TO: Deans of Schools

Associate Deans (Learning and Teaching)

Heads of Department

School & Departmental Administrators

Ms O Savina, Academic Affairs Officer of the Students’ Union

Mr L Russell-Moyle, Internal Affairs Officer of the Students' Union

Administrative Staff within ASSU

Mr T Squire-Watt, SAINT

Mr N Buck, The Hub

Dr J Sture, Graduate School

Ms S Marsh, Director of Learning Resources

Ms R Currant, Director of Student Engagement

Ms A Hughes, Complaints and Appeals Officer

Professor G Layer, PVC, Learning and Teaching

FROM: Alison J Carass, Assistant Registrar, Academic Standards and Support

DATE: 17th October 2008


Further to my memo of June 2006 regarding policy and procedures to be followed in respect of students with either Breaches of Assessment Regulations or Appeals cases outstanding at the start of a new academic session, I write to inform you of the latest arrangements for the registration of such students.

It is University policy that students who have decisions outstanding are permitted to attend lectures/seminars whilst their particular case is being processed and that they should continue with their course pending the outcome. This ensures that such students are not disadvantaged. However, since my original memo, the services/facilities and learning resources offered to students have been greatly enhanced and students are now required to have electronic access to e-mail, Blackboard, Computer Centre and the Library. These can only be accessed if a student is fully registered with the University. It is also a requirement that students need to be registered in order to be covered by the University’s insurance for all persons on its premises.

Thus, in future, students who have Breaches of Assessment/Appeals cases outstanding at the start of term will be registered using a separate enrolment status code of ‘CA’ – currently awaiting outcome of breach/appeal. The arrangements to be made are as follows:

On receipt of a student appeal, Academic Standards and Support (ASSU) will contact the School to inform them that an appeal has been lodged via a simple template e-mail giving student name, UB number and programme/route code. If the student needs to register the School will let SAS know and they will allocate the special enrolment status code. Once the outcome of the appeal is known, the School will again contact SAS and will request either that the student is put into full current status or back to their original status as determined at the relevant Board of Examiners, depending on the outcome.

When a School reports a breach of assessment regulations they should notify SAS that this student will require registration under the special enrolment status code. Again, once the outcome of the breach is known, the School will again contact SAS and will request either that the student is put into full current status or back to their original status as determined at the relevant Board of Examiners, depending on the outcome.

Please note that, as previously, there is one proviso to this policy and arrangements. If a student is appealing against an academic decision regarding progression there may, in some academic areas, be either Professional Body stipulations or issues relating to safety/competence to practice, for example, whilst working in a laboratory, which may mean that it is not acceptable for a student to attend particular sessions. In some cases, such as those pertaining in the School of Health, it may not be possible for a student to continue on the course at all whilst in this situation. In such cases, formal approval must be sought from the Dean of School, with documented rationale, to exclude the student in question.

It is also worth noting that the above policy and arrangements do not apply in cases where students breach University Codes of Conduct/Discipline, which is a different issue. Such students may be suspended or excluded and not permitted to join classes/examinations - they may even not be permitted on University premises.

I would be grateful if you could ensure that all appropriate staff within your School are aware of the new arrangements and if you require any further information or have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

An electronic version of this memo can be found on the ASSU website at: