· To elevate the status of retired school employees.

· To encourage retired school employees to use their training and experience in furthering the educational, social, civic and spiritual growth of the community, state, nation, and world.

· To afford opportunities for united action in solving the problems and meeting the needs of retired school employees.

· To cooperate with the Texas Retired Teachers Association and National Retired Teachers Association and other school employee organizations.

· To provide special educational opportunities for members of the Association.

Eagle Mt. - Saginaw Retired School Employees members are retirees of Texas public schools. In addition to being members of EMSRSE, they also belong to Texas Retired Teachers Association. Membership is open to retirees of public schools, public universities, or education service centers in Texas. Monthly meetings during the school year provide opportunities to renew old friendships, and to make new ones.

Goals of EMSRSE include keeping members current on legislative news impacting the Texas Teacher Retirement System; advocating for affordable and quality health care insurance; providing latest health research benefitting retirees; promoting good nutrition and exercise daily; supporting students and schools through volunteering time and donations.

Engaging and informative programs encourage members to continue active lifestyles. Volunteering individually as well as group community service projects are important components the EMSRSE association.

Benefits of Joining Eagle Mt.- Saginaw Retired School Employees
• Network with other retirees
• Receive EMSRSE Directory and monthly newsletters
• Hear speakers and programs of interest to retirees
• Collaborate with members on legislation issues
• Be actively involved with other members in community service projects
• Participate in the TRTA statewide Children’s Book Drive
• Help provide college scholarships to three EM-S ISD graduating seniors planning careers in education
• Share with active educators about their retirement program