Teacher: Mr Kamfwa
Phone: 571-434-4300
Advanced Functions
Class Description: Advanced Functions and Modeling provides opportunities for students to deepen understanding and knowledge of functions based mathematics. Problem solving and critical thinking willprovide the structure in which functions (polynomial, exponential. logarithmic, transcendental, and rational) are studied. Experimental design will provide the foundation for data gathering, curve sketching, and curve fitting in order to provide a graphical interpretation of real world situations. Graphing calculators andother emerging technologies along with the precepts of transformational graphing will be incorporated into instruction to enhance teaching and learning. Mathematical communication, reasoning, problem solving, critical thinking, and multiple representations will be emphasized throughout the course.
First Quarter / Linear Functions AFM.1Quadratic Functions AFM.2
Polynomial Functions AFM.3
Second Quarter / Polynomial Functionscont. AFM.3
Function Characteristics AFM.4
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions AFM.5
Rational and Radical Functions AFM.6
Third Quarter / Unit Circle Trigonometry AFM.7, AFM.8
Trigonometric Functions AFM.9. AFM.10
Fourth Quarter / Trigonometric Identities AFM.11
Trigonometric Equations AFM.12
Applications of Trigonometry AFM.13
To be prepared for class, please bring the following everyday:
- 3-ring binder (2 inch), with dividers labeled Bell Ringer Notes, Homework, andTests/Quizzes
- Pencils
- Calculator (It is strongly encouraged that you purchase a TI-84 or TI-84Plusgraphingcalculator. See new calculator policy)
- Highlighter
- Colored Pencils
- Notebook paper and graph paper
- Do the right thing, Do the best you can, and Do treat others how you would like to be treated
- Homework is expected to be completed every day and graded on a completion basis. Each homework assignment is worth 5 points.
- When you are absent from class it is your responsibility to find out what was missed. LCPS policy says you have one day to make up work for each day of class missed. Tests and quizzes must be made up within one week. Make-up work needs to be arranged either before/after school or during Titan Time. Check While You Were Out Folder. There will be a section of the board that will contain the homework assignments, upcoming tests/quizzes and projects.
- Review materials will also be posted to Phoenix.
- Tests and quizzes will be announced in advance.
- Go to the restroom before class. Emergencies are the exception. Our class will observe the 20 minute rule. No trips to the restroom or other locations during the first and last 20 minutes of the class.
- HonorCode:DominionHighSchool places greatvalue onhonorandintegrity.Cheatingwill absolutelynotbe toleratedinthis class.Students whoare caughtcheatingwill receive a zeroforthe assignment, quiz,or testwith noexceptionandwillbe subject tofurther discipline. (See pages12-13 of your Student Agenda)
- Cell Phones/iPods:Personal electronic devices are allowed in the classroom with teacher permission and only for educational purposes. I will notify you when you can use the devices. Personal devices should be stored in a backpack or locker when not in use. Dominion High School cannot assume responsibility for such devices that are lost or stolen.
Daily Procedures
- Arrive to class prepared and on time with all necessary materials
- Be in assigned seat BEFORE the bell rings; you are considered tardy if you are out of your seat for any reason without a pass before the bell rings
- Begin the bell ringer immediately and without talking as soon as you get to your seat
- Place homework on your desk as soon as you get to your seat
Extra Help:Studentsareencouragedtogetextra helpas necessary.Thecoursewillcontinuetobuildupon previousmaterial,soplease seekhelpimmediatelyif you are falling behind. I am available in Titan Time as well as on Monday afternoons from 4-5 and Thursday mornings from 8-9 and upon request.
Quartergradeswill be based ona totalpointssystem. Studentsshould keeptrackoftheir gradeby dividingthe total pointsearned by the total pointspossible.Assessmentswill include,but arenotlimitedto,class work, homework assignments,quizzes,andtests.Quarter gradeswill bedetermined bytheLCPS gradingscale.
LCPS Grading Scale:
A+ 98-100 4.3A 93-97 4.0A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3B 83-86 3.0B- 80-822.7
C+ 77-79 2.3C 73-76 2.0C- 70-72 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.3D 63-66 1.0D- 60-62 0.7
F 59 and below 0.0