EXAMPLE Weekly Meeting and Target-setting Record

To be used in conjunction with the LJMU ITT tracking document.

Trainee Name: / Phase:
ITT Mentor: / Week:
Establishment: / Date: / Checklist for weekly meetings: Have you?
Review of progress towards targets agreed at previous weekly meeting (to be completed by the trainee in advance of the meeting)this must identifythe impact of actions taken on pupils’ learning, progress and attainment.
/ To check the box –double click (left) the square then ensure “default value” = checked. OK

Weekly Meeting Form EXAMPLE 2017-18Revised July 2017

EXAMPLE Weekly Meeting and Target-setting Record

Target 1
Target 2
Target 3 / Reviewedfeedback from lesson analysis forms and used this to focus discussion?
Consulted the TRACKER to identify progress and plan next steps?
Discussedkey learning from observing good practice and identified future observations?
Identified progress against previous targets with a focus on the impact on pupils?
Set appropriate targets for the coming week, drawing on the TRACKER?
Ensured targets are measurable and address a range of standards?
Identified specific actions to be taken to address targets?
Discussed the trainee’stimetable and ensured it meets their needs?
Discussed Subject Knowledge development needs and actions?
Checked the content of the QTS training and Development file?
Checked planning and evaluation in the School Experience file?
Specific Areas of Achievement since the previous meeting (to be completed by the ITT mentorwith reference to LJMU TRACKER; this should be updated to reflect progress, including listing evidence as appropriate)

Focus of training discussion(drawing on feedback given in lesson analyses and progress against previous targets)
Specific Targetsfor Development with reference to the TRACKERin order to improve impact on learningClear, specific targets should be discussed and agreed:
Target 1(Please include reference to Standards and anticipated impact on pupil learning)
Improve learning of more able pupils in (subject)by providing more challenging tasks.(S1, S2, S5)
Target 2(Please include reference to Standardsand anticipated impact on pupil learning)
Ensure opportunities are provided for learners to review their achievement of planned learning objectives so that they are fully aware of their progress.(S6)
Target 3(Please include reference to Standardsand anticipated impact on pupil learning)
Act swiftly to address low level disruption from the outset so that maximum use is made of learning time (S7).
Agreed actions to be taken to addresseach target
Actions - Target 1Explore a wider range of strategies for differentiation. Focus on how more able learners are stretched when observing staff. Identify clearly in lesson plans how the needs of more able learners will be met, assess and review their learning in evaluations.
Actions - Target 2Ensure planning identifies plenary/review points which revisit and review progress towards learning objectives. Ask mentors to focus on this aspect in observations of your teaching this week.
Actions - Target 3Revisit the school behaviour policy and ensure it is implemented consistently from the outset. Make notes when observing other staff to identify strategies used to tackle low level disruption.
ITT Mentor’s Signature:
Trainee’s Signature:

NB: A copy of each weekly Meeting proforma should be stored by the Trainee Teacher in the QTS Training and Development File and a copy given to the ITT mentor

Weekly Meeting Form EXAMPLE 2017-18Revised July 2017