University of Portsmouth – Quality Management Division / RESE 01
Oct 2015
/ ONLY use this form for full collaborative partnerships and collaborative specific credit proposals that follow theCollaborative Programme Approval Process.
Please answer all applicable questions / sections.
1Name of Partner Institution (PI) and UoP Course(s)
Name of Partner:
List UoP programmes proposed:
Faculty / Department:
2Risk criteria
Please take into consideration anything that may arise from the Partner Profile, testimonials or any site visit that may have been undertaken outside the formal approval process.
Add more as applicable / Met?
Y/N: / Brief Summary of Evidence plus any supporting comments:
If criterion not met, what are the agreed mitigating actions and who is responsible?
About the Partner Institution
The Partner has the legal authority to enter into the proposed collaboration? or,
The partner has sought permission from the relevant authorities to enter into the proposed collaboration?
(delete as applicable)
Positive outcomes of external quality reviews of partner by external agencies, if applicable?
The Partner has current or prior experience of collaborating with UK Higher Education Institutions?
The Partner has current or prior experience of collaborating with UoP?
About the proposed collaboration
The Partner’s staff resource and facilities is commensurate with the proposed collaboration?
The learning environment at the Partner is comparable with the proposed intake numbers and will enable students to achieve the required learning outcomes at the required level?
The language of teaching, instruction and assessment on the proposed programmes is / shall be English?
The UoP/Faculty/School/Dept has current or prior experience of collaborating with similar programme with other partners?
The Partner will provide induction (including health & safety) for the students to their learning environment?
The Partner has adequate insurance cover appropriate to the collaboration?
There are no ethical, political, legal or security concerns that are likely to affect the collaboration?
About the PI territory (only answer the next two questions if non-UK)
According to travel advice and site visits where undertaken, the partner territory or locality is politically stable, and generally safe for visitors? / Refer to the UK Government’s travel advice at
and UoP’s travel insurers
(ONLY applicable if NQF in PI territory)
Description of level of qualification on national qualification framework in partner territory is accurate and status notified when changes occur. / Regular monitoring required (by all) to ensure any changes are notified and acted upon.
Any additional criteria arising from the Partner Profile or any site visit
Has the Partner Profile identified any additional risks or problem? / The Partner Profile may identify such things as Leased / shared / third party / mortgaged premises or resources.
Has any site visit identified any additional risks or problems?
Have External Review reports identified any additional risks or problems?
Any other potential issues or risks that need to be considered?
Head of Department signoff
The Head of Department has reviewed the Risk Criteria and supports the proposal, and is satisfied that the appropriate consultation with key stakeholders has taken place, potential or possible risks have been identified and an appropriate Contingency Plan has been drafted.
Approval by Head of Department
Name / eSignature or type “Approved” below / Date
Finish here / Declaration complete
Thank you for completing this form.
Please email this form to your AD(A) or FVO.
To be completed by Quality Management Division
3Credit Report informationQuality Management Division has received the external Credit Report and has noted the following information.
Add more as applicable / Met?
Y/N: / If criterion not fully met, what are the agreed mitigating actions and who is responsible?: / Additional comments:
According to the external Credit Report the partner is:
Financially strong;
A low credit risk;
In good financial health;
Paying its invoices on time;
Free from any outstanding registered charges;
Free from any court judgments or action.
Any information provided by Central Finance Department that may provide/cause an issue or risk?
Section 3 completed by:
Name / Date
CONFIDENTIAL Internal document –Risk evaluation Full Collab – ©University of Portsmouth, October 2015Page 1 of 3