To: Holmes County news media

Pursuant to the Ohio Open Meetings Act, notice is hereby given that the Holmes County Republican Executive Committee will meet Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 7 pm in the conference room of the Comfort Inn, 1102 Glen Drive, Millersburg for the purpose of appointing a public official, namely a member of the Holmes County Board of Elections.

The term for the seat currently held by Wes Schmucker expires February 29th. Wes has indicated an interest in being re-appointed. At this time I am not aware of any other persons seeking the appointment.

You are welcome to send a representative to this meeting. I will send to each area news media agency a news release immediately following this meeting, announcing the result of the appointment, so if you are not able to send a representative, you will be informed of the meeting results within a few hours of the meeting adjournment.

Only the portion of the meeting which deals with voting the appointment to the board of elections is a public session. If the Executive Committee wishes to consider other Party business, the committee may chose to convene a private session for that business.

Please contact me with any questions. The Republican Party appreciates your efforts to inform the public of our activities.


Robin C. Hovis, Chairman

Holmes County Republican Party

cell: 330-231-4826

home: 330-674-3763

office: 330-674-5000