To be filled out by Cluster Staff:


MoU between WFP and the USER for the Management of Common Storage Services (CSS) on behalf of the Logistics Cluster.

For the provision of Common Storage Services (CSS) on behalf of the Logistics Cluster for LC partners storage in the following location:


Name of Organization:
Focal Point:
Phone Number:
  1. The USER
  1. THE USER will provide CSS on behalf of the Logistics Cluster to LC partners operating in South Sudan through the loaning of ...... rub-hallsfrom the date of the signature of this MoU and until......
  1. THE USERwill provide full store management including erecting the rub hall, storekeeping, cleaning, security and general repairs during the contracting period.THE USER will be responsible for any missing part or damages when the rub hall is returned to WFP.
  1. THE USER will provide 4 (four) weeks written notice if they no longer wish to manage the facility.
  1. THE USERwill submit stock reports to the Logistics Cluster for monitoring purposes on a regular basis as agreed by the LC Coordinator and THE USER.
  1. THE USERwill direct all agencies requesting access to the common store to the Logistics Cluster for authorisation. No items shall be stored in the rub hall unless approved by the Logistics Cluster.
  1. Cost sharing or other changes concerning the overall management of the CSS facility is prohibited without prior consultation with the Logistics Cluster.
  1. Relocation of the rub hall to a new site must be communicated to the Logistics Cluster in writing at least 4 (four) weeks in advance, after consultation with the CSS users.
  1. THE USER must not release storage space to unauthorised agency focal points.
  1. In case of urgent needs WFP has the right to request the return of the MSU within 1 (one) week notice.
  1. WFP Logistics cluster
  1. Logistics Cluster will support THE USERthrough the provision of training, advice and other mechanisms as requested.
  1. The rub hall remains under the ownership of the Logistics Cluster .
  1. Logistics Cluster withholds the right to end the agreement with THE USER if the project nolonger meets its mandate of common storage provision, low utilisation rates or an overall lack of commitment to the project by the managing partner or in case the Logistics Cluster urgently needs it with 1 – one – week notice
  1. The Logistics Cluster willnot be responsible for dismantling the rub hall at project end.
  1. Logistics Cluster will not be held responsible for any the loss or damage.
  1. Any cargo which is to be transported, entered in a warehouse or removed from a warehouse must be identified with the following element:


The Logistics Cluster will not be able to accept any cargo without this document attached.

  1. In case a cargo contains dangerous goods, it must be clearly identified with the following references on it :

-DANGEROUS GOOD (Written in capital letters)

-Name of the dangerous goods

Dangerous goods, except flammables, can be stored inside the WFP warehouse.

The flammables must be stored at the Logistics Cluster’s MSU inside the

UNMISS compound.

  1. Any cargo should be stored in the Logistics Cluster’s MSU at least 48 h before the transport so that the dispatch zone can be organised.

For WFP Logistics ClusterFor the User / Partner


Logistics Cluster CoordinatorName:

Juba, South Sudan


Date: ______Date:______

This document replaces MSU MoU ______(Number) which expires(d) on ______, signed by representatives of ______(Organization).

For Use By WFP Logistics Cluster Staff
This MSU was returned/replaced:
Approving Logistics Cluster Staff:
Waybill Number:


SoP: MoU for the Loaning of a MSU for Common Storage Services– January 2015