TO: Region 5 Leaders
FROM: St. Louis Chapter
CC: Larry Friedlander (Co-Chair), Ron Taylor (Co-Chair), John Zeman (St. Louis Chapter President) and Kevin Jetton (Executive NCC Coordinator)
DATE: September 27, 2009
SUBJECT: 2010 AITP National Collegiate Conference Status Report
The 2010 AITP National Collegiate Conference will be hosted in St. Louis at the Millennium Hotel from March 25, 2010 thru March 27, 2010. A Region 5 Spring Meeting and the St. Louis Chapter Meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2010 National Collegiate Conference.
To date, the St. Louis Chapter has collected $608.25 that will be used for prizes. The St. Louis Chapter asks Region 5 professional and student chapters to provide assistance in the form of finding vendors to donate prizes and scholarships. NCC can use giveaways that vendors use in sales whether they be t-shirts, luggage tags, etc. If a firm would like to donate funds for a scholarship, whatever the amount, we’d be happy to highlight their scholarship donation!
Given the economy, we really NEED any and all help for prizes! Please take a moment to help. If you have a vendor and don’t want to make the call yourself, just forward me () and I’ll be happy to call them!
Here are the schools who are co-hosting:
· Eastern Illinois University
· Missouri State Univeristy
· Missouri Western State University
· Southwest Missouri State
· Southwestern Illinois College
A planning meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2010, in St. Louis with Kevin Jetton, the 2010 AITP NCC Chairs (Larry Friedlander and Ron Taylor), the St. Louis Chapter representatives, and Student Chapter representatives.
The website,, is up to date. Please use the site for any materials you need to help obtain donations, prizes, and scholarships!
information, go to:
To volunteer, contact:
Competitions and events for 2010 AITP NCC:
Kevin Jetton,
Larry Friedlander,
Ron Taylor,
Speakers and vendors for 2010 AITP NCC:
Christine Leja,
Send donations and early sponsorships to:
Christine Leja
Southwestern Illinois College
2500 Carlyle Ave.
Belleville, IL 62221
The St. Louis Chapter seeks the active assistance of its fellow Region 5 Chapters to assist in making the 2010 AITP NCC a success! The St. Louis Chapter membership is small and needs the help of Region 5!
Thank you in advance for all Region 5 assistance as we host the 2010 AITP NCC in St. Louis!