Minutes of a meeting of Ottery St Mary Town Council Planning Committee
held in the Council Offices, The Old Convent, Ottery St Mary on
Monday 24th February 2014 at 7pm
Present: Chairman: Councillor Carter
Councillors: Dobson, Holmes, Talbot, Hansford, Giles, Pang, Watmore, Bartlett, Lewis, J Harding, L Harding
(Non Member) Councillor Bailey
together with the Deputy Clerk
Members of the public present spoke for 3 minutes on application 13/2731/FUL (Land to the North of Sandhill Street, Ottery St Mary.- Proposed new Dwelling and Garage.) Points raised were:-
· Flooding water run-off into yards with concerns for sufficient provision for drainage and flood prevention.
· Oppressive and dominating effect on adjoining properties creating noise and disturbance
· Loss of light which impacts on health and well-being.
· Houses being built too close to retaining wall with concern over stability of wall which supports weight of soil from previous works on this site.
· Concerns regarding a chain link fence (1.1m high fence) which would facilitate growth/vegetation preventing light from properties also concerns for a means of escape in an emergency
The Chairman asked and sought permission for Application 13/2731/FUL to be bought forward at the beginning of Agenda Item 6 and this was agreed
1. P/14/02/13
To receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Thurgood and Mitchell
2. P/13/02/14
To receive Declarations of Interest and requests for new Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) Dispensations for items on the Agenda
It was formally noted that the participation of those Councillors who are also members of the East Devon District Council in both the debate and subsequent vote was on the basis that the views expressed were preliminary views taking account of the information made available to the Town Council. The District Councillors reserved their final views on the application until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.
Councillor Dobson declared a Personal Interest in Application 14/0351/FUL as he is known to the Applicant.
Councillor Holmes declared a Personal Interest in Application 14/0351/FUL as he is known to the Applicant.
Councillor Pang declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in Application 13/2731/FUL as this application could affect her Daughters property.
3. P/14/02/18
Reports, Correspondence and Items referred to the Committee
Appeal Decision in an adjoining Parish (Newton Poppleford/Harpford) concerning Collyhead Farm. Venn Ottery, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1RY. (APP/U1105/A/13/2195588)
Appeal Dismissed. Duly noted.
Notification of Tree Works considered an exception to TPO 90/122 from the EDDC Arboricultural Team – Pinewood, Brackendown, West Hill EX11 1NT. Duly noted.
Openreach BT notification of installation of Cabinet for Broadband (April 2014). Location B3177, Fenny Bridges, Honiton, EX14 3BG. Duly noted.
EDDC Enforcement correspondence received relating to damage to TPO trees. Corner Croft, Lower Broad Oak Road, West Hill, EX11 1UB. Councillor Giles expressed his concerns over improper activity regarding this damage.
EDDC Notification of the Development Management Committee meeting on 4th March at 2pm. Knapp Cottage, Lower Broad Oak Rd (13/2459/FUL) and 50 Yonder Street, Ottery St Mary (13/2354/FUL) are being considered. Duly noted.
4. P/14/02/23
Planning Decisions Received
14/0007/ADV Rear of 14A Mill Street, Ottery St Mary EX11 1BW Refusal **
13/2628/FUL Land at Catalpa, Bendarroch Rd, Ottery St Mary EX11 1JX Granted
14/0021/FUL Stonehill Quarry, Lancercombe, Sidmouth Granted
Planning Decisions annotated with ** do not agree with EDDC recommendations
5. To Confirm the Planning Committee Minutes of the 10th February 2014
The Planning Committee Minutes of the 10th February were confirmed.
6. To consider and determine observations on the following Planning Applications
Reference Applicant Details
1) 14/0317/RES Rogers Construction of 2 no.dwellings
(approval of reserved matters
comprising appearance, landscaping, layout & scale pursuant of outline approval 13/0642/OUT)
Land Adjacent Barnfield House,
Cadhay Lane, Ottery EX11 1QZ
The Planning Committee does not support this application:
· Not in keeping with surrounding properties
· Visual impact in particular on properties 93,91 and 89 Thorne Farm Way
2) 14/0276/FUL Phillips Extensions & alterations including
the provision of a new first floor
Silver Birch, Ridgeway,
Ottery St Mary, EX11 1DX
The Planning Committee supported this application
3) 14/0263/FUL Coward Demolition of garage and
construction of two storey extension (amendments to front
elevation of extension approved under reference 13/0228/FUL)
7 Patteson Drive, Ottery, EX11 1TB
The Planning Committee does not support this application:
· Overbearing to property on the left hand side
· Not in accordance with approved plans
4) 14/0311/FUL Parrinello Construction of single storey side
1A Otter Close, Lancercombe,
Sidmouth, EX10 OJT
The Planning Committee has no objection to this application
Councillor Pang left the Chamber for this application having declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
(This application 13/2731/FUL was taken at the beginning of Item 6 – Minute Folio P/14/02/12)
Proposed new dwelling & garage
5) 13/2731/FUL Gosling Land To The North Of 4-14 Sandhill
Street, Ottery St Mary.
The Planning Committee does not support this application and this was unanimous:
· Loss of light
· Privacy and overbearing
· Visual impact
· Inappropriate for the site
6) 14/0262/RES Hardy Creation of 2 no. dwellings
(reserved matters application for plots 1 & 4 pursuant to outline planning consent 13/1248/OUT)
Land Adjacent Greytops (Coopers Court) West Hill Road, West Hill
The Planning Committee had no objection to this application despite the lack of the Tree Officers report regarding T6 where reservations were commented by Members
7) 14/0326/FUL Baldry Single storey extension on south
South Lodge, Gerway Lane, Ottery St
Mary, EX11 1PW
The Planning Committee supported this application
8) 14/0351/FUL Bagwell Construction of timber clad storage
Land at Chineway Field
Ottery St Mary
The Planning Committee supported this application
9) 14/0341/FUL Smith Proposed internal & external
alterations including formation of
new roof over building with three dormer windows, first floor extension & new entrance porch
Stuckeys House, West Hill Road
West Hill, Ottery, EX11 1TU
The Planning Committee had no objection to this application
10) 14/0336/FUL Shields Construction of single storey extension (to supercede planning
consent 10/1163/FUL)
24 Ashley Brake, West Hill
Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TW
The Planning Committee supports this application
11) 14/0237/TRE Herron T1 Cedrus atlantica – lift crown to
give 2.1m access below canopy,
15% crown thinning of the rest of
the canopy.
Stowe Lodge, 11 Birch Grove, West
Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1XP
The Planning Committee has no objection to this application
12) 14/0238/TRE Swash T1 Pinus Sylvestris-crown lift to 4.5m, 15% crown thin of upper
canopy by selective target pruning
making cuts of no more than 50mm
Stretton Lodge, 9 Birch Grove, West
Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1XP
The Planning Committee has no objection to this application
The Chairman of the West Hill Residents Association spoke to the Planning Committee regarding the West Hill response to the East Devon Village Development Plan. He congratulated Councillors Talbot and Bailey for their hard work in preparing the Draft. He said the WHRA will do a separate response. He did however, feel that the BUAB was an intricate part of the Plan and he felt that this should be included within the Development Plan document.
7) To consider and make a recommendation regarding a response to EDDC’s Draft Villages Development Plan (Chapters 7, 44, 47)
West Hill
It was agreed to change Item 6 Observations of Chapter 5 – Built Up Area Boundaries 12.18 – Ottery St Mary Town Council strongly support the retention of Built Up Area Boundaries.
ALFINGTON – It was agreed that the Ward Councillor would clarify on the Alfington Site CO14 whether site is Brownfield and not Greenfield. To remove the word “Pub” and insert Village Hall and add “Fuel”
It was agreed to 3 minor changes (taking out “I” “we” inserting Town Council. Inserting “very limited bus service” and “more constraints” and confirmation of the Tipton St John Primary School classes being full to capacity.
The Chair of the Tipton St John Residents Association thanked Councillor J Harding for all his hard work on the paper.
8) To Receive Councillors’ Questions relating to Planning Matters
Councillor Carter asked about updates on the Town Mill development. Councillor Dobson responded there should have been a legal agreement in place by the end of January. He will look into this and report back. Councillor Lewis asked about progress of the development at The Old Convent. Councillor Dobson replied the developer was concentrating on the houses at the top of the site.
Councillor Carter asked about works at the Salston Manor. Councillor Dobson replied that he would investigate as work was supposed to start in February.
The Meeting closed at 9.30pm
The date of the next Meeting of Ottery St Mary Town Council Planning Committee will be on Monday 10th March at 7pm
Mayor’s Signature………………………………………..Date…………………………..
Mayor’s initials ……………………..