
Jeb Bush


Susan Pareigis



DATE:May 2,2005

TO:Regional Workforce Board Executive Directors

FROM:Susan Simpler, Deputy Director for Workforce Services

SUBJECT:Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

Congress authorized the next cycle of military Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) in 2005. The list of recommended base closures will be published no later than May 16, 2005. At a minimum, BRAC 2005 must eliminate excess military bases and associated physical capacity, which the Department of Defense (DoD) determines to be a diversion of limited national security resources from defense capability.

In preparation for possible military base closures or realignment of military commands in Florida, it is important that the State, potentially impacted Regional Workforce Boards (RWB), and their workforce partners have processes and strategies in place that respond aggressively and proactively to these events. It is also imperative that economic, workforce development and governmental partnerships and collaborations are established that will prepare communities and local workforce areas for potential adverse economic impacts and dislocations caused by possible base closures or realignment of military bases out of the State. These suggested partnerships include, but are not limited to, local Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development units, EnterpriseFlorida (Florida Defense Alliance), Governor's Advisory Council on BRAC, Military Base Family Support Centers, Florida Congressional legislative staff, state and community agencies, educational institutions, local government and business leaders, and other community, military and veteran advocacy groups. Collaboration among the above groups will ensure that base reuse planning is directed by local communities,including RWBs in the vicinity of the military installation via empowerment of a locally controlled redevelopment planning authority.

Local and state-level strategies should also include the pursuit of workforce grants and funding through a variety of agencies and resources, i.e. the Florida Department of Community Affairs, DoD's Office of Economic Adjustment (provides grants or seed funding for the development of Community Base Reuse Plans), U.S. Department of Labor and National Emergency Grant (NEG) funding, Small Business Administration, etc. Other funding possibilities are available

Regional Workforce Board Executive Directors

May 2, 2005

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through the U.S. Department of Commerce for innovative economic development programs and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for community development and redevelopment/revitalization. AWI and WFI will assist in facilitating these applications for grants and other funding resources.

It is anticipated that Florida will possibly be confronted with three scenarios: Military Base Closure, Realignment of Military Commands out of the State, and Realignment of Military Commands in the State.

The following strategies and processes should be considered by RWBs in responding to the referenced scenarios.

Military Base Closure/Realignment of Military Commands out of Florida:

  • Provide Reemployment and Emergency Assistance Coordination Team (REACT) services and coordinated Rapid Response activities for affected military personnel and their spouses and families, Federal civilian employees, Federal Contractor employees, and other impacted dislocated employees and employers.
  • Provide One-Stop delivery systemcustomized orientations to impacted military installations, military members, spouses, Federal civilian employees, Federal Contractor employees, and employers about labor exchange, employment and training services available through the workforce investment system.
  • Establishfull-service One-StopCareerCenters and TransitionAssistanceCenters at military base Family Support Centers.
  • Provide the complete menu of workforce services, including skills assessment, job counseling, job search and placement services, resume assistance, case management, job skills workshops, specialized Job Fairs, career and vocational guidance, information on educational and training programs, Labor Market Information, information on the availability of support services, Unemployment Insurance, and other services.
  • Provide Career Resource Center services withaccess to the Internet, computers, fax, copiers, phone usage for job search, training software, testing services, etc., with a vast network of State and national employment data banks, i.e. Employ Florida Marketplace ( America's Job Bank ( HireVetsFirst ( Military.Com ( and other services.

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May 2, 2005

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  • Provide access toAWIMobileOne-StopCareerCenter.
  • Provide Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services for dislocated workers.
  • Provide post-separation and relocation assistance for dislocated workers.
  • Provide Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP)/Local Veterans' Employment Representative (LVER) services for veterans and eligible persons.
  • Provide Transition Assistance Program (TAP) services for military members and their spouses.
  • Provide Military Family Employment Advocacy services for military spouses and families.
  • Provide information on entrepreneurship, business franchises, virtual business, and telework programs, etc.
  • Provide information on Troops to Teachers/Spouse to Teachers Programs, Healthcare, and other occupations requiring licensure/certification, and other in-demand occupations.

Realignment of Military Commands to Florida:

  • Coordinate workforce activities and strategies with local Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development units, EnterpriseFlorida, human resource associations, etc.
Provide Employer Training Incentives: Quick Response Training, Incumbent Worker Training, etc.
Provide Incentives for Special Groups: Work Opportunity Tax Credit, On-The-Job Training (OJT), Work Supplementation, Enterprise Zone Incentives, etc.
  • Provide workforce services for employers, i.e. Job Fairs, testing services, applicant screening/employee recruitment, etc.; access to Employ Florida Marketplace and other employment data bank services.
  • Establishfull-service One-StopCareerCenters and TransitionAssistanceCenters at military base Family Support Centers.
  • Provide access toAWIMobileOne-StopCareerCenter.

Regional Workforce Board Executive Directors

May 2, 2005

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A list of Florida’s military bases and commands and maps of active military bases and active military personnel by workforce regions are attached.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Mitch Collier at (850) 245-7451.



cc: Barbara GriffinLois Scott

Wayne NelmsMitch Collier

Bo TaffShawn Forehand

Mike SwitzerJudy Meyer