French I


Instructor: Madame Beckett


Course Goals:

To strengthen spoken, auditory and written knowledge of the French language

To explore the cultures of France and other French-speaking countries

**If you are not interested in learning to speak French, please let me know today so that we can correct your schedule.


For this class you will need pens and pencils. You also must have a paper-filled binder with pockets and rings so that you can turn in assignments easily and organize returned assignments. This will count as a grade. It is important that you have these supplies every day. This influences your participation grade.

Also, you will be assigned a textbook that you need to bring daily.

Further Materials:

I believe that in-class projects help students understand a variety of concepts. Also, I like for students to have supplies like Kleenex available in class when needed. For those reasons I would like to ask everyone who can to bring in one of the following supplies for classroom use:

markers scissors

glue or tape construction paper or colored printer paper

Kleenex disinfectant wipes (Clorox, Lysol, etc.)

paper towels or napkinscraft paints

paint brushes fabric or felt swatches

other craft supplies


You will have homework between one and three times a week. Students who successfully use class time can often finish assignments during class and will not have to complete as many assignments at home; however, if you really want to learn the language, you should review your notes for at least 5-10 minutes nearly every night.

Late work due to absence:

Absences are very difficult to overcome in a language class. You will learn new words and concepts basically every day. It is very, very important that you attend regularly.

To have late work accepted for a full grade, you must:

1) Have an excused absence.

2) Put the assignment in the correct make-up work folder on time. You have one day to turn in work for each day you were absent. This is the school policy. Make-up work will be available in the folders near my desk. You can take work that you missed out of the folders. If you are unclear on what you missed, please talk to me the day you return.

Late work:

Students are encouraged to turn in all work on time so that they do not fall behind. I will accept a student’s work late once or twice for a late grade because I understand that mistakes happen. However, beyond one or two instances of late work, I will contact home and stop accepting late assignments from that student. I will not accept any late work more than a week past the original due date.


Students need to be in their seat when the bell rings. This class will follow the high school’s tardy policy.

Basic Rules:

1. Show respect to other students and to me. Class time is much more productive and useful when people can express an opinion without being teased.

2. Bring necessary materials daily.

3. Have assignments completed on time.

4. Come to class on time. Class will begin right after the bell rings.

5. Ask pertinent questions.

6. Try every day to speak the new language. You’ll mess up sometimes. Everyone does. That is part of learning any language.

7. Use practice time to improve your speaking, listening, writing and reading in French.

8. Pack up materials only after the teacher has ended the lesson.

I look forward to a great school year with you all. Your job as a student is to learn the material required each year. My job is to help make that happen. I expect that we will all work hard and learn together. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


I can be reached by students or parents at .

Also, I will keep an updated Online Classroom. You can access the page directly at Click on French I, and go into View Blog for daily assignments and due dates.

I hope that, by the end of the school year, you will be able to tell how much you have learned. Throughout the year, please make me aware of suggestions or concerns that you have.

This is our class. Be proud of it. We are creating a culture of excellence.

I look forward to working with students and parents this year. If you have any questions, please e-mail me or call me at 863-4635.


Student name (please print):______

Class period:______

Please sign below to indicate that you have read the syllabus sheet including information about late work, tardies, expectations and contact information.

Student signature:______

Parent signature:______

Best phone number to use:______

Do you have internet access at home? Yes ______No______

Do you have an e-mail account? If so, please provide contact information below:

Student’s e-mail address:______

Parents’ e-mail address:______


Do you have any concerns or questions? If so, please write them below: