Title:- To study the anti-microbial effect palash (Butea monosperma)seeds (Beeja)& flowers (Pushpa) on urinary tract infection through culture & sensitivity test.
Dr. Ashok Kumar has submitted this dissertation to the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Pune (M.S.) Indiafor M.D. in Rognidan & Vikritividnyan the year 2009.
His guide was Prof. Dr. Anand B. More, H.O.D. Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune.
Latin name of plant palash is Butea monosperma. According to Ayurvedic compendia Butea monosperma (palash) has wormicidal effect which is studied in this M.D. project.
For this purpose seeds and flowers of Butea monosperma are collected and standardized in the Botany Dept. of Pune University.
To assess antimicrobial effect of palash (Butea monosperma) total 50 no. of urinary tract infected patients were randomly selected.
Physical, chemical and microscopic examination of urine of these 50 patients was done urine samples having albumin and pus cells in the urine were selected.
Ethyl alcohol extraction of palash seeds (Buteamonosperma) was done. 10%, 20%, 90% & 100% concentration sensitivity discs of palash seeds and palash flowers (Buteamonosperma) were prepared.
Infected urine was inoculated on culture media and incubated for 24 hrs at 37 degree Celsius.
Morphological study gram staining and identification of the colonies grown after 24 hrs was done.
Media used for study were Nutrient agar, Macconkey’s media & blood agar.
Culture preparation of E coli, Staphylococci, streptococci, pseudomonas aerogenosa, Klebseilla was done and culture & sensitivity of palash seeds & flowers (Butea monosperma) was studied.
Final conclusion was as follows-
1)Prevalence of UTI is more in middle age people between 20-40 yrs.
2)The most common pathogen was E. coli (58%), Staphylococcus (14%), Klebseilla (12%), streptococcus (8%) & Pseudomonas (8%).
3)Antimicrobial susceptibility of Palash flowers (Buteamonosperma) extract was found that palash seeds (Buteamonosperma) to all uropathogens.
4)Higher concentrations of palash flowers & seeds (Buteamonosperma) are mild to moderate effective against uropathogens Staphylococcus.
5)Palash seed extract in higher concentration is mild effective against Klebseilla.
6)Palash flower extract (Butea monosperma) in higher concentration is mild to moderate effective against Klebseilla.
7)Palash flower extract in low concentration has no effect against uropathogenes Streptococcus.
8)Higher concentration of palash (Buteamonosperma)flowers & seeds extract was found more susceptible compare to lower concentration.
Data entry on 29/4/11
Given by Dr. Chobhe
Edited on: 17/8/11
Edited By Dr.Chobhe