To: Jonathan Ivry, Faculty Senate Chair
From: Angela Harlan, Interim UCC Chair
RE: Transmittal of UCC actions on October 6, 2017
UCC Members
George Ferencz, Marshall Anderson, Teri Frame, Bob Leitheiser, Todd Loushine, Matthew Winden, Jenni Petersen, Lynn Gilbertson, Zach Oster, Jennifer Andersen, David Havas, Liz Hachten, Carol Elsen, Abbie Windsor, Tamela Rocke, Nelson Edmonds, James Castrillo, Becky Pfeifer, Stephanie Douglas and Robert Mertens. Guests were Donald Jellerson III and Sara Vogt. Guest: Donald K Jellerson II and Sara Vogt.
- Approval of Minutes from theSeptember 22 meeting.Teri Frame and Marshall Andersonmoved approval of minutes of area I; motion passed unanimously.
II.Information Only Items (To be Received and Recorded).Zach Oster and George Ferencz moved approval of area II; motion passed unanimously.
A.Special Courses approved since the most recent UCC meeting:
Course No. / Title / Term / ApprovedCOMM 496M / Interm. Game Development / Spring 2018 / 09/28/2017
COMM 491A / Cross Cultural Communication Practicum / Spring 2018 / 09/28/2017
Sociology 494B / Capstone: The Moral Psychology Behind Attitudes on Campus / Spring 2018 / 09/28/2017
III. Action Items
- Curricular Action from the College ofEducation and Professional Studies
Jenni Petersen and Marshall Anderson moved approval of area III.A. 1.1; motion passed unanimously.
1. Action from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
1.1.Course Revision – Course Title Change - CIGENRL 461: Org, Admin, and Coordination of Work-Based Learning Programs
Zach Oster and Teri Frame moved to remove from table and approval of are III.A.1.1.; motion passed unanimously.
2.Action from the Department of Special Education
2.1.New Course – SPECED 101: Introduction to Disability Identity Theory Development
Sara Vogt was invited by Angela Harlan to come to the curriculum meeting to give more information on this course. Sara explained that the course would be open to all students on campus every spring semester, but would be restricted to students with disabilities during the summer semester as part of a summer bridge program. Angela Harlan raised concerns from the Provost:1)If this course is intended fora broader audience, the proposal shouldcome from the Department of Special Education and not the Center for Disabilities, as the Department of Special Education would be responsible for the staffing, etc.2) If the course is to be used as part of the summer bridge program, the course should be at the developmental level; students should not earn credits to degree. There was discussion and concern among the committee over the purpose of the course. Given the dual nature described above, some committee members felt that the vision of the course is unclear, and that two separate courses would be more appropriate.
Angela Harlan asked the committee for Show of Hands vote for this action; there were 5 approvals – and 6 disapprovals with no abstentions. This proposal will be rolled back to the sponsors to be further reviewed and updated.
- Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
Marshall Anderson and Matt Winden moved approval of area III. B.1.1.-1.4..; motion passed unanimously.
1.Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
1.1.Program Deactivation – Asian Studies Minor
1.2.Miscellaneous Request – Other Curricular Action – Deactivate the Latin American Studies Minor
1.3.Program Deactivation – Gender and Ethnic Studies Minor
1.4.Program Deactivation – Peace and Justice Studies Minor
Zach Oster and Teri Frame moved approvalof area III.B.2.1.; motion passed unanimously. The committee requested that “CV” change to say “resume” in catalog description and in attached syllabus. Liz Hachten stated she would accept these changes on behalf of the Department of Biological Sciences.
2.Action from the Department of Biological Sciences
2.1.New Course – BIOLOGY190: Biology Forum
George Ferencz and Matt Winden moved approval of area III.B 3.1.-3.3.; motion passed unanimously.
3.Actions from the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
3.1.Course Deactivation – WOMST 310: Women and the Shaping of Latin American Culture
3.2.Course Change – Title Change – WOMENST 351: Violence Against Women
3.3.Course Change – Departments Consulted – WOMENST 365: Women, Science & Society
Marshall Anderson and Bob Leitheiser moved approval of area III.B.4.1.; motion passed unanimously.
4. Action from the Department of Geography, Geology, and Environmental Science
4.1.Course Change – Prerequisite Change – GEOLGY 319: Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
Marshall Anderson and Jennifer Anderson moved approval of area III.B.5.1; motion passed unanimously.
Donald Jellersongave an overview of the program and answered questions.
5.Action from the Department of Languages & Literatures
5.1.New Major – Film Studies (BA/BS)
Zach Oster and Teri Frame moved approval of area III. D.1.1.; motion passed unanimously.
D. Curricular Action from the Department of Interdisciplinary
1.Action from the Department of Interdisciplinary
1.1.Miscellaneous Request – Other Administrative Action – Revising the Cut Scores of English Proficiency for International Student Undergraduate Admission
VI.Motion to be adjourned was moved by Matt Winden and Teri Frame at 3:37 p.m.
Becky Pfeifer
University Curriculum Committee Secretary
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