(To be provided for evaluation and filing of patent application)

  1. Title of the project / Invention / New Technology


  1. Inventor(s) / collaborator(s) filling the patent

a)Name: ______

Designation : ______

Emp ID / Reg. No: ______

School: ______

Office Address : ______

Intercom / Mobile No:______

E-mail ______

b)Name: ______

Designation : ______

Emp ID / Reg. No: ______

School: ______

Office Address : ______

Intercom / Mobile No:______

E-mail : ______

c)Name: ______

Designation : ______

Emp ID / Reg. No: ______

School: ______

Office Address ______

Intercom / Mobile No:______

E-mail ______

  1. Principal Investigator(PI)______
  1. Sponsor(s) / Source of funding of the project / consultancy – with or without prior Contractual agreement ______



  1. Is the work bound by any agreement / contract / MOU?
  2. Date of start of the project
  3. Is the patent (to be filed) for a process or product?
  4. General area of the patent
  5. Name of process/product invented/developed
  6. Present state of art (Give also literature search details such as journals, other publications and patent databases)
  7. Limitations of the presently available technology/product
  8. Description of the invention (not more than 100 words)

a)The problem for which solution was researched

b)The invention namely the solution to the problem

  1. Origin of the idea/ invention: by whom and when?
  2. Any help received from others in conception of the idea?
  3. Has the work been displayed anywhere, if yes, when?
  4. First record of initial idea/invention (Oral/written/conceptualization)
  5. Has the work been reported/published /presented oral or poster anywhere(if ye, give full description)?
  6. Has any related patents been filed by the inventor?
  7. Information available in the published literature (prior art) about the problem tackled
  8. Unique features about the work done with respect to prior art
  9. Is the work a mere extension of common known knowledge?
  10. Has the work filled a major gap in prior art? If yes, a brief description of this gap .
  11. Any environmental issues?
  12. What aspect of the invention needs protection
  13. Has the work been systematically and chronologically documented?
  14. Commercial aspects of the product / process/ technology developed
  15. Any costing of the product/ process/inventions been done?
  16. Any industries / companies interested in licensing the work?
  17. Is the work
  18. Completed and results validated ?
  19. At a basic conceptualization stage ?
  20. I agree to assign to VIT University my rights in this invention

Inventor`s Signature ------Dated------

Inventor`s Signature ------Dated------

Inventor`s Signature ------Dated------

  1. I agree to assign to vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore my rights in this invention
  2. I confirm that the details furnished in respect of this invention / Technology are correct and agree to the request for filling of an application patent with the names of the inventors as proposed above

Date: Signature of the Principal Investigator of the project

(*To be signed by PI , if PI is not an inventor)