Volunteer Position Description

Title: UMDR Riparian Restoration Team


Scottsdale Reserve is situated at the downstream end of Bredbo Gorge at the top of the Bumbalong Valley. This area is the focus of a collaborative partner program (including Bush Heritage Australia) that aims to rehabilitate the riparian corridor downstream to the Colinton Gorge, to provide a linkage corridor between the high quality habitat of the two gorges. Within the focus reach is a 20 Ha area of crown land corridor known as the ‘Bumbalong Quarry’ site. This site will be the planted out in spring 2015 and autumn 2016.

Suggested Activities:

·  Volunteers will work in a medium sized team to carry out native vegetation planting and basic plant maintenance on set planting days.

Time Commitment & Scheduling:

·  4-6 hour working bees, excluding travel to and from site.

·  Saturday 12th March or Sunday 13th March roster available

·  Friday 25th March or Saturday 26th (Easter Weekend)

·  Minimum 6 and Maximum 15 volunteers

·  Start: 9:30am

·  Finish: 3:30pm


·  Reliability and commitment to work safely with limited supervision

·  Own transport is essential in order to access the Bumbalong site

·  Site access via high wheel base vehicle, preferably 4WD

·  Willingness to adhere to BHA safety systems and directions

·  Reasonable level of physical fitness

·  Able to bring own tools (spade/hammer/bucket)

Worksite: The B’umbalong Quarry’ site is located on the upper Murrumbidgee River just downstream of the Scottsdale Reserve

Accommodation and Facilities on site: A restored shearing shed is used as a community hub and there a basic kitchen, seating and toilet facilities at Scottsdale which is a short distance travel from the Bumbalong Quarry site.


·  To be part of a collaboration between Bush Heritage Australia, the Upper Murrumbidgee Demonstration Reach, Australian River Restoration Centre, South East LLS, Dpt Trade and Investment Crown Lands and the NSW Environmental Trust to restore riparian connectivity along the upper Murrumbidgee River.

·  Making a practical contribution to the health of the Upper Murrumbidgee River and improving habitat for native fish conservation including threatened species such as Murray cod, Trout cod and Macquarie perch.

·  Experience with a national conservation organisation and the opportunity to contribute to the conservation goals of Bush Heritage Australia and its partners.

Support to be provided by BHA/UMDR

·  Orientation, work briefing and basic training opportunities

·  Training in basic revegetation methods

·  Basic Volunteer Workers Personal Accident insurance cover

Staff Contact/Supervisor:

Antia Brademann , Upper Murrumbidgee Demonstration Reach Facilitator

Mbl: 0429 778 633

Peter Saunders, Bush Heritage, Healthy Landscapes Manager – South East NSW

Mbl: 0407 700 431

How to Apply: Volunteers are invited to express their interest. The first available, matching volunteers who can commit will be placed.

Contact Michelle Stook (National Coordinator, Volunteer Program)

Telephone 0427 818 014, Email

Format source: Everyone Ready® Online Seminar “Designing Work for Today’s Volunteers” © 2011 Steve McCurley