Executive committee Call

To discuss IMIS and Graphic Images Issues

Friday, July 29, 2011


Jim Covel, Amy Lethbridge, Theresa Coble, John Luzader, Amy Galperin, and Tim Merriman


We need to decided: 1) if we should go forward with filing a claim against Tim Speck estate to try to get money back from the $31,000 2) if we endorse the letter to be send to ASI requesting assistance and compensation for previous efforts to implement our IMIS program and 3) if we agree to go forward to work with ATS as the implementer of our IMIS program.


How much should the executive board decide at this meeting and how much should go to the full board for a decision.

Filing the claim against Tim Speck estate

This is a time sensitive issue. When a contractor or supplier does not follow through on their commitment this is handled by the Executive Director without the board. The amount of this issue does create a bigger concern. The executive board agreed to give Tim authorization to work with our attorney to file the claim against Tim Speck estate.

The letter to ASI

The executive board agreed that:

1)Tim will re-write the letter incorporating some of the changes suggested during the call. He will send the new letter out for a quick turn around to the board members. He will then take the letter to the attorney for a quick review and then send it to ASI letting them know that this needs immediate attention because the organization board is meeting to discuss these issues and decide what our future relationship will be with ASI and the whole IMIS process.

2)Jim will set up a meeting for the whole board the week of August 15 to discuss the letter and our options with ASI.

Working with ATS

It was agreed that the whole board should be involved in the discussion about working with ATS and the potential response from ASI.

In the future the board will also want to review “lessons learned” from this experience. It was suggested that we may want to come up with standard items to be in any future contract or relationship with a supplier when the cost reaches a specific amount.

Jim will send out to full board copy to the fact sheet and letter to ASI. We are asking the full board if 1) go forward with process, 2) should we work with ATS and 3) where is the money coming from.

Jim will call a full board meeting the week of Aug 15