Title:Turkey Transformations

Developed byPeggy Kilgo
Updated by Rhonda Yezak

View a sample


1. The students will use the drawing tools in MicrosoftWord to insert pictures in a table.
2. The students will demonstratea translation, a rotation, a reflection and a flip with the inserted pictures.

Timeline:Two 30 minute class periods

Content Area: Math / Grade Level:4
Materials/Resources:Microsoft Word / Technology Focus:
Word Processing
Subject Area - § (A, B)
Technology Applications - §126.3.1(A, B ,E), §126.3.2(A, B, D), §126.3.3(A), §126.3.7(A, B, C), §126.3.10(A, B), §126.3.11(A)


Get Started

1.Go to StartProgramsMicrosoftWord.

2.Go to FileSaveas.

3.In the Savein box, have students navigate to their folder on the school server.

4.In the Filename box, type TurkeyStudentName.

5.Click Save.

6.Go to FilePageSetupMargins.

7.Set the following margins:
a.Top -- 1.5".
b.Left -- 1".
c.Bottom -- 1".
d.Right -- 1".

8.In the Orientation section, make sure Portrait is selected.

9.Click the Layout tab.

10.In the Headers and footers section, set the Header box to 1".

11.Click OK.


Add Header

1.Go to ViewHeaderandFooter.

2.Type the student's name.

3.Click Close on the Header/Footer toolbar.

*To correct a mistake anytime during the activity, click EditUndo*
*To delete text, highlight the text and press the Delete key on the keyboard*

Insert Table

1.Go to TableInsertTable.

2.Choose 3 Columns and 4 Rows.

3.Click OK.

4.In Cell 1, (first column, first row) type: Translation.

5.Press the Tab key three times to move to Row 2.

6.Type: Rotation.

7.Press the Tab key three times to move to Row 3.

8.Type: Reflection.

9.Press the Tab key three times to move to Row 4.

10.Type: Reflection (vertical flip).

11.Go to FileSave.

Insert, Copy and Paste ClipArt

1.Click in Row 1, Column 2.

2.Go to InsertPictureClipArt.

3.In the Searchtext box, type Turkey.

4.Click the Search button.

5.Scroll down and find a picture of a turkey that faces either left or right.

6.Click the middle of the picture to insert it into table.

7.Double click the picture.

8.Go to the Layout tab and choose In line with text.

9.Click the Size tab.

10.Highlight the data in the Height box and type 1.4.

11.Click in the Width box and the width should automatically adjust.

12.Click OK.

13.Right click on the turkey and select Copy.

14.Click in Row 1, Column 3.

15.Right click and choose Paste.

16.Go to FileSave.

17.Click in Row 2, Column 2.

18.Right click and choose Paste.

19.Click in Row 2, Column 3.

20.Right click and choose Paste.

21.Click in Row 3, Column 2.

22.Right click and choose Paste.

23.Click in Row 3, Column 3.

24.Right click and choose Paste.

25.Click in Row 4, Column 2.

26.Right click and choose Paste.

27.Click in Row 4, Column 3.

28.Right click and choose Paste.


Rotate and Flip

1.Double click the turkey in Row 2, Column 3.

2.Go to the Layout tab and choose Tight.

3.Click OK.

4.Move the cursor over the green dot at the top of the turkey and dragthe green dot in a circular motion to a 3:00 position.


6.Double click the turkey in Row 3, Column 3.

7.Go to the Layout tab and choose Tight.

8.Click OK.

9.Click on Draw in the bottom left corner and choose RotateorFlip.

10.Choose FlipHorizontal.


12.Double click the turkey in Row 4, Column 3.

13.Go to the Layout tab and choose Tight.

14.Click OK.

15.Go to DrawRotateorFlipFlipVertical.


17.Select the last turkey and move it under the turkey in Row 4, Column 2 (it should now be a reflection of the top turkey).


Format Font

1.Go to EditSelectAll.

2.Go to FormatFont.

3.In the Font box, choose ComicSans.

4.In the Size box, choose 20.

5.In the Fontstyle box, choose Bold.

6.Click OK.

7.Click off of the font.


Add Page Border

1.Go to FormatBordersandShading.

2.Click the PageBorder tab.

3.In the Setting section, select Box.

4.In the Art section, click the down arrow and select a border.

5.Click OK.



1.Go to File PrintPreview.

2.If everything fits on one page, click the Close button (top toolbar).

3.Go to FilePrint.

4.In the Pagerange section, click the Pages button and type 1 in the box.

5.Click OK.

Assessment:Print out the page and check that each picture example follows the meaning of the definition

Modifications:Have students work in pairs; Provide a partially completed template
Extensions:Have students use different clip art pictures in a new table


Word Processing
Manage Documents / 
the skills utilized in the project
Save a document to the file server / R / X
Use Print Preview / R / X
Format Documents
Set line spacing / R
Set alignment / R / X
Choose page orientation / R / X
Use headers/footers / I
Edit Text
Cut, copy, and paste / R / X
Spell check / R
Undo/Redo / R / X
Import Graphics
Insert and resize graphics / R / X
Use the drawing tools / R
Change fill color / R
Use rotate/flip / R / X
Use AutoShapes / R
Change line color and width / R
Use WordArt / R
Set the Text Wrap on graphics / R
Add page borders / R / X