TO: All Members

FROM: Janet L. Meeks,Superintendent

RE: Regular Meeting

DATE, TIME, & PLACE: Thursday, September 16, 2010at 6:30 p.m. local time at The Custer Elementary School Library

5:30 p.m. – Public Tax Hearing/Special Called Meeting @ Central Office


I. Call to order

A.Recognition of Guests

B.Roll Call

C.Agenda Revisions/Additions

II. Routine Consent Actions

A. Approve minutes – Special Called meeting Thursday, August 17, 2010

B. Approve treasurer’s orders

  1. Approve payment of bills
  2. Declare technology items, lunchroom tables, and miscellaneous electrical/maintenance suppliesas surplus property and approve advertising for bid per KRS regulations

III. Presentation by Farm Bureau Board of Directors Women’s Committee followed byStudent Presentation

IV. Discussion and Action Items

A.Instruction and Curriculum

  1. Head Start Report – Mike Simpson
  2. Approve Emergency Certification for BCHS Math Teacher
  3. Discuss ACT Scores
  4. Approve Fundraiser request for the Lady Tigers and Fighting Tigers Basketball Team
  5. Approve out of state field trip request for IES classes to Huber’s Orchard in Borden, IN September 30, 2010 utilizing district transportation
  6. Approve out of state field trip request for HES Lower Primary classes toDerby Dinner Playhouse in Clarksville, INOctober 25, 2010 utilizing district transportation


  1. Set tax rate on real estate and personal property for 2010-2011 school year
  2. Approve lunchroom commodity bids
  3. Approve 2010-2011 Working Budget
  4. Approve 2010-2011Payroll Calendar
  5. Approve pay request to RBS for Ben Johnson renovation project in the amount of $21, 530.50
  6. Approve pay request to Venture Contracting for $511,195.65 for the BJES Project


A. Acknowledgment of Personnel Actions (all personnel actions are subject to all completed paperwork, certifications, etc.)

1. employed:

a)ESS Staff @ HES- Eve Dowell, Lisa Doyle, Paula Conner, Marcus Duke, Nissa Shannon, and Marsha Sutton, @ BCMS –Jane Upmeyer, Kim Pennington, Annette King, Missy Critchelow, Jennifer Drane, Stacey Harness, Donna Shartzer, and Shannon Tabor, @ BCHS – Patti Patton

b)Bobbie Jo Noblett as K-5 Teacher at HES

c)Daniel Corley as Math Teacher at BCHS

d)Jessica DeLaRosa as an Instructional Assistant at CES

e)Brittany Foreman as Instructional Assistant/Child Care Provider at CES

f)Kala Rudd as Special Education Instructional Assistant at IES

g)Jonni Nottingham, Andrew Matthews,Russell Matthews, Joseph Harness, Ashley Bennett, and Brandon Minton as substitute teachers

h)Alana Flatt as a classified substitute

2. transfer (s):

a)Winona Ashburn from CES Instructional Assistant/Child Care Provider to CES Instructional Assistant

b)Jim Chandler from Special Education Instructional Assistant at IES to Special Education Instructional Assistant at HES

3. retirement (s):

a)Kaye Carman Assistant Cafeteria Manager at HES effective October 31, 2010

b)Jim Johnson as District Assistant Technology Director effective January 1, 2011

  1. BCEA/BCESP Representatives
  1. Superintendent’s Report

VI. Adjournment