadership ever, but because of very highly motivated members our activities have been very impressive too.

In September 2016, the History and Politics Club-Clarkston, in celebration of Constitution Day, hosted Emory University’s nationally renowned Political Science professor, Alan Abramowitz, to discuss his analysis the presidential election. Dr. Abramowitz has created a mathematical model that has accurately predicted the popular vote in presidential elections since 1988. HaP has invited Dr. Abramowitz for each election cycle beginning with the 2000 election, and the event has always drawn large crowds. This year was no exception: over 500 attendees in the Cole Auditorium or through the live-streamed WebEx.

The History and Politics Club demonstrated their dedication to good causes by hosting a cancerfundraiser for the American Cancer Society. In March 2017, after 4 weeks of tireless solicitation in the Student Center, HaP students raised over $1600. A “Crowdrise” fundraising webpage was also used to raise money online. In order motivate the students further, Bob King, faculty advisor to the Hap Club, volunteered,if over $1000 was raised, "buzz-cut" his hair, which he had grown for over a year, andshave his beard. We called the event “God Shave the King”. This was an inspiring effort by all who participated.

In Fall 2016, HaP Club also led its annual voter registration drive to encourage students to vote in the then upcoming elections. Members served about 200 students during the 4 weeks before the registration deadline. This is one of HaP’s signature events that we do annually

In light of the above, I respectfully submit that the History and Politics Club has exceeded the expectations of a student organization. The members have shown personal and academic growth. They have selflessly donated their time and their money in an economic atmosphere where one would not blame them for participating less. I am humbled by their willingness to go the extra mile for their club and their school as a whole. I feel a great amount of personal satisfaction to work with such a wonderful group of students. They deserve the honor of being named Club of the Year.