/ Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Oklahoma State University
205 4-H Youth Development, Stillwater OK 74075
(405) 744-8885 Fax: (405) 744-6522

November 8, 2018

TO:County Educators and 4-H Shooting Sports Coaches, members and parents

RE:State Trap Shoot – October 17, 2015 – Oklahoma Trap Association near El Reno


8:00 a.m.Check-In for 9:00, 9:45 and 10:30 Squads

8:45 a.m.Shooter/Coach/Parent Safety Meeting

9:00 a.m.Shoot Begins

10:45 a.m.Safety Meeting for 11:15 and 12:00 Squads

12:15 p.m.Safety Meeting for 12:45 and 1:30 Squads

1:45 p.m.Safety Meeting for 2:15 and 3:00 Squads

3:45 p.m.Shoot-offs as necessary

4:15 p.m.Awards

** NOTICE **

Coaches and/or Puller for each squad and 4-H members of the squad are required to attend one of the SAFETY MEETINGS prior to their participation in the contest! READ the definition of a “Completed Shot” in the shotgun rules. This safety practice will be followed!

·Registrations and payment MUST be received to the State 4-H Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 12th! Registrations received after this time will not be accepted! Make checks payable to“4-H Conferences”. Shoot Fee: $25.00Refunds will only be allowed if the event is cancelled.

·NOTE: You must allow at least 3 days for campus mail to make delivery. If you plan on sending registrations via postal mail, please also fax registrations to the State 4-H Office by the deadline noted above. This will ensure that we have your members registered. Fax (405) 744-6522

·All teams who fax or e-mail their pre-registration team rosters by October 12th will receive a list of shooting times by Wednesday, October 14th. If you have a preference for teams to be squaded either late or early please indicate this on the registration form.

·Pre-squaded teams will not be changed on the day of the shoot. No additions and/or substitutions will be allowed. If a pre-squaded team drops below 3 members, the remaining team members will shoot as individuals.

·All 4-H ages will be based on member’s age BEFORE Jan. 1 of the current year in accordance to State 4-H Policy. Members MUST have been 10 years of age BEFORE Jan. 1, 2015 to participate in any shotgun training or event.

·Participants will have 10 practice rounds on the house they will shoot during the competition. These 10 shots will take place immediately before they shoot their official rounds. These practice rounds are included in the registration fee. Those shooting in the first flight must be at their designated field and ready to shoot their practice rounds at 9:00 AM.

Attention Coaches

Coaches will pull for their team. Counties are to provide adults who will serve as scorers for teams other than their own. In the event of a lost target that is in dispute, the scorer will check with the puller to determine if the target was lost. Scorer’s decision will be final. If a county brings five teams, then they would need 5 sets of folks to help score when their child is not shooting.

·Awards will be presented at the conclusion of the shoot offs.


Team Format – Counties who wish to have members compete for team awards must indicate who will be on the team at pre-registration. Teams may have up to four (4) members with the top three scores being used to pick the team score and ranking. Empty slots will be filled as needed to accommodate event numbers


A copy of a Form #1:Youth Participation Form: Medical Information and Release Form and Code of Conduct for each individual 4-H participant as well as registration forms should be in possession of respective coaches and leaders. Forms do not need to be submitted at registration time; however, in case of an emergency or accident, the coach/leader should have them easily accessible

The Form #1: Youth Participation Form can be downloaded from the Oklahoma 4-H Website at

The State 4-H Office will secure insurance for this event.


Saf-T-Plugs must be in place for semi-automatic and pump shotguns

Both ear and eye protection are required to participate.

You may not rest the gun on your toe.

All firearms will remain open until the shooter is ready to shoot.

Do not put a shell in the gun’s action or chamber until it is your turn to shoot.

All certified instructors should assume the role of safety officers.

Obey the instructions of the safety officers.

Shooter’s shells can not be on the ground. Shells must be carried in a vest, pouch, nail apron, etc.

·No coaching is permitted during competition.

·Broken Clay: Will reshoot if clay comes out broken whether it was shot or not

·Two (2) misfires per round of 25.

·Ammunition: All loads listed in the current Oklahoma 4-H State Shotgun Rules will be acceptable for this event. If a load is called into question by another coach or participant and that load is found to not be legal the shooter will be disqualified. NOTE: Reloads are not allowed.

·All OTA Safety Rules in addition to these will be enforced as well.


In accordance with State 4-H Policy: All 4-H ages are based on members’ age BEFORE Jan. 1 of the current year. Members MUST have been 10 years of age BEFORE Jan. 1, 2015 to participate in any shotgun training or event.

Members must have received a minimum of 8 hours of instruction before the day of the shoot.




·Date: October 17, 2015

·Places: Oklahoma Trap Association (OTA) southeast of El Reno


·8:00 a.m.Check-In for 9:00, 9:45 and 10:30 Squads

·8:45 a.m.Shooter/Coach/Parent Safety Meeting

·9:00 a.m.Shoot Begins

· 10:45 a.m.Safety Meeting for 11:15 and 12:00 Squads

· 12:15 p.m.Safety Meeting for 12:45 and 1:30 Squads

·1:45 p.m.Safety Meeting for 2:15 and 3:00 Squads

·3:45 p.m.Shoot-offs as necessary

·4:15 p.m.Awards

Shoot Fees: $25.00/participant

·50 targets = $25.00 per person (includes 10 practice rounds prior to team/individuals shooting)

·Registration fee does not include the cost of ammunition. Each participant is responsible for providing their own ammunition. Reloads are not allowed!

Age divisions based on age as BEFORE Jan. 1, 2015

Junior= ages 10**– 11

Intermediate= ages 12 - 13

Senior=ages 14+

** Members MUST have been 10 years of age BEFORE Jan. 1, 2015 to participate in any shotgun training or event. 4-H members must have been a member at least 30 days prior to the contest and be 4-H shotgun certified.

·Teams will consist of 3 - 4 members. Age of oldest team member will be used to determine age division in which the team shoots.

·Team members will compete for individual awards in their age division.

·Awards are based on 50 targets shot.

·Tie breakers will be done using a shoot off system. For more detail please see 2015 State 4-H Shotgun Rules.


Team Awards (3 or 4 members, with top 3 scores used to rank teams)

Award for each shooter on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Junior, Intermediate and Senior Teams

Individual Awards

Top Male and Female Skeet Shooter

Awards to the top 3 individuals in each age group