23rd January, 2017

Mr. J. Wyatt

(01446) 709408


To:All Potential Candidates Standing in the Vale of Glamorgan Council Election 2017

Dear Sir / Madam,

Vale of Glamorgan Council Election 2017: Candidates’ Information

This letter contains a number of embedded documents, together with links to others. As a potential candidate, you will hopefully find the information useful and informative in the run-up to the election and, obviously, subsequently if you are, indeed, elected.

I would draw your attention, in particular, to the Member Induction Timetable. It is important that all individuals who are elected have taken account of the dates of the various development sessions which have been arranged. A number of these sessions have been identified by the Council as being Mandatory in terms of Member attendance. These are:

  • Code of Conduct and Governance (all Members)
  • Information Governance and Data Protection (all Members)
  • Introduction to Finance (all Members)
  • Equalities (all Members)
  • Corporate Parenting (all Members)
  • Planning (all Members appointed to the Planning Committee at the Annual Meeting of Council on 24th May 2017)
  • Licensing(all Members appointed to the Licensing Committee at the Annual Meeting of Council on 24th May 2017)
  • Introduction to the Standards Committee (all Members appointed to the Standards Committee at the Annual Meeting of Council on 24th May 2017)
  • Introduction to the Audit Committee (all Members appointed to the Audit Committee at the Annual Meeting of Council on 24th May 2017)
  • Chairing Skills (any Member appointed as a Chairman of a Committee)

You will note from the Member Induction Timetable (see below) that dates for a number of the above sessions have already been agreed in order that you are made aware of them well ahead of the Election.


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I would also draw your attention to the “Market Place” event, which will take place on 8th/9th May 2017 (details can again be found in the Member Induction Timetable).

The following information can be accessed via the relevant embedded PDF document / link:

1.Calendar of Meetings 2017/18 (the majority of meetings currently commence at 18:00).

2.Member Induction Timetable (which includes Mandatory training).

3.Member Development Strategy.

4.Webcasting Protocol (meetings of Full Council and the Planning Committee are webcast live).

5.Scrutiny and Cabinet Roles and Responsibilities.

6.Scrutiny Guide (there are other guides in the series as you will see on the back of the document).

7.Vale of Glamorgan Council Constitution.

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8.Information Commissioner’s Office information - “Data Protection Act - Advice for Elected and Prospective Councillors

9.“Be a Councillor 2017” (produced by Welsh Local Government Association and available by accessing the following website page:

I trust you will find this information of assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Jeff Wyatt

Head of Democratic Services