Filing Date: 13 FEB 04 No. Pages: 1

TO: Michelle Smith, ARTCC Airways and Procedures Office, Longmont CO

FAX: 303/651-4220 TEL: 303/651-4532

TO: Ted Goodlin, Denver TRACON, Denver CO

FAX: 303/342-1550 TEL: 303/342-1563

CC: Operations Office, Denver Centennial FSS, Englewood CO

FAX: 720/873-2743 TEL: 800-428-7652 ; 720/873-2740

FROM: Mike Manes, Edge of Space Sciences, Inc. (EOSS)

6002 W. Alder Ave, Littleton CO 80128-6037

TEL/FAX: 303-979-4899



1. Balloon Identification: EOSS-74A

2. Planned date/time of launch: Sat 21 FEB 04 @ 1600Z (0900 MST)

Rain date: Sun 22 FEB 04 @ 1600Z.

3. Location of launch site: Fatton Ranch: 40d 28.5'N, 104d 57.8'W. (GLL250019)

4. Max altitude [ ]Burst, [X]Release, [ ]Float: 90,000 MSL.

5. Forecast trajectory to FL 600: 1645Z, 090/040NM re launch site.

6. Balloon and payload data: (Exempt under FAR 101.1(a)(4) )

A. Balloon Type & fill: 2000 gm white latex weather balloon, He fill for 1000 fpm ROA, 90K MSL valvedown; deflating balloon & 5' orange parachute descent.

B. Payload: 5 packages, each under 6 lb and 3 oz/in^2. Total Weight under 12 lb incl ATV, crossband rptr, APRS/GPS & DF beacons.

C. Payload train length: 50 ft.

7. Estimated flight duration: 2 h, 40 m.

8. Forecast landing: 1840Z, 090/080NM re launch site.


0.  EOSS-74A replaces EOSS-74 of 12/17/04, which failed to launch.

1.  This flight will test a new lift gas dump valve terminator; backup is standard balloon cutdown. A valvedown descent should produce approx. 1000 fpm constant descent under deflating balloon.

2.  Launch will be delayed/scrubbed if AM RAOB winds project landing within 20 NM of DIA airport boundary. Forecast trajectory will be called in 30 min prior launch.

3.  Launch site cell phone number: 303-885-5751 after 1500Z launch day.

4.  In-flight GPS/APRS tracking available on under callsigns W5VSI-11 / EOSS74A and/or WØWYX / EOSS74A.

5.  Please email Special Provisions to originator by 19 FEB 04.

Signed: ______Mike Manes, EOSS.

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