TO: County Collaborative Early Childhood Core Team Members

FROM: Janet Bock-Hager, Pre-K Coordinator, Office of Early Learning, on behalf of the Universal Pre-K Steering Team

RE: 2017-2018 WV Universal Pre-K Leadership System of Support (WV Pre-K S.o.S.)

DATE: July 12, 2017

The WV Universal Pre-K Leadership System of Support is an ongoing system designed to support county collaborative early childhood teams with implementation of WV Universal Pre-K. The System of Support is a joint effort of West Virginia Department of Education’s (WVDE) Office of Early Learning, WVDE Office of Special Education, Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs), WV Department of Health and Human Resources (WVDHHR), and the Head Start State Collaboration Office and includes four key components designed to address various needs of each county collaborative team. We are pleased to announce the schedule for the 2017-2018WV Universal Pre-K Leadership System of Support. The schedule and additional information are included for each key component.

  1. Introductory Workshop for New County Collaborative Early Childhood Core Team Members

This workshop is a one-day event scheduled for September 14, 2017 at a location in the Charleston area. The workshop is designed for administrators who are new county collaborative core team members with two or fewer years of experience. This includes Pre-K Coordinators, Special Education, Child Care, and Head Start representativesdesignated as county pre-k core team members. Please register for this workshop by e-mailing Janet Bock-Hager at by September 1, 2017. A follow-up e-mail will be provided to registered participants with specific location information, directions, and an agenda. Lunch will be provided.

  1. WV Universal Pre-K Leadership Institute

The tenth annual WV Universal Pre-K Leadership Institute is scheduled for September 28, 2017 at the Embassy Suites in Charleston, WV. Registration will begin at 8:00a.m. The Pre-K Leadership Institute will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. As in the past, the Leadership Institute has limited seating and each county team will have four reserved spaces, one for each core team member or representative. To register for the WV Universal Pre-K Leadership Institute, complete the online registration form at Lunch and snacks will be provided throughout the day; however, participants are responsible for lodging. Embassy Suites, Charleston, is offering a group rate for September 27thfor the event. The conference code for the event is UPK. Reservations must be made by September 4, 2017 to receive the group rate secured for the Institute. Lodging reservations can be made at or by contacting the Embassy Suites at 304.347.8700 or 1.800.EMBASSY.

  1. Webinar Series for County Collaborative Early Childhood Teams

A webinar series for County Collaborative Early Childhood Teams will be conducted on the second Friday in January and February. Each webinar will be limited to 60 minutes. The webinar series is to provide an ongoing mechanism for county teams to receive information related to the WV Pre-K System. Webinar topics for the upcoming year will be determined based on county collaborative early childhood team input and assessed needs. It is the intent that county teams will take advantage of these opportunities and schedule their own monthly meetings to coordinate with the webinar series. The webinars will be recorded and posted for future reference. To view recordings of previously conducted webinars or access accompanying resources, go to

  1. WV Pre-K Leadership Spring Meeting

To conclude the yearlong System of Support, WV Pre-K Leadership Spring Meetings will be scheduled in spring 2018. This meeting will provide a framework for core team members to reflect on the System of Support and prepare for the following year. Dates for the WV Pre-K Leadership Meetings will be provided once scheduled.

A schedule of events is included with this memorandum for your reference. We look forward to working with each of you over the next year. It is our hope that the WV Universal Pre-K Leadership System of Support will continue to support your local work. For any additional information or questions, please contact a member of the WV Pre-K Steering Team:

Janet 304-558-9994

Tricia 304-356-4603

Ginger Huffman 304-558-2696

Patti 304-993-5807

Cc: Dr. Lou Maynus, Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Teaching and Learning

Monica DellaMea, Executive Director, Office of Early Learning

Pat Homberg, Executive Director, Office of Special Education

Janie Cole, WVDHHR Director, Division of Early Care and Education

County Superintendents

RESA Executive Directors

RESA Special Education Directors

WV Universal Pre-K Leadership System of Support

Schedule of Events

Date / Event
September 14, 2017 / New Administrator Overview – for new County Collaborative Early Childhood Core Team Members
Location TBA
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
September 28, 2017 / WV Pre-K Leadership Institute
Embassy Suites, Charleston WV
January 12, 2018 / WV Pre-K Leadership – System of Support Webinar
10:00 am (60 minutes)
Topics - TBA
February 9, 2018
Spring 2018 / WV Pre-K
Leadership Spring Meetings
(April/May- TBA)