DATE: February 6, 2018

TO: Destination Imagination Rising Stars Team Managers

RE: Schedule and Details for Regional Tournament

Sinclair Community College, March 3, 2018

Congratulations. You are almost at the end of your DI journey and are getting ready for the Destination Imagination Region 12 tournament. Our regional tournament takes not only the efforts of the Governing Board, but also of Team Managers, Team Members, spectators, and all the volunteers to make it run smoothly and to insure all teams have an equal opportunity to present their challenge solutions. We estimate there will be 700 participants and another 250 people serving as Appraisers, Volunteers, or Tournament Officials on campus that day.

To help you as you approach competition day, we have prepared this packet of information for you. In addition, please review the Rising Star! Challenge and the associated materials one more time before the competition on March 3rd. Information can also be found at our website at


·  Team Managers were required to furnish the name of a person you had contacted to serve as a tournament helper.

o  PLEASE CONTACT YOUR TOURNAMENT HELPER NOW and let him/her know they will receive an assignment letter soon.

o  The letter will outline the procedures for their arrival time and check-in location with an explanation of the tournament helper’s responsibilities for the competition.

·  Please remind your tournament helper that your team MUST HAVE his/her participation on March 3rd for a 4-hour block of time.

o  Note that no more than 2 people may split this 4 hour assignment period.

o  If your tournament helper is a parent, you already indicated this on your registration form and they will be assigned a time and location so they will not miss their child’s Team Challenge performance.

·  If your tournament helper has to cancel, YOU, the Team Manager, are required to find the replacement.


·  Region 12 also requires the Team Managers to provide the name of a person who will represent their team as an Appraiser.

·  Our Appraiser Training is Saturday, February 17th from 8:00 AM – 12 noon.

o  Please make sure your designated Appraiser attends this training unless they have been assigned to Appraise Rising Stars.

o  Any Appraiser that has been assigned to the Rising Stars! Central Challenge Appraising Team will be trained on competition day instead and are not required to attend the training on February 17th.

·  If your Appraiser has to cancel, YOU, the Team Manager are required to find a replacement.

o  Failure to find a replacement or if your Appraiser does not come will result in an additional fee of $25.00.


·  On the day of the tournament you may park temporarily at the curb on West Fourth Street to unload equipment.

o  However, we ask that you do not leave your car unattended at this site.

o  Please do not unload from other areas, such as from Third Street.

·  Free parking is available in Garage A on Fifth Street.

·  A covered walkway is available from the 3rd level of Garage A to the campus buildings.


·  Enclosed you will find the schedule for your Team Challenge and Instant Challenge.

·  On the day of competition, one Team Manager from each team must register the team in the Lobby of Building 8.

·  Your team is required to register at least 30 minutes before your first activity, and to report to your competition site at least 20 minutes before they are scheduled to compete.

·  It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that your team arrives at their competition site by the scheduled time.

o  We WILL NOT reschedule teams once the tournament begins.


·  Please check the map and locate your site before you are scheduled to compete.

·  Sinclair Community College asks that the teams DO NOT try to go to these rooms and practice at the individual sites before the day of competition.

·  Make sure you monitor your students carefully as they move from one area to another during the day so that we do not disturb the competition at any of the various sites.

·  We sincerely hope everyone will help us maintain the best environment possible for each and every team.

·  Key to locating rooms at Sinclair Community College:

1st number (4235) = Building #

2nd number (4235) = floor in that building

3rd and 4th numbers (4235) = room number

For example: Room 5124 is in Building 5, 1st floor, room 24.

Additional hints: Floor 0 is the basement, floor L is the level below the basement.

So 4011 is Building 4, basement, room 11 and 2L12 is Building 2, Lower level, room 12.

·  With so many teams participating, storage/holding space for your props and scenery is extremely limited.

o  Therefore, we urge you to leave equipment in cars until your team is ready to perform.

o  You should move your equipment to the Team Challenge site 20-30 minutes before your scheduled time.

·  Following your performance, you must completely clear the area of any props, scenery, etc.

o  Hallways and stairways must be clear for upcoming teams and cannot be used for storage.

o  Please do not leave any items at Sinclair for which the custodial staff must dispose.

o  Sinclair allows us to use their facility for free and we believe those who leave their trash jeopardize that relationship. Please help us by cleaning up any and all messes you and your team might make.

·  Sinclair Community College does not allow dry ice to be used on campus.

o  Please be aware of this ruling as you make your final preparations for your performance.


·  This year we have 23 Rising Stars! teams in our regional tournament.

·  They will be divided into two sites for the competition.

·  In Region 12, our philosophy concerning the Rising Stars! competition centers on modeling their competition experience as closely as possible to that of the DI competitive teams.

·  Therefore, we do have the Instant Challenge competition for our Rising Stars! teams.

o  When the Rising Stars! team members enter the IC competition room, one Team Manager only will be allowed in the room with the team, just as is done in the regular competition.


·  Team Managers will need to register their teams for the Instant Challenge Competition using the following procedure:

1)  Fifteen minutes before their assigned IC competition time, only one Team Manager and the Team Members should report to the IC registration table on the first floor of Building 1.

2)  Parents should find another place in which to wait for their child’s team during IC.

o  Out of respect for the competing teams, we need to keep the noise level down in Building 1, especially since we have to use some of the classrooms on the first floor.

3)  Bring one copy of your team’s signed Declaration of Independence Form for the IC Appraisers

4)  When you register, you will receive the room number for your team’s competition.

o  REMINDER: Do not enter your assigned competition room until you are invited by the appraising team.

·  Because Rising Stars! is a non-competitive Challenge, the rules for their Instant Challenge are different than those for the competitive teams.

o  Their Instant Challenge is not a secret and the children may discuss it outside the Instant Challenge room.

o  However, so that other teams do not hear about the specific Challenge requirements before they have their Instant Challenge experience during the Tournament, Rising Stars! team members are encouraged to not discuss the Challenge in public that day.


·  Your team is required to wear name tags when they do their Instant Challenge Competition.

·  When the Team Manager and the team enter the Instant Challenge Competition room, the team will be asked to identify the members of the team that will participate in the Instant Challenge.


·  Please have the Starry Showcase Form completely filled out and ready to present to the Prep Area Appraiser at the Central Challenge site. Please bring 3 copies of this form.

o  We do not have a copier for you to use so please make sure you have enough copies as required by the Team Challenge.

o  Sinclair does have a copier that takes money and is located on the third floor between Buildings 1 and 2.


·  Because Rising Stars! is a noncompetitive Challenge, the teams do not receive scores, just positive feedback from the Appraisers.

·  All team members will receive a medal for their participation immediately after their performance, rather than at the awards ceremony at the end of the day.


·  The Sinclair Community College cafeteria in the basement of Building # 7 will be open for lunch and will stay open until 4 PM on the day of the tournament.

·  Food is not to be taken to the challenge sites.

·  Please monitor your team and respect all Sinclair facilities. This includes cleaning up after yourselves.


·  We are again selling ads in the program if you or any of your parents would like to send a personal message to a team or team member.

·  Deadline for submission of an ad for the program is Feb. 17th.

·  Visit the website for more information.


·  Tournament helpers will have sales tables in the lobby of Building # 8 (outside the Gymnasium) and at a site in the hallway of Building 2.

·  Please tell your team members so they can bring money to make purchases

o  Cash or checks made out to Ohio Kids for Creativity, Region 12.

·  There will be Challenge-specific pins and other available items for purchase.


·  Please remind your parents of the following information:

In accordance with the policies of Destination Imagination, Inc. we are required to notify all participants of any sanctioned DI tournament of the following release/disclaimer:

“By my participating in an event conducted by an Affiliate, Region or other gathering related

to the Destination Imagination program, the participants or participant’s parents or participant’s

guardian understands and hereby voluntarily agrees to release, waive, forever discharge, hold

harmless, defend and indemnify Destination Imagination Inc., and their agents, officers, boards,

volunteers, and employees from any and all liability and all claims, actions, loses for bodily

injury, property damages, wrongful death, loss of services, or otherwise which may arise out of

the participant’s participation in activities related to the Destination Imagination event including

travel to and from the event.”


·  Feel free to make copies of maps, schedules, “Be a Good Guest”, etc. for your Team Members and families.

·  Program booklets will be available at the Registration Desk in the lobby of Building # 8.

·  Please impress upon your students and their parents the importance of respecting the Sinclair facilities and properties.

o  Be sure to go over the responsibilities to “Be a Good Guest” with your students and parents.

o  We are GUESTS of Sinclair and hope to continue to be able to use this facility for future DI tournaments.

·  Remember, the benefits of this program are not related to whether students win an award, but instead the benefits include the growth and learning they experience in finding the best solution and the pride they have in their accomplishments.

·  We ask Team Managers to model good behavior and expect good sportsmanship from Team Members, Team Managers, and parents attending the tournament.

Thank you again for participating in DI. You have devoted a great deal of time and effort to your team. We know that you will do everything possible to help us provide the best experience possible for the students. We appreciate the efforts of each one of you and wish you the best of luck for a successful competition day!


Teri Skudlarek

Region 12 Co-Director


Vince Pachiano

Region 12 Co-Director
