Date :
Time :
Points :
Fee :
Level : / Monday, 28 October 2013
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm
1.5 CPD points
* This course is an approved RME elective course
Free of Charge
Elementary level, for delegates who do not have prior knowledge of the subject area / Language :
Venue : / English
Auditorium, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, No. 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
About the course:
The Hong Kong Solicitor’s Guide to Professional Conduct, Volume I, (2nd Edition) was published on 19 October 1998. The Guide Working Party completed its review of all professional conduct provisions and circulars as of 30 September 2012 and sought the views of the Law Society committees and the profession in 2012 and 2013. Suggestions which came within the above cut-off date were considered, and some were adopted. The completed 3rd Edition of the Guide received approval by the Council of the Law Society on 20 August 2013.
The Chief Justice and the President of the Law Society have both kindly written forewords for the Guide and it is hoped that the 3rd Edition of the Guide will be published within 2013.
Members of the Guide Working Party will highlight the important changes that have been made to the Guide and will explain why some of the provisions have been amended. Some important changes have been made in the areas of information communication technology, undertakings, litigation, mediation and conflicts.
Course objective:
To draw delegates’ attention to the new provisions of the Hong Kong Solicitor’s Guide to Professional Conduct, Volume I.
About the presenters:
A.B. Nasir, J.P., Solicitor, Nasirs®
Stephanie Cheung, Consultant, F. Zimmern & Co.
Joseph Li, Partner, Joseph Li & Co.
Mr. Amirali B. Nasir is a solicitor admitted in Hong Kong, England and Wales and the Dubai International Financial Centre, practising under the name and style of NASIRS ® (formerly AB Nasir & Co.) since 1992. His principal areas of practice are dispute resolution and commercial law. His is a Council member of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Law Society’s Working Party of Islamic Finance. He is a regular speaker on risk management, civil procedure, professional conduct, solicitors’ accounts and mediation. He has lectured and participated in conferences on Islamic Finance and Takaful in Hong Kong, Dubai, Brunei, London, Singapore, Iran, London and Malaysia. He has lectured on the Hong Kong University Space Certificate in Islamic Finance and Advance Certificate in Islamic Finance courses. He was external validation advisor to the HKU LLM programme in Islamic Banking Law in collaboration with the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He was the past chairman and trustee of the Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong.
Ms. Stephanie Cheung belongs to the first batch of law graduates from Hong Kong University. She has been prasticing as a solicitor since 1975, and is qualified in Hong Kong, England and Australia (Victoria). She is also a Notary Public, trademark practitioner, Accredited General Mediator, and Accredited Family Mediator. Her principal areas of practice are general litigation, general commercial, intellectual property, family law and probate. She has been serving on the Guidance Committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong for over 20 years, and is a member of the Working Party on publication of “The Hong Kong Solicitor’s Guide to Professional Conduct, Volume I” 1st and 2nd editions, and the present edition.
Mr. Joseph Li was first admitted in UK in 1986. He served as a Senior Crown Counsel of the then Attorney General’s Chambers before entering private practice. His principal areas of practice are commercial litigation and professional negligence / misconduct. Mr. Li is a Council Member of the Law Society of Hong Kong. Between 2010 and 2011, he has served as the Chairman of the Duty Lawyer Service Council and is currently serving as Chairman of a number of committees and working parties of the Law Society, most notably the Working Party on Limited Liability Partnerships and the RME Accreditation Sub-Committee. Mr. Li is a prosecutor for the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, and he also sits as a member of the Market Misconduct Tribunal and the HKICPA Disciplinary Tribunal.
Enrolment Conditions:
1.  The course is open to all solicitors and trainee solicitors. Enrolments will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
2.  If you cannot attend a booked course which is free of charge, written notification must be received by the Hong Kong Academy of Law at least one clear working day before the date of the booked course. Otherwise, you may not be given priority when you register to attend the Academy future free courses.
3.  Only those who have been allocated a seat will receive a confirmation email from the Academy. Those who have not received a confirmation email from the Academy before the date of the course shall treat their registrations for the free course unsuccessful.
4.  Please click here for the CPD Attendance Policy which applies to those who wish to claim CPD points from the Law Society of Hong Kong.
5.  Please click here for the Bad Weather Policy.
6.  The Hong Kong Academy of Law reserves the right to alter the contents, speakers(s) or otherwise of this course, or cancel this course.
Enrolment Slip:

Re: The New Provisions of the Hong Kong Solicitor’s Guide to Professional Conduct, Volume I, Monday, 28 October 2013 (102813P)

To: Hong Kong Academy of Law, 3rd Floor, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, HK
(Attention: Mr. Isaac Yim / Ms. Goldie Ng - Tel: 2846 0587 / 2846 0585)

Name: Mr./Ms.

(full name as on identity card or practising certificate or trainee solicitor contract)

Occupation: I am (please tick as appropriate)

a Solicitor a Barrister a Trainee Solicitor

(others, please specify) :

Solicitor No: Year of admission: Trainee: First/Second year (if applicable)

(if applicable) (if applicable)

Company/Firm: Position:



Tel: Fax:

I enclose a cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Academy of Law Limited” for $ _ _ in payment for the above course.

I have read and accepted the Enrolment Conditions attached to the course flyer.

Signature: Date: