
To log outside films into MD Plus

Go to pt’s chart

Go into notes

Add item

Code = XR

Text = date of study, location of study, type of study, & your initials as the person entering the information


After the films have been logged in, write the patients last name and first initial down the left side of the film jacket.

To log imported CD’s into MD Plus

Everything is the same as above only the text should read as follows:


To import CD’s into Ramsoft

Log into Desert Spine Power Reader

Click on file in upper left hand corner

Click on import

Then select import DICOM folder

Then select DVD/CD-RW Drive (D:)

Click OK

After study finishes importing click OK

To import films from SIMON MED web site

Double click SIMON MED IMAGING icon

User code = pitt

Password = si1002mon

Click log in

Once you are in exam search page

Search by pt’s name (last name, first name), then click the search button

When pt name & study comes up, write down their MRN #

Click on images.

This will take you into Inteleviewer.

Once you are there go to the upper left hand corner and click on patient search tool.

Enter the MRN # that you wrote down, then click enter.

When the study pops up left click on the line then right click it.

Choose option to export DICOM

Select DICOM EXPORT folder, then click select folder

(if something pops up that says the folder already contains something,

click to continue anyway)

Wait for images to load & export.

When that finishes, click OK on export summary.

Now log into Desert Spine Power Reader

Click on file in upper left hand corner.

Click import, then click import DICOM folder

Select My Documents

Select DICOM EXPORTS folder

Click OK.

Once import has finished, click OK.

To burn images from Ramsoft to a CD

Log into Desert Spine Power Reader

Click on search button in upper right hand corner

Once you are in the search screen enter the patient’s name, then click the start search button.

Once patient is found, click on the study to be burned to CD.

This should highlight the line.

Once it is highlighted click on the CD icon at the top/middle of the screen.

A box will pop up stating studies have been scheduled for CD burning.

Click “OK”

Insert CD into disc drive. (A box will pop up that tells you that you have inserted a blank CD. Select the “take no action” option.

In the bottom lower left hand corner you will see a picture of a CD and a % sign. This will allow you know the CD is burning and what % it is at. When it reaches 100% the computer will close it our and should automatically eject the CD.

After CD ejects you are done.

To print actual films

Log into Desert Spine Power Reader

Click on search button in upper right hand corner

Once you are in the search screen enter the patient’s name, then click the start search button.

Once the patient is found, double click on the study you want to print to open the images.

Once you have opened the study, click on file option in the upper left hand corner.

Select print, then select dicom.

(The number of rows and columns you choose depends on the number of pictures in the study. You can print up to 2 columns and 2 rows. This will print 4 images on one film.)

Select “all” for images to be printed, unless you only need a specific view.

Now select “OK” and wait for films to print on Kodak DryView 8150 Laser Imager

Set up in MD Plus to receive notice of x-ray

Log into MD Plus

Click on systems

Select providers-dpitt


Click on systems again

Select orders-CR


For operation of Kodak Direct View CR850

See Kodak User Guide

Section 2-1