Dear Parents,
On behalf of Staples and your teacher, we are pleased to advise you that Staples School Tools has been selected as your primary choice for purchasing the required school supplies for your student for the upcoming school year. Staples School Tools has been fully endorsed and approved by your school Principal.
The value of having the right supplies for your child to enable them to realize their maximum learning potential is huge. Together, we all agree that helping our children to succeed is what’s really important.
To that end, Staples School Tools is a convenient service that offers;
- Teacher-selected quality and quantity items.
- Guaranteed quality and uniformity of supplies for all students.
- Competitive pricing.
- Reusable Staples cloth Supplies bag
- Hassle free product replacement at any Staples store for the entire school year.
In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, we will also includesome offers within the packs once they get picked up in the new school year.
We trust that you will find this a very convenient way to purchase the core supplies that your student’s teacher requires you to bring to the classroom and avoid the rush at the end of the summer break.
If you have any questions, please visit our website,, (Best viewed in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and IE (9.0 compatibility mode)or contact your local Staples to speak to the dedicated Staples School Tools representative assigned to your school.
Your Dedicated Representative is
Email Address
How to order;
Go to our specially set up website;
Click on “log in by reference number” and select single student payment
Enter correct reference number from below to what grade your child will be in the 2017/18 school year. Complete child details and enter credit card payment on this secure site.
If you wish we can also take payment for the package instore. Please bring this letter with you and we accept debit, cash or credit card payment in store.
You will automatically receive an email to you confirming your payment. Please keep for reference.
All the prepackage supplies will be at the school on the first day of school for your child to pick up. The bag will have your child’s name/grade as entered by you above.
The reference number you will need to place your order is;
Grade 1 your reference number is; C8189F07-12040
Grade 2 your reference number is; 24F3AB44-12042
Grade 3 your reference number is; 12086D34-12044
Grade 4 your reference number is; A06C3886-12047
Grade 5 your reference number is; 2278A088-12049
Grade 1 with headset your reference number is; 9E2F39FF-12041
Grade 2 with headset your reference number is; 4E52E9FB-12043
Grade 3 with headset your reference number is; 5424F7D1-12046
Grade 4 with headset your reference number is; 0C58B355-12048
Grade 5 with headset your reference number is; 683E4C38-12050
All orders must be paid and registered by:
Our satisfaction guarantee protects you in the event you have unexpected changes in which school your child will be attending. We will issue a full refund on any complete kits that have not been picked up by you or delivered to the school.
Defective items may be exchanged upon presentation of your payment confirmation at your local Langley Store; #200 20055 Willowbrook Drive, Langley, V2Y 2T5.
Thank you.