PART 8 Table of Content


To Stay or Not to Stay? That is The Question


Write down 10 things that describe how infidelity has made you feel or how it has changed your life.


Write down 10 things he or she can do to rebuild trust in the relationship.


If the problem is not resolved in a timely manner, what are 5 things you will be willing do to remove yourself from this potentially toxic relationship?



Getting Through Trust Issues

[Create a Daily Routine Experiment for One Month]


Two Talked About Causes Concerning infidelity

•A Forced Relationship Due toan Unplanned Pregnancy

•Settling Down with a Man Who Has a Child

Causes of Infidelity



To Stay or Not to Stay? That is The Question

Infidelity is one of the worse things that could happen in a relationship. It is the most heinous act of betrayal in a relationship. And nine times out of ten it’s the number one cause of couple’s breakups. If you dwell in a relationship filled with infidelity it will ultimately causeyou to eventually go your separate ways.

There are so many excuses as to why people cheat…

  • You don’t give me what I need
  • It just happened
  • You broke up with me (and yet that person is still there)
  • I was drunk
  • He forced me

Here are some real life reasons…

  • Has whorish tendencies
  • Likes to impress friends and relatives
  • No sexual discipline
  • Sexual demons
  • It’s an adrenaline rush to cheat

This is what infidelity does…

  • Causes problems in your relationship
  • Makes your partner not trust you (NEVER AGAIN). Even if he/she tries they can never forget. They can forgive but they’ll never forget, remember that.
  • It’s a death sentence to the relationship. The death of trust.
  • Your partner will not enjoy having sex with you.
  • Your partner will think about you and someone else having sex when you try to be intimate with them, which is a turn off.
  • They will always question your loyalty.
  • Infidelity verifies that you’re a liar and cheater, and that you can never be trusted.
  • Give others especially the person you cheated with a pass to mentally and sometimes physically taunt your partner through physical fights, snide remarks, nasty hurtful e-mails and social media inboxes, come to his/her house or job, stalk him or her, and make hurtful embarrassing social media posts.
  • Cause embarrassment for your partner.
  • Make your partner secretly hate you.
  • Catching STD’s or STI’s adds your names to national statistical data banks for people with various types of STD’s or STI’s. Don’t be a statistic.
  • Result in unwanted pregnancies.
  • Stalkers stalking you and or your partner
  • Threat of catching HIV or Aids
  • Broken Hearts
  • Manipulation
  • Causes broken homes and marriages
  • Causes paranoia or a gut wrenching feeling when he/she hears your phone ring or you get a notification.
  • Uneasiness or a sick feeling when you’re not around or have missed time that can’t be accounted for
  • Revenge (two wrongs don’t make it right)
  • Sleepless nights for the innocent person
  • Causing constant or sporadic arguing and bickering.
  • Sleepless days
  • Loss of concentration at work or school
  • Depression and stress

All this for the sake of sex or to impress someone you really don’t want to be with long term? It’s so not worth it. In the real world there are punishments for crimes committed handed down through the judicial system, and through the judicial system the punishment must fit the crime. The same goes for acts of sin committed by man/woman, there MUST be a punishment handed down.

You can pretend that your punishments are blessing and watch your iniquities increase, and instead of the judge handing down your punishments, God will be the judge, and your punishment will be in the form of disease, poverty, karma, children born out of wedlock, child support, bad credit, heart ache or a woman or man attached to you that you can’t get rid of. Never think you can commit a crime of such caliber and get away with it. And for every time you get punished the worse the punishments will get, until you’re broken down to nothing…

It’s hard to bounce back from infidelity. With all the things listed above, I don’t see how the person who was cheated on can sleep.

If you are a cheater, try putting yourself in that person’s shoes.

For instance: Your partner is out having the time or his/her life and enjoying the sexual acts of another person and that person is carrying a disease, has HIV or AIDS. Your partner comes home and sleeps with you and now you’ve contracted a disease or virus that you didn’t take pleasure in getting, but yet you have to suffer the consequences of your partner’s infidelities and now you’re dying a slow death from someone else’s pleasures.Do you think that’s fair? Condoms do break and they do come off so you’re basically playing Russian Roulette with your mate’s life as well as your own.

When someone commits infidelity you have to worry about whether he/or she is going to gamble with your life or give you something you can’t get rid of.


Enjoy your partner and all the perks that comes with being a virtuous woman or one in a million man. Do big things. Anyone can have sex, and anyone can make a baby. It’s time to do the unthinkable, the unachievable, do what they say can’t be done. Allow you and your partner to stand out in crowds. Leave your mark on the world in a positive way. Don’t become part of the statistics in someone’s data base for STD’s, broken marriages, children born to single parents, people living below poverty, or people who owe the government for child support.

Cherish your relationship and start building a legacy. Teach those who try to negatively influence you. Or avoid them all together.

Don’t fall for anything, be a real man or woman and stand for something. It’s easy to make someone not trust you, but it takes years, even decades to regain that person’s trust. And after the list of problems infidelity causes you deserve to put in work to regain your partner’strust back.



Beginning of the relationship there’s 100% TRUST
Trust that is starting to deteriorate
Full blow distrust

As time goes on trust starts to deteriorate due to lies, cheating, betrayals and deceit. To rebuilding it it’s going to need new building materials = (mature and loyal way of doing things). To build a new foundationbe ready to put in work if you want your relationship to be strong enough to whether the storms that are headed its way. If not, let your mate know your intentions so he or she can choose to move on to someone better or worthy of their love and commitment.


If you’ve been cheated on by your current partner or suspect he/she has cheated, write down 10 things that describe how infidelity has made you feel or how it has changed your life.

1.Click or tap here to enter text.

2.Click or tap here to enter text.

3.Click or tap here to enter text.

4.Click or tap here to enter text.

5.Click or tap here to enter text.

6.Click or tap here to enter text.

7.Click or tap here to enter text.

8.Click or tap here to enter text.

9.Click or tap here to enter text.

10.Click or tap here to enter text.


Write down 10 things he or she can do to rebuild trust in the relationship.

1.Click or tap here to enter text.

2.Click or tap here to enter text.

3.Click or tap here to enter text.

4.Click or tap here to enter text.

5.Click or tap here to enter text.

6.Click or tap here to enter text.

7.Click or tap here to enter text.

8.Click or tap here to enter text.

9.Click or tap here to enter text.

10.Click or tap here to enter text.


If the problem is not resolved in a timely manner, what are 5 things you will be willing do to remove yourself from this potentially toxic relationship?






If you are the cheater, and you truly love your partner will you be willing to go the extra mile to make your partner happy?

Regain his/her trust even if it means:

  • changing your cell phone number
  • leaving you phone unlocked and allow him/her to share your phone with you when you’re together
  • Stop hanging out in places where singles of the opposite sex hang out when your partner isn’t present
  • Stop hanging with others who are single or have no respect for their own relationship
  • Be in the house during reasonable hours like a normal man/woman who has morals and respect
  • Never spend the night away from home unless you’re on vacation with your partner or approved by your partner.
  • Don’t block incoming calls when you’re in the presence of your significant other. Nothing should be private amongst two people who will be spending the rest of their lives together. That’s a long time to try to hide secrets.
  • Let others know you have a significant other and you like for him/her to not call your number anymore
  • Don’t hang out with ex(es) EVER
  • Call your significant other when you’re away from home
  • Promise to change your ways

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Count the number of problems infidelity causes, then count the number of things you can do to resolve the issue…the numbers still don’t add up.

And don’t say it’s too much or I’m not doing that. She/he didn’t have any say so on how your infidelity had an impact on him or her emotionally, physically, socially, or psychologically. This person went through all that torment so that you could have pleasure with someone else sexually. A 10 second orgasm…Really?

If you love your partner or have an ounce of dignity in your body, you would do whatever it takes to make up for your selfish demonic acts.

If not be honest about it so that he or she can decide whether or not if they should move on.


Do not look it in its eyes, it will pretend to be innocent or not to know what it is doing but it is well aware of its motives. Their kinds are lustful demons in human form. They pretend to love, but they have none. It wants nothing in life… nor will it help you to prosper and grow. It has no respect, it is full of trickery and lies. It will spread disease, procreate and create abominational things. It will take your freedom because it is not responsible or protective of its own flesh. It will covet your finances and dignity. Beware of them.

Stand together as a tree firmly rooted in the foundation of the earth. Let no storm, flood or hurricane in the form of man nor woman tear down what you are building. Use this time of union to plan. Save and build empires that will stand the test of time. Make this union a time of growth and prosperity.

Protect what is yours at all times. Let no one disrespect you and yours. Never give another man or woman WEAPONS OF LEVERAGE to fight your mate!

Weapons of Leverage (somethingthat you have done with the opposite sex that would be considered betrayal if your mate ever found out. Hurtful information. Information used to embarrass, hurt, or taunt your partner.)

Weapons of Leverage Include:






Private Time

Exchange of Money

Phone Conversations

Text Messages




Social Media Inboxes Messages

Hotel Visits


Public Outings

Getting Through Trust Issues

ACTIVITY & Experiment #4

[Create a Daily Routine Experiment for One Month]

If the experiment helps to cut down on arguments and the unknown that causes issues in the relationship,continue it as your everyday routine until you’re able to trust one another 100%.

The main reason why trust is a difficult task is because its etched in our psyche to trust no man. It’s even written in the Holy Bible. Trust is something that has to be developed and earned once it has been destroyed whether in a relationship or business.

If people would keep in mind the notion of karma and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you there would be no need for trust. But with so much selfishness, hatred, temptations, deceit, free sex and fornication going on it’s hard to find someone who will be that diamond in the rough that will be deserving of your trust.

People who have moral values believe that if someone would break the ten commandments and go up against God and his words on a regular basis, lacksdiscipline and respect for a higher power, their self and others. If they don’t fear such an entity as God, the one who holds the fate of their soul in his hand, all for the sake of petty sex, lies, or thievery his or she is not worth your time. You would face a daunting task if they attempt to try to trust them.

With so many things going on including STD’s a person would be a fool not to watch their own back. So when your partner is asking a thousand questions, it’s not because they want to nag you, they just need true answers as to what they’re dealing with. And for a liar, cheater or thief, lies come easy, and the million and one questions is used to catch the cheating partner slipping. That’s how they determine whether they can trust the cheating partner, which is the same reason a guilty man or woman gets angry when you ask them a thousand and one questions. They don’t want to get caught in their tangle of lies or lack thereof. It’s not like the cheater is going to come out and tell you he or she is cheating or has cheated. Nine times out of ten if he/she is a cheater he or she is a liar. Faithful people don’t like to be lied to, or strung along, they want the truth so they can figure out what’s best for them. It’s only fair.

Include these steps in your 30-dayroutine.

1. All cell phones unlocked, visible, fully charged with the ringer on at all times. Answer all calls no matter what. Don’t ever hide out to make or return calls. Unblock all calls on your block call list that your partner is not aware of. It’s time to get all the foolery out into the open so you can start over fresh. If you get a call from someone you’ve had dealings with address the issue right away. Be nice and mature about it. Explain to that person that you’ve finally found that special person that completes you and you want to respect the relationship, and you expect the same from your new love. If that person congratulates you, thank them and hang up. If that person starts to show or display hostility let them know that you have something to tend to, tell them good bye nicely and block their number. Also delete them from your call log. They no longer exist. If you refuseto erase that person from your life you will never have peace in your relationship.

2. Spend time with others as one. Let your mate experience what you do when you’re not around. Let him or her get to know your outside environment. Introduce him or her to your friends. Start the relationship and friends bonding method. If your friends have significant others introduce them to your mate and let that be a bonding method for the relationship. Keep your mate in the loop. There’s nothing like feeling left out.

3. Be considerate, answer your phone for your mate at all times. Skype, video chat or face time if possible when you’re away from each other.

4. Show your mate your emotions. Let him or her know how you felt or feel as to why trusting him or her is so difficult. Be sincere, express to your mate how much he or she means to you and why. Don’t hold back your emotions. Afterwards embrace one another.

5. Set aside time to meditate together at least 3 times a week. Start studying your chakras your pineal gland.

6. Study the Law of Attraction and know that what every you do the are rewards or consequences behind it.

Use the section below to map out your Daily Routine Exercise. Don’t forget to incorporate the tasks above into your routine.

Wake up, grooming, cooking, cleaning, school, work, children, lunch times, dinner times, times to be at home, activities etc.

Click or tap here to enter text.

Discussion Time

Two Most Talked About Causes Concerning infidelity